Biden vows to help illegal criminals during his first 100 days...A pathway to citizenship for tens of millions. Will this help Americans?

This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”
there is easily over 30 million illegal here--then you have their offspring and oh what a mess...deport all and send biden with them.
How Big Government nanny-Statist of you.
What the hell is wrong with you even have any ideal what a Government nanny state and one that allows invaders to come here and steal welfare while committing other crimes and creating problems for americans?
There is no general badfare clause nor any general malfare clause, or any general warfare clause.

We need solutions that promote the general welfare and conform to our Constitution.
This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”

You're really mean. And dishonest. Your OP is a damn lie, DACA's are not criminals, some can't even speak Spanish when brought to the US as infants. But I'm not a bit surprised, people like you lack empathy.

Do you believe it is the duty of Americans to sift through millions of Mexico’s people to find and separate the good from the bad while sacrificing Mollie Tibbets and many more like her along the way?


Right Wingers created our immigration problem by being unfaithful to our supreme Law of the land but prefer to blame the less fortunate under our form of Capitalism.
Being unfaithful to our supreme law of the land? WTF ARE you babbling about?
There is no express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.

There is no appeal to ignorance of the law.
Can you show where Democrats have tried to amend the Constitution to add an immigration clause and Republicans defeated it?
This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”

You're really mean. And dishonest. Your OP is a damn lie, DACA's are not criminals, some can't even speak Spanish when brought to the US as infants. But I'm not a bit surprised, people like you lack empathy.

Do you believe it is the duty of Americans to sift through millions of Mexico’s people to find and separate the good from the bad while sacrificing Mollie Tibbets and many more like her along the way?


Right Wingers created our immigration problem by being unfaithful to our supreme Law of the land but prefer to blame the less fortunate under our form of Capitalism.
Being unfaithful to our supreme law of the land? WTF ARE you babbling about?
There is no express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.

There is no appeal to ignorance of the law.
Can you show where Democrats have tried to amend the Constitution to add an immigration clause and Republicans defeated it?
Why should I care? There is no immigration clause now. There is no appeal to ignorance of express law, only illegals do that.
This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”

You're really mean. And dishonest. Your OP is a damn lie, DACA's are not criminals, some can't even speak Spanish when brought to the US as infants. But I'm not a bit surprised, people like you lack empathy.

Do you believe it is the duty of Americans to sift through millions of Mexico’s people to find and separate the good from the bad while sacrificing Mollie Tibbets and many more like her along the way?


Right Wingers created our immigration problem by being unfaithful to our supreme Law of the land but prefer to blame the less fortunate under our form of Capitalism.
Being unfaithful to our supreme law of the land? WTF ARE you babbling about?
There is no express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.

There is no appeal to ignorance of the law.
Can you show where Democrats have tried to amend the Constitution to add an immigration clause and Republicans defeated it?
Why should I care? There is no immigration clause now. There is no appeal to ignorance of express law, only illegals do that.
You cared when you blamed Republicans for not doing anything about it.

But now, when asked about Democrats, you suddenly don't care.

You should perhaps shut the hell up now.
One thing that would disincentivize illegals coming here would be if Democrats stopped promising them free shit.

Again, the number has already dropped from 1 million crossing a year in 2011 to 300,000 in 2016. They were already trending down.. before Trump got you all terrified a Mexican might move in next door.
This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”

You're really mean. And dishonest. Your OP is a damn lie, DACA's are not criminals, some can't even speak Spanish when brought to the US as infants. But I'm not a bit surprised, people like you lack empathy.

Do you believe it is the duty of Americans to sift through millions of Mexico’s people to find and separate the good from the bad while sacrificing Mollie Tibbets and many more like her along the way?


Right Wingers created our immigration problem by being unfaithful to our supreme Law of the land but prefer to blame the less fortunate under our form of Capitalism.
Being unfaithful to our supreme law of the land? WTF ARE you babbling about?
There is no express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.

There is no appeal to ignorance of the law.
Can you show where Democrats have tried to amend the Constitution to add an immigration clause and Republicans defeated it?
Why should I care? There is no immigration clause now. There is no appeal to ignorance of express law, only illegals do that.
You cared when you blamed Republicans for not doing anything about it.

But now, when asked about Democrats, you suddenly don't care.

