Biden VP

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Biden already has the black vote. That should have been obvious by now.
You prolly wanna go with a geographical balance. Maybe somebody from the west. Maybe WAY west if you get my drift.


Democrats are losing the blacks and other minorities in droves. They see what a great president is and how he works for all Americans and not just for small isolated groups and how that truly helps everyone.
My favorite Trump Gaffe is when he said Elton John plays an organ. How out of touch do you have to be to think that much less say that. An organ?


I can see why that would disqualify someone from being President of the greatest country the world had ever seen.

Just imagine if Barack Hussein Obama had thought B. B. King played the piano?
Bernie gets more people at his rallies than the blob.

Bernie is

Trump is extremely vulnerable.
Can he get lucky twice?

Are the Dems going to nominate another unlikable, unelectable twit?
Yes, Trump can get lucky twice.
That’s the key in 2020
There was a strong “I hate Hillary” vote in 2016

Biden is a regular guy....

Trump is not

He's a regular 40+ year political hack suffering from Alzheimer's.
Are you a doctor and you`ve diagnosed Alzheimer`s in your patients? Biden knows who the president of Puerto Rico is and he knows that people die from the flu. Trump didn`t know either of those things. I`ll take a president with Alzheimer`s over a president who`s just plain stupid any day but you and Putin are entitled to your own opinions. Meanwhile, the red hat goobers had better come up with a better plan to beat him. They`re only embarrassing themselves with the same lame insults day after day.

Not to mention, Rump didn't know Bhutan and Nepal (called them "Button" and "Nipple"), didn't know the UK is not the same thing as England, and didn't know you can't just direct where a hurricane goes with a Sharpie.
/——-/ How did old Joe do on Super Thursday?
That’s the key in 2020
There was a strong “I hate Hillary” vote in 2016

Biden is a regular guy....

Trump is not

He's a regular 40+ year political hack suffering from Alzheimer's.
Are you a doctor and you`ve diagnosed Alzheimer`s in your patients? Biden knows who the president of Puerto Rico is and he knows that people die from the flu. Trump didn`t know either of those things. I`ll take a president with Alzheimer`s over a president who`s just plain stupid any day but you and Putin are entitled to your own opinions. Meanwhile, the red hat goobers had better come up with a better plan to beat him. They`re only embarrassing themselves with the same lame insults day after day.
/----/ It's going to be fun watching the libtards defend Crazy Joe Boden whole at the same time blasting Trump for some Twitter typos.
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign ... - PJ Media
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far. Joe Biden has made so many gaffes on the campaign trail, it's hard to keep up. From "white kids" to his fake war story, here are 22 examples
Pretty lame if that is the best you have.

Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

I will be glad to compare Biden to Trump any day
Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

Too flexible?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

Yeah, we probably should have bombed them, eh?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

US journalist?
/——/ Almost as bad as Obozo golfing after an American contractor was beheaded.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

I would add Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Biden needs Michigan

I agree! And Gretchen Whitmer is only 48 years old.

She's never had a job in the private sector and has only been governor for 2 years. I don't see where she is that particularly qualified

Fer Fuck's sake Rump never had a job AT ALL until 20 January 2017.

Summa y'all seriously need an eye doctor.

You mean he wasnt a NY real estate developer?
My favorite Trump Gaffe is when he said Elton John plays an organ. How out of touch do you have to be to think that much less say that. An organ?


I can see why that would disqualify someone from being President of the greatest country the world had ever seen.

Just imagine if Barack Hussein Obama had thought B. B. King played the piano?

Only No.3 and No.5 will be acceptable to the base of the Dem party.

Failure to pick either one may result in many Dems staying home.

(Two males on the ticket is out of the question.)

(Two people of the same ethnicity is out of the question, too.)
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

I would add Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Biden needs Michigan

I agree! And Gretchen Whitmer is only 48 years old.

She's never had a job in the private sector and has only been governor for 2 years. I don't see where she is that particularly qualified

Fer Fuck's sake Rump never had a job AT ALL until 20 January 2017.

Summa y'all seriously need an eye doctor.
/—-/ So anyone who owns their own business doesn’t have a job? Is that your brain fart for the day?
That’s the key in 2020
There was a strong “I hate Hillary” vote in 2016

Biden is a regular guy....

Trump is not

He's a regular 40+ year political hack suffering from Alzheimer's.
Are you a doctor and you`ve diagnosed Alzheimer`s in your patients? Biden knows who the president of Puerto Rico is and he knows that people die from the flu. Trump didn`t know either of those things. I`ll take a president with Alzheimer`s over a president who`s just plain stupid any day but you and Putin are entitled to your own opinions. Meanwhile, the red hat goobers had better come up with a better plan to beat him. They`re only embarrassing themselves with the same lame insults day after day.
/----/ It's going to be fun watching the libtards defend Crazy Joe Boden whole at the same time blasting Trump for some Twitter typos.
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign ... - PJ Media
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far. Joe Biden has made so many gaffes on the campaign trail, it's hard to keep up. From "white kids" to his fake war story, here are 22 examples
Pretty lame if that is the best you have.

Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

I will be glad to compare Biden to Trump any day
Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

Too flexible?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

Yeah, we probably should have bombed them, eh?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

US journalist?
I will take Biden’s innocent “gaffes” over Trumps international blunders any day
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

I'll settle for nearly anyone under 70.

Stacey Abrams? That would be a huge mistake. Really...what are her qualifications? I like Amy or Kamala

Other than getting screwed out of the Governorship, she doesn’t have any qualifications.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.
Of course she is, she's the most Russian friendly.
But she IS hot, and has a speaking voice that could melt butter.
And these things qualify her to be president?

Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star
He's a regular 40+ year political hack suffering from Alzheimer's.
Are you a doctor and you`ve diagnosed Alzheimer`s in your patients? Biden knows who the president of Puerto Rico is and he knows that people die from the flu. Trump didn`t know either of those things. I`ll take a president with Alzheimer`s over a president who`s just plain stupid any day but you and Putin are entitled to your own opinions. Meanwhile, the red hat goobers had better come up with a better plan to beat him. They`re only embarrassing themselves with the same lame insults day after day.
/----/ It's going to be fun watching the libtards defend Crazy Joe Boden whole at the same time blasting Trump for some Twitter typos.
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign ... - PJ Media
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far. Joe Biden has made so many gaffes on the campaign trail, it's hard to keep up. From "white kids" to his fake war story, here are 22 examples
Pretty lame if that is the best you have.

Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

I will be glad to compare Biden to Trump any day
Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

Too flexible?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

Yeah, we probably should have bombed them, eh?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

US journalist?
I will take Biden’s innocent “gaffes” over Trumps international blunders any day
Along with his pathetic pandering?

And those aren't "gaffes." Those are neurons shorting out as the last brain cells die off
My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.
Of course she is, she's the most Russian friendly.
But she IS hot, and has a speaking voice that could melt butter.
And these things qualify her to be president?

Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.

Tulsi Gabbard isn't qualified to wipe Hillary's ass. Nor Warren's.

You seem to have a low opinion of military veterans here. I think this is one of the reasons why Donald J. Trump will be schlonging the D's in November. Most Americans have respect for those who served our nation in uniform.
My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.
Of course she is, she's the most Russian friendly.
But she IS hot, and has a speaking voice that could melt butter.
And these things qualify her to be president?

Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star

Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
Are you a doctor and you`ve diagnosed Alzheimer`s in your patients? Biden knows who the president of Puerto Rico is and he knows that people die from the flu. Trump didn`t know either of those things. I`ll take a president with Alzheimer`s over a president who`s just plain stupid any day but you and Putin are entitled to your own opinions. Meanwhile, the red hat goobers had better come up with a better plan to beat him. They`re only embarrassing themselves with the same lame insults day after day.
/----/ It's going to be fun watching the libtards defend Crazy Joe Boden whole at the same time blasting Trump for some Twitter typos.
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign ... - PJ Media
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far. Joe Biden has made so many gaffes on the campaign trail, it's hard to keep up. From "white kids" to his fake war story, here are 22 examples
Pretty lame if that is the best you have.

Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

I will be glad to compare Biden to Trump any day
Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

Too flexible?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

Yeah, we probably should have bombed them, eh?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

US journalist?
I will take Biden’s innocent “gaffes” over Trumps international blunders any day
Along with his pathetic pandering?

And those aren't "gaffes." Those are neurons shorting out as the last brain cells die off

I've had relatives who have become goofy in their old age, and I've loved them. But I would have never advocated that they be elected President.
Doesn't matter who Biden picks as VP...He's running head first into an electoral buzz saw, and the people are not going to want to go back to the blah of the Obama years....Plus, Biden is going to be exposed with his dementia, and won't have a chance anyway....

I can't believe y'all Rumpbots are digging yourselves into this hole. You've got a freak who paints himself orange running around insisting his father was born in Germany, the revolutionary war army took over the airports and thousands and thousands of people danced on rooftops while three million illegals voted. I shouldn't be giving you a tip like this but mental incompetency is the LAST thing you should want to bring up.



And that is the idiocy of Conservative attacks on Joe Biden

The Glass House vulnerability of Trump makes their claims of Biden being senile quite hypocritical.

Can you imagine if Biden had claimed Washington captured airports?
Can you imagine if Biden charged into a teenage dressing room while the girls were changing?
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