Biden tries to claim credit for Israel cease fire.

That is the problem. If people never follow the news closely, they will believe it is Biden getting the job done. Israel has been telling Biden to fxxk off for few days when Biden told them to stop returning fire. In fact, it was Egypt brokered an agreement :rolleyes:

Well, Bibi is up on corruption charges so he's even more beligerent than normal.

Do you have a list of utterly irrelevant, nonsensical remarks to make to try to derail discussions, or are you actually making all this inane, waste-of-kinetic-energy gibberish all on your own? Because if it's the latter, you need to just accept that you're brain-dead and lie down.

Barring the welcome relief of that, maybe you could just cut to the chase, be honest, and tell us that you hate Jews, and therefore they are always wrong in your eyes for anything they do, simply because they are wrong in your eyes for existing in the first place.

"Well, in the 1980s, they did THIS. And way back in the Eisenhower administration, they did THAT. And I heard the Netanyahu was a big meaniehead!"

Seriously, a lobotomized parakeet could make better arguments than this.
Why would Israel agree to a cease fire. They were winning, and Hamas still had rockets they could fire.
And if Biden's terrorists fire them Israel will pummel them into submission again.
You haven't answered, why would Israel stop?
Certainly Egypt has no political influence over Israel. So who convinced Israel to stop while they were winning, and still had more to do.
It's nostril. He doesn't give a fuck as to the actual issue.

But it seems the maj of Israel thinks that no matter what they do, Hamas will not leave them alone to live in peace, so they do not stop some Israelis from stealing and beating up Palestinians. And when Hamas rockets Israel, it seems most Pales either are happy or don't disapprove.

And most of the ME arabs have had it with the Palestinians.

So, my question, and not just for you, is can the US do anything positive to stop both sides from acting like savages from before the Roman Empire? I mean the Romans didn't start nailing people to trees as examples without reason.
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Jealousy everywhere. Biden is an adult. Handling his role like a professional. The results matter:

- Vaccines distributed
- Economy growing fast
- Stock market all time high
- Cease fire brokered fast
- Lowest unemployment filings in 14 months
- Drove the shit out of an electric truck

What else can Joe do in his first 4 months. He’s killing it.

Thank you for confirming that all you expect of a Democrat is for him to exist with a (D) after his name for you to invent any and every accomplishment to fellate him over.

You did forget to mention that the sun also has continued to rise in the east every morning and set in the west every night. Surely Dementia Joe was responsible for THAT, as well, since it happened while he was sitting at the Resolute Desk, playing with the stapler.
But it seems the maj of Israel thinks that no matter what they do, Hamas will not leave them alone to live in peace, so some in Israel illegally take land and harass palestinians, so a maj of Palestinians want Hamas to rocket Israel.
Both sides don't think the conflict can be resolved peacefully, since they think that they can get an advantage through violence.

So it takes more than sensible words to get the two sides to stop fighting. Somebody had to use a stick or a carrot to convince them to stop fighting.
This guy is a hoot.

Biden is claiming credit for anything positive that has happened regardless of his contribution and denying blame for the things he is clearly responsible for.
Biden is claiming credit for anything positive that has happened regardless of his contribution and denying blame for the things he is clearly responsible for.
Sounds like Trump, the economy, and the pandemic response.
Who to believe.............Israeli officials, or some single digit IQ leftist hack on the innerwebs............


Israeli and Hamas have accepted a cease-fire plan that was to take effect at 2 a.m. local time Friday after 11 days of fighting in Gaza.

The Israeli Cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian initiative for a cease-fire, according to a statement from the Cabinet. A Hamas spokesman said, "The Palestinian resistance will commit itself to this deal as long as the occupation is committed."
And you believe that Egypt talked Israel into stopping in the middle of destroying Hamas, to accept a cease fire, allowing Hamas to rearm.
Once again, I will believe all the parties involved over a raving lunatic Libtard like you.

But it seems the maj of Israel thinks that no matter what they do, Hamas will not leave them alone to live in peace, so some in Israel illegally take land and harass palestinians, so a maj of Palestinians want Hamas to rocket Israel.
Both sides don't think the conflict can be resolved peacefully, since they think that they can get an advantage through violence.

