Biden tries to claim credit for Israel cease fire.

The lying plahiarist, whose phone call Israel's leader would not even take, is claiming HE is responsible for the Cease Fire EGYPT negotiated.

Yeah, and COVID-19 vaccines did not exist until after he stepped into the Oval Office, too.

LBJ, w, and traitor Joe are all puppets of Israel.

The "rocket attack" was a total fraud, a movie made in the same studio that made the ISIS movies...

But as long as subs can parrot fox and a Jew fraud of a Christian preacher, they'll believe and serve their chosen masters...

Next movie up - hezbo summons Godzilla to attack Israel
No, President Biden is only responsible for the outbreak of the violence, not any cessation of it.
So the Atlanta Jewish times meant what when they editorialized 10 years ago

Have us based Mossad assets take out a president - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that the current vp - traitor Joe, obviously JEwish too - could forcefully dictate us foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies


You should go talk to Azog. You two will be besties in no tim. He loves him some Trump supporters. You’re exactly his kind of guy.
I see.

On a message board just shut your mouth....

Thanks once again for vslidating that subs, pro Israel American Christians, have IQ under 5 and are the only demographic on the planet too STUPID to figure out that 911 was a fraud and that Israel did it...
I am not a Christian and if my IQ was under five I would not be able to type. Try again you Jew hating mongoloid.

But he loves Donald Trump, Azog. He’s one of Trump’s supporters. He’s no different than YOU are. You support anti-Semetism and violence against your own people when you vote for Trump.

This is what happens when you vote for the party of hate. All the haters are there.
I see.

On a message board just shut your mouth....

Thanks once again for vslidating that subs, pro Israel American Christians, have IQ under 5 and are the only demographic on the planet too STUPID to figure out that 911 was a fraud and that Israel did it...
I am not a Christian and if my IQ was under five I would not be able to type. Try again you Jew hating mongoloid.

But he loves Donald Trump, Azog. He’s one of Trump’s supporters. He’s no different than YOU are. You support anti-Semetism and violence against your own people when you vote for Trump.

This is what happens when you vote for the party of hate. All the haters are there.
Wrong! Trump has as Jewish daughter and grandchildren and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. If he is a Jew hater then how do you explain below? --- TRUMP

Now, unlike you, DragonHag, I despise all racists, including this piece of garbage. Just because he also voted for Trump doesn't make us friends you old shrew.

Well it was a nostrile thread, so expecting some actual discussion is futile
Nice contribution. Thanks for stopping by.
Since most negotiations like this are highly confidential, only the parties can confirm or deny credit, and there is no evidence that Biden wasn't responsible.
Yes, there is. Bibi told Veggie Joe to pound sand when he told him to stop retaliating.

Egypt negotiated this. Biden was busy drooling in his tapioca pudding.
Well it was a nostrile thread, so expecting some actual discussion is futile
Nice contribution. Thanks for stopping by.
Since most negotiations like this are highly confidential, only the parties can confirm or deny credit, and there is no evidence that Biden wasn't responsible.
It's a nostril thread. There's nothing here, and to expect anything is futile. But since you sort of bring it up, does anyone remotely suspect that Egypt (that was in direct negotiations between Hamas and Israel) could influence Israel to stand down while they were winning? Did our negotiations help?

Imo it's a good bet that Trump would have let Israel do whatever it wanted to do. And continued to have no negotiations with Iran.

Of course we had to continue to agree to "sell" Israel 750billion in arms and replenish their iron dome defense. But I suppose there might be questions of whether the cease fire was a good idea, given Israel's provoking the Palestinians by "Settlers" approriating Sheikh Jarrah and attacking the al-asqa mosque worshippers, and Hamas' sudden embrace of international law. Biden says it is and negotiations will follow.

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