Biden vows to help illegal criminals during his first 100 days...A pathway to citizenship for tens of millions. Will this help Americans?

But the illegal scumbag aliens will still come here, because there will still be employers who successfully elude the law. The illegal scumbag aliens will still try to find jobs and, when they can't, perhaps they decide to turn to criminal activities. After all, they're here and they want to earn money. They're already on the wrong side of the law, so it's no big stretch to believe they'd do that.

The theory that illegals will stop coming here if we went after the employers can be tested with one single question: If "right white people" stopped hiring them (and, presumably, fired the ones they currently employ), would those 11,000,000 illegal scumbag aliens leave?

No, they wouldn't.

You're dealing in hypotheticals... we can't get the wealthy to pay their fair share... much less actually obey the law. The thing is, there will always be that family that hires a bunch of illegals outside the home Depot when their DIY project turns out to be more involved than than Chip and Joanna made it look. There will always be that fly by night company who hires a few day laborers for a couple hours work.

You get worked up about this. Meh, makes no difference in my life.

Going after the employers isn't part of the equation for stemming the flow of illegal scumbag aliens into our country, because it just won't stop them. Going after the employers is simply a punitive measure taken against the employers, with no regard for its effect of stopping illegal scumbag aliens from coming here...

Actually, it already has. The number of illegals peaked in 2011 and has been in decline ever since. Part of that is because of E-Verify and such. Part of it is because the economy in Mexico has gotten better. What people like you forget is the main reason why we had such a surge in the 1990's was because after NAFTA, millions of Mexican agricultural workers were displaced when American Yellow Corn displaced traditional Mexican White Corn in the Mexican Market.
With biden the idiot promising illegal aliens US citizenship they are rushing to the US border. These foreigners will buy fake work histories and become legal residents and then US citizens.That is what happened when Reagan legalized illegal aliens that were already in the USA. In the Salinas Valley in California labor contractors sold these fake documents for $3000.00 to $4000.00 dollars. The human traffickers made alot of money smuggling illegal aliens into the USA.

JoeB131 doesn't care, he's part of the Hate America network....he'll tell you America is so bad that we need illegals to make America a better nation, he can't and won't tell / show you how the average American benefits from their presence...but he'll tell you they do.
I've been for open borders for a long time now. That may not be popular, but doesn't confront me.
I've been for open borders for a long time now. That may not be popular, but doesn't confront me.
Because it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside or because you believe the average citizens residing in productive, prosperous first world nations with a robust welfare system funded by The People can and do benefit from the presence of illiterate, immoral, desperate thirdworlders?
Because it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside or because you believe the average citizens residing in productive, prosperous first world nations with a robust welfare system funded by The People can and do benefit from the presence of illiterate, immoral, desperate thirdworlders?
C. None of the above.
Oh yeah, and they're here to flood our education system with their litters, flood our jail and prison system, destroy our healthcare and welfare systems, rape, maim and murder our people...But yeah, hotels and lettuce remain that's cool.

Well, that's what they care about, isn't it?

Come on, you guys claim you care about crime, but you don't fix any of the underlying causes, like poverty, easy access to guns,'s so bizarre that you weirdos can't connect the dots on such elementary shit....I'll explain it agian....
Get it now?

50 years ago, they said the same shit about the Polish.
100 years ago, they said the same thing about the Italians and Germans.
150 years ago, they said the same thing about the Irish.

We turned out fine, buddy.

"Well, that's what they care about, isn't it?
Come on, you guys claim you care about crime, but you don't fix any of the underlying causes, like poverty, easy access to guns."

Poverty doesn't cause crime....cultural deficiencies do. Why is there such little crime in poverty stricken, mostly white Appalachia?
Dark Democrats with guns are the do we keep guns from them without you crying "RACIST"?

"50 years ago, they said the same shit about the Polish.
100 years ago, they said the same thing about the Italians and Germans.
150 years ago, they said the same thing about the Irish."
Yeah but you hate old America and how we used to do things...right?
We're in different times with different needs....REMEMBER?
We've advanced and PROGRESSED, we don't need anybody with a heartbeat, we need high quality human beings with an iQ and something positive to offer the American citizenry.
The Jews are living it up like kings ..never had is so good
Never had is so good in 4,000 yrs
Got nice cloths
Fresh towels
Big Jewish houses
Big Jewish cars and boats
It's called having an education...

You do realize that most of my “ Jewish comments “ are hyperbole and to generate a few laughs
You do realize that you come off as a self-hating Jew to those who are not familiar with your "sense of humor".
I know that but nobody would ever believe the truth of my origins
Big Jewish houses
Big Jewish cars and boats
It's called having an education...

You do realize that most of my “ Jewish comments “ are hyperbole and to generate a few laughs
You do realize that you come off as a self-hating Jew to those who are not familiar with your "sense of humor".
I know that but nobody would ever believe the truth of my origins
Big Jewish houses
Big Jewish cars and boats
It's called having an education...

You do realize that most of my “ Jewish comments “ are hyperbole and to generate a few laughs
You do realize that you come off as a self-hating Jew to those who are not familiar with your "sense of humor".
I know that but nobody would ever believe the truth of my origins
I was not popular in “ Hebrew school “ by the other kids and as adult I am repulsed by folks like Adam schiff, Jeff zucker , Feinstein, blumenthal . Schumer you see the animosity
Big Jewish houses
Big Jewish cars and boats
It's called having an education...

You do realize that most of my “ Jewish comments “ are hyperbole and to generate a few laughs
You do realize that you come off as a self-hating Jew to those who are not familiar with your "sense of humor".
I know that but nobody would ever believe the truth of my origins
I was not popular in “ Hebrew school “ by the other kids and as adult I am repulsed by folks like Adam schiff, Jeff zucker , Feinstein, blumenthal . Schumer you see the animosity
Considering what shitbags these "Jews" are...
I cannot rectify my upbringing and I lost my foreskin !!!

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