So it takes more than sensible words to get the two sides to stop fighting. Somebody had to use a stick or a carrot to convince them to stop fighting.
Wellllll I think most ME arabs are convinced the Pales cannot get any advantage through fighting. And possibly they think that dealing with Israel is more productive than if the Pales ran the joint. LOL

I used to think that most Israelis were different from the Settlers, and more like you or me, and like most American Jews. But not any more. At one time Israel restrained its Settlers and lived by secular law. That actually got Rabin assassinated btw. The Israelis offered a peace once. But Hamas teaches the Palestinians that they can out procreate the Israeli Jews. And Israel will just use its Settlers to take more land, and they'll put the Palestinians in geographic areas designated for them (ghettos or homelands). That makes the Israelis seem like Europe was or SA. But Israel only exists as a Jewish Maj state.

I think Israel might have been OK with helping Palestinians build a functioning economy, and an economy that was integrated with Israel's. But today imo Biden sees a Jewish maj Israel along borders it can defend. And I don't really see Biden giving Iran carte blanch to rearm Hamas. Instead, I think Biden will push for a unified global agreement that countries cannot fund hamas militarily, and Israel should exercise a little restraint to stop inciting violence just for an excuse
Who to believe.............Israeli officials, or some single digit IQ leftist hack on the innerwebs............


Israeli and Hamas have accepted a cease-fire plan that was to take effect at 2 a.m. local time Friday after 11 days of fighting in Gaza.

The Israeli Cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian initiative for a cease-fire, according to a statement from the Cabinet. A Hamas spokesman said, "The Palestinian resistance will commit itself to this deal as long as the occupation is committed."
And you believe that Egypt talked Israel into stopping in the middle of destroying Hamas, to accept a cease fire, allowing Hamas to rearm.
Pedo Joe said he would not allow Hamas to re-arm, so this will never happen again.

Problem solved.
And you believe that Egypt talked Israel into stopping in the middle of destroying Hamas, to accept a cease fire, allowing Hamas to rearm.
Once again, I will believe all the parties involved over a raving lunatic Libtard like you.

It's called diplomacy. When you let the parties save face, instead of giving them a public spanking.

It's simple Occam's razor. Is it more likely that Egypt, that has no sway over Israel, did it on their own, or that they did it with the help from the person controlling billions in aid to Israel.

Remember, as you keep pointing out. Biden did the same to the Ukraine president, telling him he won't get the billion dollars, unless he fired the prosecutor.

Israel won't get the billion, unless they accept a cease fire.
And you believe that Egypt talked Israel into stopping in the middle of destroying Hamas, to accept a cease fire, allowing Hamas to rearm.
Once again, I will believe all the parties involved over a raving lunatic Libtard like you.

It's called diplomacy. When you let the parties save face, instead of giving them a public spanking.

It's simple Occam's razor. Is it more likely that Egypt, that has no sway over Israel, did it on their own, or that they did it with the help from the person controlling billions in aid to Israel.

Remember, as you keep pointing out. Biden did the same to the Ukraine president, telling him he won't get the billion dollars, unless he fired the prosecutor.

Israel won't get the billion, unless they accept a cease fire.
Once again, I will believe all the parties involved over a raving lunatic Libtard like you.

The US provided $3.8 billion in foreign military aid to Israel. Israel also benefits from about $8 billion of loan guarantees.

Joe Biden "went to Ukraine and threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid if they did not...

History repeats itself?
But it seems the maj of Israel thinks that no matter what they do, Hamas will not leave them alone to live in peace, so some in Israel illegally take land and harass palestinians, so a maj of Palestinians want Hamas to rocket Israel.
Both sides don't think the conflict can be resolved peacefully, since they think that they can get an advantage through violence.

