Biden VP

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I see the common Conservative tactic to attack Joe Biden

Biden is senile
Biden molests young girls

The problem with those attacks is glass houses. Your candidate is Trump. For every Biden gaffe you point out you have Trump with his covfefe, I have the best words, oranges instead of origins.

You have pictures of Biden smelling hair and whispering in women’s ears. But your candidate has been accused of rape and molestation and has inappropriate pictures with his own daughter
Trump's shortcomings are brashness, Biden's is possible alzheimers...Big difference there.

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But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.
Don't be so sure...Results matter.

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Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.

Tulsi Gabbard isn't qualified to wipe Hillary's ass. Nor Warren's.

You seem to have a low opinion of military veterans here. I think this is one of the reasons why Donald J. Trump will be schlonging the D's in November. Most Americans have respect for those who served our nation in uniform.
Corporal bonespurs himself?

The fact that Mr.Trump was ineligible for military service doesn't change the fact that he has nothing but tremendous love and respect for America's Veterans.

The liberal attacks on the Army doctor who examined and reported on Mr. Trump's disability are really disgraceful
That was Trumps personal doctor who reported Trumps horrific bone spurs

Ok, lets test your hypocrisy on military service. When and where did the following serve their country in the military?: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, LBJ, Schumer, Liz Warren, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, Harry Reid, Biden,

If military service is a criteria for republicans, why not for democrats?
and she did a very poor job of it, she doesn't give a shit about NY voters, it was just a way for an Arkansas bitch to retain power.

The voters of New York didn't think she did a terrible job. She left office with an approval rating Don the Con would piss himself over.

Clinton has enjoyed high approval ratings for her job as Senator within New York, reaching an all-time high of 72 to 74 percent approving (including half of Republicans) over 23 to 24 percent disapproving in December 2006, before her presidential campaign became active;[105][106] by August 2007, after a half year of campaigning, it was still 64 percent over 34 percent.[107]

No one ever said that NY voters were smart. Do you live in NY?

So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.
Not really, but at least her voice doesn't grate on people like Pocahontas' or Hillary's.

And she is at least as qualified as Mrs. Clinton, whose marriage to Bill was her only qualification for anything.

Tulsi Gabbard isn't qualified to wipe Hillary's ass. Nor Warren's.

You seem to have a low opinion of military veterans here. I think this is one of the reasons why Donald J. Trump will be schlonging the D's in November. Most Americans have respect for those who served our nation in uniform.
Corporal bonespurs himself?

The fact that Mr.Trump was ineligible for military service doesn't change the fact that he has nothing but tremendous love and respect for America's Veterans.

The liberal attacks on the Army doctor who examined and reported on Mr. Trump's disability are really disgraceful
That was Trumps personal doctor who reported Trumps horrific bone spurs

Hmmm, and where was Bill Clinton when the viet nam draft was happening? your dem hypocrisy is amazing and totally expected.
Tulsi Gabbard isn't qualified to wipe Hillary's ass. Nor Warren's.

You seem to have a low opinion of military veterans here. I think this is one of the reasons why Donald J. Trump will be schlonging the D's in November. Most Americans have respect for those who served our nation in uniform.
Corporal bonespurs himself?

The fact that Mr.Trump was ineligible for military service doesn't change the fact that he has nothing but tremendous love and respect for America's Veterans.

The liberal attacks on the Army doctor who examined and reported on Mr. Trump's disability are really disgraceful
That was Trumps personal doctor who reported Trumps horrific bone spurs

Ok, lets test your hypocrisy on military service. When and where did the following serve their country in the military?: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, LBJ, Schumer, Liz Warren, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, Harry Reid, Biden,

If military service is a criteria for republicans, why not for democrats?
The voters of New York didn't think she did a terrible job. She left office with an approval rating Don the Con would piss himself over.

Clinton has enjoyed high approval ratings for her job as Senator within New York, reaching an all-time high of 72 to 74 percent approving (including half of Republicans) over 23 to 24 percent disapproving in December 2006, before her presidential campaign became active;[105][106] by August 2007, after a half year of campaigning, it was still 64 percent over 34 percent.[107]

No one ever said that NY voters were smart. Do you live in NY?

So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The reason for the news reports was the media was working hard to suppress the Trump vote, discourage the voters and hope they stayed home
You seem to have a low opinion of military veterans here. I think this is one of the reasons why Donald J. Trump will be schlonging the D's in November. Most Americans have respect for those who served our nation in uniform.
Corporal bonespurs himself?

The fact that Mr.Trump was ineligible for military service doesn't change the fact that he has nothing but tremendous love and respect for America's Veterans.

The liberal attacks on the Army doctor who examined and reported on Mr. Trump's disability are really disgraceful
That was Trumps personal doctor who reported Trumps horrific bone spurs

Ok, lets test your hypocrisy on military service. When and where did the following serve their country in the military?: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, LBJ, Schumer, Liz Warren, Whoopi, Behar, Mahr, Harry Reid, Biden,

If military service is a criteria for republicans, why not for democrats?

its only relevant if it applies equally to all candidates. Tell us why the military criteria only applies to republicans
The voters of New York didn't think she did a terrible job. She left office with an approval rating Don the Con would piss himself over.

Clinton has enjoyed high approval ratings for her job as Senator within New York, reaching an all-time high of 72 to 74 percent approving (including half of Republicans) over 23 to 24 percent disapproving in December 2006, before her presidential campaign became active;[105][106] by August 2007, after a half year of campaigning, it was still 64 percent over 34 percent.[107]

No one ever said that NY voters were smart. Do you live in NY?

