Biden VP

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My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.
Of course she is, she's the most Russian friendly.
But she IS hot, and has a speaking voice that could melt butter.
And these things qualify her to be president?

Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.

Tulsi Gabbard isn't qualified to wipe Hillary's ass. Nor Warren's.
But she IS hot and would look GREAT naked. The same can't be said for the Hildebeast or Fauxcahontas.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is interesting. She's a 48-year-old Democrat who has endorsed Biden. Hmmm...

Nice tits!
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Biden already has the black vote. That should have been obvious by now.
You prolly wanna go with a geographical balance. Maybe somebody from the west. Maybe WAY west if you get my drift.

Doesn't matter who Biden picks as VP...He's running head first into an electoral buzz saw, and the people are not going to want to go back to the blah of the Obama years....Plus, Biden is going to be exposed with his dementia, and won't have a chance anyway....

I can't believe y'all Rumpbots are digging yourselves into this hole. You've got a freak who paints himself orange running around insisting his father was born in Germany, the revolutionary war army took over the airports and thousands and thousands of people danced on rooftops while three million illegals voted. I shouldn't be giving you a tip like this but mental incompetency is the LAST thing you should want to bring up.

If it wasn't for B. Hussein O., Trump would have never been elected. If Obama hadn't decided to preempt the last 15 minutes of The Apprentice with his announcement about whacking Laden, Trump wouldn't have bothered. That was, you know, a personal dig at The Donald. Obama could have made the announcement before Trump's program started or waited 15 more minutes until it was over.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Biden already has the black vote. That should have been obvious by now.
You prolly wanna go with a geographical balance. Maybe somebody from the west. Maybe WAY west if you get my drift.

Yep, Tulsi Gabbard!
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing

Not likely, couldn't even carry her home state. Both East Coast

2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes

Possible, but not likely

3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote

Too much baggage

4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote

Too volatile, Both East Coast

5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote

Possible, Both east Cost, but she would represent the south

6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Seems the best choice, but I know little about him.

With Dems, you are going to mostly get candidates from either coast. The keys will be taking back the Midwest states that Trump took, Florida, getting out the black and Hispanic vote, suburban women

The candidate also has to be perceived as ready to step in as President.
John McCain was looked at much like Joe Biden. Old and possibly unable to finish his term. Sarah Palin did not help as a potential President.

Okay, you want midwest?

Russ Feingold.
Doesn't matter who Biden picks as VP...He's running head first into an electoral buzz saw, and the people are not going to want to go back to the blah of the Obama years....Plus, Biden is going to be exposed with his dementia, and won't have a chance anyway....

Biden has a strong reputation with labor and Pennsylvania roots. Makes it hard for Trump to repeat in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin

Biden also does well in Florida. Trump can’t win without it

Interestingly, Rump couldn't muster even half the vote in ANY of those states. Very weak.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing

Not likely, couldn't even carry her home state. Both East Coast

2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes

Possible, but not likely

3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote

Too much baggage

4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote

Too volatile, Both East Coast

5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote

Possible, Both east Cost, but she would represent the south

6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Seems the best choice, but I know little about him.

With Dems, you are going to mostly get candidates from either coast. The keys will be taking back the Midwest states that Trump took, Florida, getting out the black and Hispanic vote, suburban women

The candidate also has to be perceived as ready to step in as President.
John McCain was looked at much like Joe Biden. Old and possibly unable to finish his term. Sarah Palin did not help as a potential President.

Okay, you want midwest?

Russ Feingold.

For a midwesterner, why not Tlaib of Michigan?

What about Democrat Mayor Tito Brown of Ohio? A black guy with a Croat name, a phony-Croatian would be a good addition to a party with a phony Mexican and a phony Squaw.
I see the common Conservative tactic to attack Joe Biden

Biden is senile
Biden molests young girls

The problem with those attacks is glass houses. Your candidate is Trump. For every Biden gaffe you point out you have Trump with his covfefe, I have the best words, oranges instead of origins.

You have pictures of Biden smelling hair and whispering in women’s ears. But your candidate has been accused of rape and molestation and has inappropriate pictures with his own daughter

Not to mention walking in on teenage girls' dressing rooms...
Sleepy Joe gave it away. He said, "Ya wannum nominate a democrat...Obidenbama democrat." The garbled name implies he is hoping Micheal Obama will join him!