So it takes more than sensible words to get the two sides to stop fighting. Somebody had to use a stick or a carrot to convince them to stop fighting.
Wellllll I think most ME arabs are convinced the Pales cannot get any advantage through fighting. And possibly they think that dealing with Israel is more productive than if the Pales ran the joint. LOL

I used to think that most Israelis were different from the Settlers, and more like you or me, and like most American Jews. But not any more. At one time Israel restrained its Settlers and lived by secular law. That actually got Rabin assassinated btw. The Israelis offered a peace once. But Hamas teaches the Palestinians that they can out procreate the Israeli Jews. And Israel will just use its Settlers to take more land, and they'll put the Palestinians in geographic areas designated for them (ghettos or homelands). That makes the Israelis seem like Europe was or SA. But Israel only exists as a Jewish Maj state.

I think Israel might have been OK with helping Palestinians build a functioning economy, and an economy that was integrated with Israel's. But today imo Biden sees a Jewish maj Israel along borders it can defend. And I don't really see Biden giving Iran carte blanch to rearm Hamas. Instead, I think Biden will push for a unified global agreement that countries cannot fund hamas militarily, and Israel should exercise a little restraint to stop inciting violence just for an excuse
Yeah, we know how those "globalized" agreements work in the Middle East.
But it seems the maj of Israel thinks that no matter what they do, Hamas will not leave them alone to live in peace, so some in Israel illegally take land and harass palestinians, so a maj of Palestinians want Hamas to rocket Israel.
Both sides don't think the conflict can be resolved peacefully, since they think that they can get an advantage through violence.

So it takes more than sensible words to get the two sides to stop fighting. Somebody had to use a stick or a carrot to convince them to stop fighting.
Wellllll I think most ME arabs are convinced the Pales cannot get any advantage through fighting. And possibly they think that dealing with Israel is more productive than if the Pales ran the joint. LOL

I used to think that most Israelis were different from the Settlers, and more like you or me, and like most American Jews. But not any more. At one time Israel restrained its Settlers and lived by secular law. That actually got Rabin assassinated btw. The Israelis offered a peace once. But Hamas teaches the Palestinians that they can out procreate the Israeli Jews. And Israel will just use its Settlers to take more land, and they'll put the Palestinians in geographic areas designated for them (ghettos or homelands). That makes the Israelis seem like Europe was or SA. But Israel only exists as a Jewish Maj state.

I think Israel might have been OK with helping Palestinians build a functioning economy, and an economy that was integrated with Israel's. But today imo Biden sees a Jewish maj Israel along borders it can defend. And I don't really see Biden giving Iran carte blanch to rearm Hamas. Instead, I think Biden will push for a unified global agreement that countries cannot fund hamas militarily, and Israel should exercise a little restraint to stop inciting violence just for an excuse
Yeah, we know how those "globalized" agreements work in the Middle East.
Like the Camp David one! Or the Abraham one. Maybe? LOL

Seriously, I have to give Trump credit for getting Arab countries to acknowledge it's in their interests to work with Israel. That reality may have been in Biden's hip pocket in getting Bibi to ex-nay a conflict basically incited by ultra-orthodox Jewish "settlers." They goaded Hamas, and gave Bibi the opportunity to really go into gaza .. but he backed off
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But it seems the maj of Israel thinks that no matter what they do, Hamas will not leave them alone to live in peace, so some in Israel illegally take land and harass palestinians, so a maj of Palestinians want Hamas to rocket Israel.
Both sides don't think the conflict can be resolved peacefully, since they think that they can get an advantage through violence.

So it takes more than sensible words to get the two sides to stop fighting. Somebody had to use a stick or a carrot to convince them to stop fighting.
Wellllll I think most ME arabs are convinced the Pales cannot get any advantage through fighting. And possibly they think that dealing with Israel is more productive than if the Pales ran the joint. LOL

I used to think that most Israelis were different from the Settlers, and more like you or me, and like most American Jews. But not any more. At one time Israel restrained its Settlers and lived by secular law. That actually got Rabin assassinated btw. The Israelis offered a peace once. But Hamas teaches the Palestinians that they can out procreate the Israeli Jews. And Israel will just use its Settlers to take more land, and they'll put the Palestinians in geographic areas designated for them (ghettos or homelands). That makes the Israelis seem like Europe was or SA. But Israel only exists as a Jewish Maj state.

