Biden under fire after claiming he “had a house burn down with my wife in it”

Satire website is your news source now?

I mean a satire site is more truthful than half the crap posted here.
Joe already was forced to retract much of his lie....not unlike so many of his many, many other lies i.e.
Joe visited Nelson Mandela, he played football for Delaware U., his good Amtrak friend, which is a
favorite of Joe's. Fact check: Biden keeps repeating a false story about an Amtrak conductor he knew.

When CNN itself has to take issue with your lies you have a problem.

Check your absurd comments before you further beclown yourself.
He is senile, corrupt, and a patholgical liar---its a bad combination. The dems puppet masters are wanting to rid themselves of the HO Harris---think they want to replace her with Moochelle Obama and then have BIDEN die or step down. They have to see the writing on the wall for Biden--he's a liability now even to them as he is getting harder to control or more specifically his mouth is getting harder to control and he may let to many cats out of the bag before dying.
Certainly doesn't give me a lot of confidence in the democrat party. Looking at who's waiting in the wings doesn't either.

The Dems went with Joe cuz he was the only guy they could sell as a moderate, the rest of them are Far Left lunatics. So who the hell will be their moderate now, going forward? I'm not seeing anyone they can try to run as a reasonable moderate alternative to the Repub, and I think we're about to see another red wave next November. And it's okay by me if the Dems don't see it as a repudiation of their ridiculous politics, they can run on their GND/Socialist agenda until the cows come home but IMHO it ain't gonna fly.
When Biden says something like that, he merely "misspoke". When Trump does it, he's he's a dirty rotten liar.

It is incomprehensible to me that Joe Biden was the best the democrats could do last year.
He was, because they passed him off as a harmless old suburban voters.........but like everything the democrats due, it was all bullshit......people see it much so, they are losing their grips on minorities, noone wants to be in that shit show party.
I think after awhile pathological liars, especially politicians with dementia, really believe their lies after awhile
Oh, come on, all older men believe their exaggerations!

You gotta make the story a little better each time, right?

This is not a biggie. I sure wish this was the worst mistake Biden made. Give him a pass on this one.
I'm not in the least bit surprised that Biden is the best the liberals can come up with. What's even less surprising is that Harris is the second best option. That's a party in crisis, thank goodness.

Yeah, just read the posts from the resident liberals on these boards. These folks have several screws loose and they are the Democrats that are actually paying attention. The average Democrat out there can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
I understand the Cry Baby Loser's bum kissers hating the guy millions more Americans voted for in 2020, but parroting lies like this reflects on them, not on the winner.

Is the Cry Baby Loser's being so deluded that he still imagines he won the 2020 election in a "Landslide!" that a conspiracy of lots of invisible people mysteriously stole from him?

Hey, the doddering dude is 75 years old and thinks he built a big, beautiful wall that Mexico paid for.

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.
I understand the Cry Baby Loser's bum kissers hating the guy millions more Americans voted for in 2020, but parroting lies like this reflects on them, not on the winner.

Is the Cry Baby Loser's being so deluded that he still imagines he won the 2020 election in a "Landslide!" that a conspiracy of lots of invisible people mysteriously stole from him?

Hey, the doddering dude is 75 years old and thinks he built a big, beautiful wall that Mexico paid for.

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.
Says the moron who kisses the bum of Joe Biden, speaking of worship of one failed politician.

You are a slavishly devoted to polls. Check Joe "Flatulence Passer" Biden's poll numbers.
Another Joe Biden Whopper.

A small kitchen fire that was put out within 20 minutes by the fire dept.

Biden says house burned ‘with my wife in it,’ adding to long list of embellished stories​

AP reported in 2004 that the fire was 'small' and 'contained to the kitchen'​

Speaking on a New Hampshire bridge on Tuesday about his bipartisan infrastructure plan, Biden said, "Without this bridge, as I said earlier, it’s a 10-mile detour just to get to the other side. And I know, having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely, God willing


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