Biden VP

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Of course she is, she's the most Russian friendly.
But she IS hot, and has a speaking voice that could melt butter.
And these things qualify her to be president?

Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star

Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
The voters of New York beg to differ
/----/ It's going to be fun watching the libtards defend Crazy Joe Boden whole at the same time blasting Trump for some Twitter typos.
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign ... - PJ Media
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far
The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far. Joe Biden has made so many gaffes on the campaign trail, it's hard to keep up. From "white kids" to his fake war story, here are 22 examples
Pretty lame if that is the best you have.

Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

I will be glad to compare Biden to Trump any day
Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

Too flexible?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

Yeah, we probably should have bombed them, eh?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

US journalist?
I will take Biden’s innocent “gaffes” over Trumps international blunders any day
Along with his pathetic pandering?

And those aren't "gaffes." Those are neurons shorting out as the last brain cells die off

I've had relatives who have become goofy in their old age, and I've loved them. But I would have never advocated that they be elected President.
It's sad that they CRAVE power over others so much that they spend their few remaing years (months) in that town making fools of themselves instead of spending those years with their families. They all got rich in that business and they lack nothing -- except political power over the peasants
But she IS hot, and has a speaking voice that could melt butter.
And these things qualify her to be president?

Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star

Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
The voters of New York beg to differ

I'm sure the voters of Alabama said the same thing when they elected Lurleen Wallace as governor as well, that it was solely about her own merits.
Pretty lame if that is the best you have.

Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

I will be glad to compare Biden to Trump any day
Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

Too flexible?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

Yeah, we probably should have bombed them, eh?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

US journalist?
I will take Biden’s innocent “gaffes” over Trumps international blunders any day
Along with his pathetic pandering?

And those aren't "gaffes." Those are neurons shorting out as the last brain cells die off

I've had relatives who have become goofy in their old age, and I've loved them. But I would have never advocated that they be elected President.
It's sad that they CRAVE power over others so much that they spend their few remaing years (months) in that town making fools of themselves instead of spending those years with their families. They all got rich in that business and they lack nothing -- except political power over the peasants

In the case of Sleepy Joe, he doesn't even know that he is running or what he's running for. IMHO, its just a case of Elder Abuse.
Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

Too flexible?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

Yeah, we probably should have bombed them, eh?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

US journalist?
I will take Biden’s innocent “gaffes” over Trumps international blunders any day
Along with his pathetic pandering?

And those aren't "gaffes." Those are neurons shorting out as the last brain cells die off

I've had relatives who have become goofy in their old age, and I've loved them. But I would have never advocated that they be elected President.
It's sad that they CRAVE power over others so much that they spend their few remaing years (months) in that town making fools of themselves instead of spending those years with their families. They all got rich in that business and they lack nothing -- except political power over the peasants

In the case of Sleepy Joe, he doesn't even know that he is running or what he's running for. IMHO, its just a case of Elder Abuse.
I saw the same symptoms in my mother 6 months before she died. He knows what he MEANS to say, it really is just brain cells shorting out and the inability to link up the words with the thoughts. Something serious really is going on with him.

He'll be 82 after his imaginary 4 year term. He ain't gonna make it -- at least not in one piece
And these things qualify her to be president?

Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star

Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
The voters of New York beg to differ

I'm sure the voters of Alabama said the same thing when they elected Lurleen Wallace as governor as well, that it was solely about her own merits.
When they elected Lurleen Wallace, they assumed they were really getting her husband.

Hillary represented NY in DC by herself.
Want to explain Trump in Helsinki where he said he believed Putin over US intelligence?

Too flexible?

How about Otto Warmbier, who was tortured to death by N Korea but Trump believed his good friend Kim Jong Un?

Yeah, we probably should have bombed them, eh?

How about the torture and dismemberment of a US journalist where Trump vouched for Saudi Royalty?

US journalist?
I will take Biden’s innocent “gaffes” over Trumps international blunders any day
Along with his pathetic pandering?