So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing

Not likely, couldn't even carry her home state. Both East Coast

2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes

Possible, but not likely

3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote

Too much baggage

4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote

Too volatile, Both East Coast

5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote

Possible, Both east Cost, but she would represent the south

6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Seems the best choice, but I know little about him.

No one ever said that NY voters were smart. Do you live in NY?

So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

we don't elect presidents on the popular vote, we use the electoral college, all candidates know how that works when they decide to run. Trump campaigned in the states he needed to win, and he did win. Hillary ran a stupid campaign and was a very unlikeable candidate.

Yes, she won LA county, NYC, and Miami Dade. But she lost the EC by a wide margin. Personally I don't want LA county, NYC and Miami/Dade picking our presidents and all of the rest of the country having no say in it. The founders got it right.
No one ever said that NY voters were smart. Do you live in NY?

So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The reason for the news reports was the media was working hard to suppress the Trump vote, discourage the voters and hope they stayed home

When you're insane, everything is a conspiracy. :rolleyes:
So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

we don't elect presidents on the popular vote, we use the electoral college, all candidates know how that works when they decide to run. Trump campaigned in the states he needed to win, and he did win. Hillary ran a stupid campaign and was a very unlikeable candidate.

Yes, she won LA county, NYC, and Miami Dade. But she lost the EC by a wide margin. Personally I don't want LA county, NYC and Miami/Dade picking our presidents and all of the rest of the country having no say in it. The founders got it right.
No shit, Sherlock. That does not change the fact that the polls were not wrong.

You keep repeating the same tired canards that have been debunked 12 ways to Sunday. Its really pathetic.
So you lied or didn't know? You said she did a terrible job as Senator but have nothing to support your claim. She obviously represented her state well if Republicans liked her too. 74%...that's a lot.

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The reason for the news reports was the media was working hard to suppress the Trump vote, discourage the voters and hope they stayed home

When you're insane, everything is a conspiracy. :rolleyes:

Thank you for confirming Hillary's insanity. Remember the "vast right wing conspriacy". that she fantasized about?

Then there is her falling down stairs, having a spasm attack at the convention, and falling into a plane. The woman has as many mental issues as crazy old Joe.
Doesn't matter who Biden picks as VP...He's running head first into an electoral buzz saw, and the people are not going to want to go back to the blah of the Obama years....Plus, Biden is going to be exposed with his dementia, and won't have a chance anyway....

I can't believe y'all Rumpbots are digging yourselves into this hole. You've got a freak who paints himself orange running around insisting his father was born in Germany, the revolutionary war army took over the airports and thousands and thousands of people danced on rooftops while three million illegals voted. I shouldn't be giving you a tip like this but mental incompetency is the LAST thing you should want to bring up.

Gee, let's see...Should Republican's take progressive Democrat's advice in an election year? I'd say 'nah'....
While settle for Hildebeast when you can get the real thing.....Biden said he would die in office!....GO FOR IT ABNORMALS!!!

I said she did a terrible job, that is my opinion. if you think she did a great job that is your opinion. We are allowed to have different opinions of a politician (unless the socialist democrats are ever allowed to take control).

I also question the validity of any poll conducted in Hillary's favor. As we all know, the lying pollsters said that she could not lose in 2016 and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They lied to you then and very likely lied to you about Hillary's popularity in NY. But you are free to believer whatever lies you choose.

I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

we don't elect presidents on the popular vote, we use the electoral college, all candidates know how that works when they decide to run. Trump campaigned in the states he needed to win, and he did win. Hillary ran a stupid campaign and was a very unlikeable candidate.

Yes, she won LA county, NYC, and Miami Dade. But she lost the EC by a wide margin. Personally I don't want LA county, NYC and Miami/Dade picking our presidents and all of the rest of the country having no say in it. The founders got it right.
No shit, Sherlock. That does not change the fact that the polls were not wrong.

You keep repeating the same tired canards that have been debunked 12 ways to Sunday. Its really pathetic.

OK< let me go slow












She did not----------------------they were wrong or lied.
I don't have an opinion since I was not a New York voter. Were you?

How many times do you have to be schooled on this?

It Wasn't the Polls That Missed, It Was the Pundits | RealClearPolitics

I find your ignorance amusing, keep at it. the pollsters said she would win, the ;pundits agreed with the polls. The facts of 2016 are clear to anyone whose head is not up hillary's fat ass.

The polls got it right. She won by 3 million votes. Don the fat Con only won by 80,000 votes across three states.

And Hillary Clinton enjoyed high approval ratings throughout her term as senator and Secretary of State. Sorry that upsets you so...but its still true. Hillary was more popular than Don the Con will ever be.

we don't elect presidents on the popular vote, we use the electoral college, all candidates know how that works when they decide to run. Trump campaigned in the states he needed to win, and he did win. Hillary ran a stupid campaign and was a very unlikeable candidate.

Yes, she won LA county, NYC, and Miami Dade. But she lost the EC by a wide margin. Personally I don't want LA county, NYC and Miami/Dade picking our presidents and all of the rest of the country having no say in it. The founders got it right.
No shit, Sherlock. That does not change the fact that the polls were not wrong.

You keep repeating the same tired canards that have been debunked 12 ways to Sunday. Its really pathetic.

OK< let me go slow












She did not----------------------they were wrong or lied.






She won the popular vote by the exact same amount the polls said she would.

And that KILLS Don the Fat Con...and since you are his #1 sycophant, it kills you too :lol:
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