I think Israel might have been OK with helping Palestinians build a functioning economy, and an economy that was integrated with Israel's. But today imo Biden sees a Jewish maj Israel along borders it can defend. And I don't really see Biden giving Iran carte blanch to rearm Hamas. Instead, I think Biden will push for a unified global agreement that countries cannot fund hamas militarily, and Israel should exercise a little restraint to stop inciting violence just for an excuse
Yeah, we know how those "globalized" agreements work in the Middle East.
Like the Camp David one!
That was trilateral, not globalized. I regret so few on my level here.
But it seems the maj of Israel thinks that no matter what they do, Hamas will not leave them alone to live in peace, so some in Israel illegally take land and harass palestinians, so a maj of Palestinians want Hamas to rocket Israel.
Both sides don't think the conflict can be resolved peacefully, since they think that they can get an advantage through violence.

So it takes more than sensible words to get the two sides to stop fighting. Somebody had to use a stick or a carrot to convince them to stop fighting.
Wellllll I think most ME arabs are convinced the Pales cannot get any advantage through fighting. And possibly they think that dealing with Israel is more productive than if the Pales ran the joint. LOL

I used to think that most Israelis were different from the Settlers, and more like you or me, and like most American Jews. But not any more. At one time Israel restrained its Settlers and lived by secular law. That actually got Rabin assassinated btw. The Israelis offered a peace once. But Hamas teaches the Palestinians that they can out procreate the Israeli Jews. And Israel will just use its Settlers to take more land, and they'll put the Palestinians in geographic areas designated for them (ghettos or homelands). That makes the Israelis seem like Europe was or SA. But Israel only exists as a Jewish Maj state.

I think Israel might have been OK with helping Palestinians build a functioning economy, and an economy that was integrated with Israel's. But today imo Biden sees a Jewish maj Israel along borders it can defend. And I don't really see Biden giving Iran carte blanch to rearm Hamas. Instead, I think Biden will push for a unified global agreement that countries cannot fund hamas militarily, and Israel should exercise a little restraint to stop inciting violence just for an excuse
Yeah, we know how those "globalized" agreements work in the Middle East.
Like the Camp David one!
That was trilateral, not globalized. I regret so few on my level here.
But it seems the maj of Israel thinks that no matter what they do, Hamas will not leave them alone to live in peace, so some in Israel illegally take land and harass palestinians, so a maj of Palestinians want Hamas to rocket Israel.
Both sides don't think the conflict can be resolved peacefully, since they think that they can get an advantage through violence.

So it takes more than sensible words to get the two sides to stop fighting. Somebody had to use a stick or a carrot to convince them to stop fighting.
Wellllll I think most ME arabs are convinced the Pales cannot get any advantage through fighting. And possibly they think that dealing with Israel is more productive than if the Pales ran the joint. LOL

I used to think that most Israelis were different from the Settlers, and more like you or me, and like most American Jews. But not any more. At one time Israel restrained its Settlers and lived by secular law. That actually got Rabin assassinated btw. The Israelis offered a peace once. But Hamas teaches the Palestinians that they can out procreate the Israeli Jews. And Israel will just use its Settlers to take more land, and they'll put the Palestinians in geographic areas designated for them (ghettos or homelands). That makes the Israelis seem like Europe was or SA. But Israel only exists as a Jewish Maj state.

I think Israel might have been OK with helping Palestinians build a functioning economy, and an economy that was integrated with Israel's. But today imo Biden sees a Jewish maj Israel along borders it can defend. And I don't really see Biden giving Iran carte blanch to rearm Hamas. Instead, I think Biden will push for a unified global agreement that countries cannot fund hamas militarily, and Israel should exercise a little restraint to stop inciting violence just for an excuse
Yeah, we know how those "globalized" agreements work in the Middle East.
Like the Camp David one!
That was trilateral, not globalized. I regret so few on my level here.
It is not a joke. I may be arrogant, but I find a lot of idiotic commentary here. You are not in the top five, but still a contender.

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