Doesn't matter who Biden picks as VP...He's running head first into an electoral buzz saw, and the people are not going to want to go back to the blah of the Obama years....Plus, Biden is going to be exposed with his dementia, and won't have a chance anyway....

I can't believe y'all Rumpbots are digging yourselves into this hole. You've got a freak who paints himself orange running around insisting his father was born in Germany, the revolutionary war army took over the airports and thousands and thousands of people danced on rooftops while three million illegals voted. I shouldn't be giving you a tip like this but mental incompetency is the LAST thing you should want to bring up.



But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.

There it is again -- the "ratings" mentality. Hell, traffic stops to rubberneck at the overturned semi, doesn't mean that traffic "agrees with" overturned semis. It means people gawk at freak shows.

And then there's the mental thing. Y'all have really perfected the art of self-delusion if you think it's a good idea to bring up psychoses behind a freak who insists the Bronx is a very wonderful place in FUCKING GERMANY.
Doesn't matter who Biden picks as VP...He's running head first into an electoral buzz saw, and the people are not going to want to go back to the blah of the Obama years....Plus, Biden is going to be exposed with his dementia, and won't have a chance anyway....

I can't believe y'all Rumpbots are digging yourselves into this hole. You've got a freak who paints himself orange running around insisting his father was born in Germany, the revolutionary war army took over the airports and thousands and thousands of people danced on rooftops while three million illegals voted. I shouldn't be giving you a tip like this but mental incompetency is the LAST thing you should want to bring up.




"We need brain".

That's literally what he's saying in the top pic.

I'll settle for nearly anyone under 70.

Are you some kind of agist, who thinks that old people are useless?

Don't be daft.

In the sense of a political candidate, I do not feel that anyone over 70 should be trying to get a new job at the head of any government, anywhere. That would go for mayor, county judge, governor, President....

It would never pass but I would love to get an amendment on the books where there is an age limit for the representatives, senators, Presidents, cabinet officials, supreme court justices, federal judges, etc... If you're a judge, you're retirement age is 80 but you can't be nominated if you're over 70. Thanks for your service. If you're an elected official, you can't stand for re-election if you've gone over 70 during your current term. Thanks for your service. Someone in the 60's or 50's is plenty mature enough to not rob our republic of experience and wisdom one gets through the passage of time.
Doesn't matter who Biden picks as VP...He's running head first into an electoral buzz saw, and the people are not going to want to go back to the blah of the Obama years....Plus, Biden is going to be exposed with his dementia, and won't have a chance anyway....

I can't believe y'all Rumpbots are digging yourselves into this hole. You've got a freak who paints himself orange running around insisting his father was born in Germany, the revolutionary war army took over the airports and thousands and thousands of people danced on rooftops while three million illegals voted. I shouldn't be giving you a tip like this but mental incompetency is the LAST thing you should want to bring up.




My favorite Trump Gaffe is when he said Elton John plays an organ. How out of touch do you have to be to think that much less say that. An organ?
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.

There it is again -- the "ratings" mentality. Hell, traffic stops to rubberneck at the overturned semi, doesn't mean that traffic "agrees with" overturned semis. It means people gawk at freak shows.

And then there's the mental thing. Y'all have really perfected the art of self-delusion if you think it's a good idea to bring up psychoses behind a freak who insists the Bronx is a very wonderful place in FUCKING GERMANY.

Bernie gets more people at his rallies than the blob.
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.

What about alienating people by calling them fat, challenging them to do pushups?

He'll do okay in the debates.....if they're held at noon.
After 6 pm, his sundowners will turn him into a stuttering wreck.
We might even see blood squirt out of an eyeball before November.
Is that really the best you have on Biden?

Biden stutters. He admits he has done it his whole life. Attacking his disability does not work.
If you want to go gaffe for gaffe and count offensive statements, Trump loses

Last time Rump mocked a disability he had to backtrack and lie his way out of it. Ironically the mocking itself was retaliation for a reporter who wouldn't lie FOR him about his own lie. The one about "thousands and thousands of people on rooftops".

And we haven't even mentioned the fake magazine cover....
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