You should perhaps shut the hell up now.
You miss the point. There is no appeal to ignorance of express law. Only illegals do that.
This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”

Yeah. If you are on a pathway to citizenship, you can't be here illegally. You're on that "path." In this regard, Biden is a filthy fucking traitor! Also, they talk about those 11 million illegals. How do they know how many there are. I was reading something by an official in the government who's job it is to know such things. He said that we have no idea how many illegals are getting through. So not knowing that, how can they know how many illegals are here. I say we start rounding them up and send them back to mexico. We can count them on the way out to get a more accurate number.
This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”
the begging of the destruction of america.
This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”
And many blacks actually voted against Trump? Sad but stupidity carries its own penalties.
Yea...we're only about 2 decades past time for a sane immigration policy.

Newsflash...those 11 million folks are HERE . That's a reality . And guess what? They are an important part of our economy
some are good, but a lot are not.....hard working--that's a big fkn myth..and they commit crime
Nonsense. They commit crime at a far lower rate than citizens do and they're here to WORK. That's the point
Have you seen LAPD most wanted? The illegals come to commit any crime the gangs and cartels ask. Every illegal crossing that border has a contact. That contact, brother, sister, cousin, is either in or close to a cartel. From there. It's the military.
Yea...we're only about 2 decades past time for a sane immigration policy.

Newsflash...those 11 million folks are HERE . That's a reality . And guess what? They are an important part of our economy
some are good, but a lot are not.....hard working--that's a big fkn myth..and they commit crime
Nonsense. They commit crime at a far lower rate than citizens do and they're here to WORK. That's the point
Have you seen LAPD most wanted? The illegals come to commit any crime the gangs and cartels ask. Every illegal crossing that border has a contact. That contact, brother, sister, cousin, is either in or close to a cartel. From there. It's the military.
Show us the drug war clause in our federal Constitution, right wingers. Only illegals don't care about express law.
Yea...we're only about 2 decades past time for a sane immigration policy.

Newsflash...those 11 million folks are HERE . That's a reality . And guess what? They are an important part of our economy
You pack them up and ship them out. PODS has a great deal. Fill the POD and a truck will come and take the POD away and deliver it anywhere. How many illegals can you stuff in a POD? If they are stacked?
It's weird hav it seems that right wingers spend their time making Biden's presidency sound more palatable
You miss the point. There is no appeal to ignorance of express law. Only illegals do that.
It's plain you have no idea what you're talking about.
It is why I know right wingers have nothing but Hoax not any valid arguments.
That's nice. Go play.
Well..... He does like to play with himself. It's all he knows.
Because women don't believe in equality and gang up on me to get me into high numbers and plenty of practice.

Why do women complain so much when they have such high numbers and plenty of practice but no sign, omen, or portent of any Perfection?
This ranks high atop the priority list for the Hate America administration.
Can anybody explain how such action can or will benefit good, real Americans?

“I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,”
11 million is a low figure
it is probably more like 30 million
amnesty will give the Corrupt Democrats permanent political control
they will drive our country into the ground
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Relocate them all into CA and wall it off from the USA. Let Biden be President of CA
But the illegal scumbag aliens will still come here, because there will still be employers who successfully elude the law. The illegal scumbag aliens will still try to find jobs and, when they can't, perhaps they decide to turn to criminal activities. After all, they're here and they want to earn money. They're already on the wrong side of the law, so it's no big stretch to believe they'd do that.

The theory that illegals will stop coming here if we went after the employers can be tested with one single question: If "right white people" stopped hiring them (and, presumably, fired the ones they currently employ), would those 11,000,000 illegal scumbag aliens leave?

No, they wouldn't.

You're dealing in hypotheticals... we can't get the wealthy to pay their fair share... much less actually obey the law. The thing is, there will always be that family that hires a bunch of illegals outside the home Depot when their DIY project turns out to be more involved than than Chip and Joanna made it look. There will always be that fly by night company who hires a few day laborers for a couple hours work.

You get worked up about this. Meh, makes no difference in my life.

Going after the employers isn't part of the equation for stemming the flow of illegal scumbag aliens into our country, because it just won't stop them. Going after the employers is simply a punitive measure taken against the employers, with no regard for its effect of stopping illegal scumbag aliens from coming here...

Actually, it already has. The number of illegals peaked in 2011 and has been in decline ever since. Part of that is because of E-Verify and such. Part of it is because the economy in Mexico has gotten better. What people like you forget is the main reason why we had such a surge in the 1990's was because after NAFTA, millions of Mexican agricultural workers were displaced when American Yellow Corn displaced traditional Mexican White Corn in the Mexican Market.
With biden the idiot promising illegal aliens US citizenship they are rushing to the US border. These foreigners will buy fake work histories and become legal residents and then US citizens.That is what happened when Reagan legalized illegal aliens that were already in the USA. In the Salinas Valley in California labor contractors sold these fake documents for $3000.00 to $4000.00 dollars. The human traffickers made alot of money smuggling illegal aliens into the USA.

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