And those aren't "gaffes." Those are neurons shorting out as the last brain cells die off

I've had relatives who have become goofy in their old age, and I've loved them. But I would have never advocated that they be elected President.
It's sad that they CRAVE power over others so much that they spend their few remaing years (months) in that town making fools of themselves instead of spending those years with their families. They all got rich in that business and they lack nothing -- except political power over the peasants

In the case of Sleepy Joe, he doesn't even know that he is running or what he's running for. IMHO, its just a case of Elder Abuse.
Of course he does

It is Trump who does not know that they did not have airports in the Revolutionary war while they were “ramming the ramparts”
Actually from what I read none of what you stated is true but the exact opposite is. Not sure who to believe as I no longer trust the media.
All one has to do is read this board and see why conservatives alienate Hispanic voters.
You broad brush it. Many Hispanic voters support legal immigration vs illegals. Especially Cuban Americans. I do not think you can lump them all together. Marco Rubio is not the same guy as Julian Castro. Your post may be accurate but it sucks that we or at least I can no longer trust the media to attain the real truth.
There are no absolutes with any demographic.

But all one has to do is listen to how conservative media responds to Hispanics and you can see why they don’t support Republicans

:LOL, there is no such thing as conservative media. There is a tiny segment of the media that is unbiased, but the vast majority of it is far left and very biased. YOU are one of their sheep, obviously you are unable to think for yourself and have been totally indoctrinated in left wing bullshit.
Fox News would disagree

some Fox commentators are conservative, but their news programs are unbiased. You just cannot recognize unbiased because everything you watch is far left biased.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

I trust Biden to make the best choice.

Warren is 70.
Harris is 55.
Whitmer is 48.
Abrams is 46.

It would be nice to have someone young enough to serve 8 years as VP and 8 years as prez. However, the bottom line is to dump Trump.

I think the american voters are smart enough to understand that a vote for Biden would be a vote for his VP to be commander in chief and live in the whitehouse. No one with any common sense would want either of those 4 clowns to be president.

Trump will win in a landslide in November. He may even take California because the voters in that state are fed up with how the liberal democrats are destroying their state.
All one has to do is read this board and see why conservatives alienate Hispanic voters.
You broad brush it. Many Hispanic voters support legal immigration vs illegals. Especially Cuban Americans. I do not think you can lump them all together. Marco Rubio is not the same guy as Julian Castro. Your post may be accurate but it sucks that we or at least I can no longer trust the media to attain the real truth.
There are no absolutes with any demographic.

But all one has to do is listen to how conservative media responds to Hispanics and you can see why they don’t support Republicans

:LOL, there is no such thing as conservative media. There is a tiny segment of the media that is unbiased, but the vast majority of it is far left and very biased. YOU are one of their sheep, obviously you are unable to think for yourself and have been totally indoctrinated in left wing bullshit.
Fox News would disagree

some Fox commentators are conservative, but their news programs are unbiased. You just cannot recognize unbiased because everything you watch is far left biased.
Yep. Fair and honest reporting is considered, "far right propaganda" to these people on the typical CNN/MSLSD junk food diet
But she IS hot, and has a speaking voice that could melt butter.
And these things qualify her to be president?

Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star

Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
The voters of New York beg to differ

you are a very confused person, seek mental help
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.

What about alienating people by calling them fat, challenging them to do pushups?

He'll do okay in the debates.....if they're held at noon.
After 6 pm, his sundowners will turn him into a stuttering wreck.
We might even see blood squirt out of an eyeball before November.
Is that really the best you have on Biden?

Biden stutters. He admits he has done it his whole life. Attacking his disability does not work.
If you want to go gaffe for gaffe and count offensive statements, Trump loses

Last time Rump mocked a disability he had to backtrack and lie his way out of it. Ironically the mocking itself was retaliation for a reporter who wouldn't lie FOR him about his own lie. The one about "thousands and thousands of people on rooftops".

And we haven't even mentioned the fake magazine cover....

Do you ever post anything that is even close to true? The mocking thing has been proven false many times. Muslims did celebrate after 9/11, that has also been proven, there is video evidence
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.

There it is again -- the "ratings" mentality. Hell, traffic stops to rubberneck at the overturned semi, doesn't mean that traffic "agrees with" overturned semis. It means people gawk at freak shows.

And then there's the mental thing. Y'all have really perfected the art of self-delusion if you think it's a good idea to bring up psychoses behind a freak who insists the Bronx is a very wonderful place in FUCKING GERMANY.

Ok, lets try to get real here. Everyone sometimes misspeaks, the more one talks the more likely they are to misspeak.

Biden's gaffes are not misspeaking, they are clearly evidence of diminished mental capacity. Its truly sad that his wife (a doctor) lets him continue to make a fool of himself while he should be getting treatment for dementia and/or alzheimers.
Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star

Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
The voters of New York beg to differ

I'm sure the voters of Alabama said the same thing when they elected Lurleen Wallace as governor as well, that it was solely about her own merits.
When they elected Lurleen Wallace, they assumed they were really getting her husband.

Hillary represented NY in DC by herself.

and she did a very poor job of it, she doesn't give a shit about NY voters, it was just a way for an Arkansas bitch to retain power.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

I trust Biden to make the best choice.

Warren is 70.
Harris is 55.
Whitmer is 48.
Abrams is 46.

It would be nice to have someone young enough to serve 8 years as VP and 8 years as prez. However, the bottom line is to dump Trump.

I think the american voters are smart enough to understand that a vote for Biden would be a vote for his VP to be commander in chief and live in the whitehouse. No one with any common sense would want either of those 4 clowns to be president.

Trump will win in a landslide in November. He may even take California because the voters in that state are fed up with how the liberal democrats are destroying their state.
The same applies to Trump

He is a cheeseburger away from Pence being President.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star

Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
The voters of New York beg to differ

I'm sure the voters of Alabama said the same thing when they elected Lurleen Wallace as governor as well, that it was solely about her own merits.
When they elected Lurleen Wallace, they assumed they were really getting her husband.

Hillary represented NY in DC by herself.

and she did a very poor job of it, she doesn't give a shit about NY voters, it was just a way for an Arkansas bitch to retain power.
NY voters disagreed.
They elected her twice.
Yea.....Senator and Secretary of State doesn’t mean much when you run against a reality TV star

Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
The voters of New York beg to differ

I'm sure the voters of Alabama said the same thing when they elected Lurleen Wallace as governor as well, that it was solely about her own merits.
When they elected Lurleen Wallace, they assumed they were really getting her husband.

Hillary represented NY in DC by herself.

and she did a very poor job of it, she doesn't give a shit about NY voters, it was just a way for an Arkansas bitch to retain power.

It was really telling that Bill ran his old lady in New York instead of Arkansas, where she served for a decade as First Lady.

I guess he figured the voters in Arkansas knew her too well.
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.

What about alienating people by calling them fat, challenging them to do pushups?

He'll do okay in the debates.....if they're held at noon.
After 6 pm, his sundowners will turn him into a stuttering wreck.
We might even see blood squirt out of an eyeball before November.
Is that really the best you have on Biden?

Biden stutters. He admits he has done it his whole life. Attacking his disability does not work.
If you want to go gaffe for gaffe and count offensive statements, Trump loses

Last time Rump mocked a disability he had to backtrack and lie his way out of it. Ironically the mocking itself was retaliation for a reporter who wouldn't lie FOR him about his own lie. The one about "thousands and thousands of people on rooftops".

And we haven't even mentioned the fake magazine cover....

Do you ever post anything that is even close to true? The mocking thing has been proven false many times. Muslims did celebrate after 9/11, that has also been proven, there is video evidence
There is no video evidence of Muslims celebrating in the US let alone the thousands Trump claimed he saw celebrating in NJ
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

I trust Biden to make the best choice.

Warren is 70.
Harris is 55.
Whitmer is 48.
Abrams is 46.

It would be nice to have someone young enough to serve 8 years as VP and 8 years as prez. However, the bottom line is to dump Trump.

I think the american voters are smart enough to understand that a vote for Biden would be a vote for his VP to be commander in chief and live in the whitehouse. No one with any common sense would want either of those 4 clowns to be president.

Trump will win in a landslide in November. He may even take California because the voters in that state are fed up with how the liberal democrats are destroying their state.
The same applies to Trump

He is a cheeseburger away from Pence being President.

Hardly. President Trump has been declared by top medical experts to be the healthiest individual ever to be elected President. He isn't going anywhere
Those offices were given to her, merely because of her marriage and loyalty to Slick Willy. Not on her own merits
The voters of New York beg to differ

I'm sure the voters of Alabama said the same thing when they elected Lurleen Wallace as governor as well, that it was solely about her own merits.
When they elected Lurleen Wallace, they assumed they were really getting her husband.

Hillary represented NY in DC by herself.

and she did a very poor job of it, she doesn't give a shit about NY voters, it was just a way for an Arkansas bitch to retain power.
NY voters disagreed.
They elected her twice.
/----/ Hildabeasty got the votes because she has a (D) after her name. Nothing else.
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