Biden warns conservatives in speech to gun control fans ‘they need F-15s, they don’t need a rifle’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

We need F-15’s?
How’d it go in Afghanistan, Joe? You hightailed it and ran away screaming like a little girl.
Since the 1960’s America has gotten itself into numerous wars with no winnable solutions.

And each time we ended up running away from people with small arms and IED’s.

The future of warfare will be cyber and drones. Jets are quickly becoming less valuable and grossly over priced.

Now of course, true hard military might is unmatched. A hypersonic nuke would fit this bill. However, the landscape of warfare is changing rapidly and the West better learn from what is being conducted around the world currently as an example.

This is where the billionaire class may have a chance in a perpetual purge like world. A Mad Max apocalypse if you will. Deep pockets will ensure they can buy their own army of technical nerds and the best drones the world has to offer.
If 'we' get out of line, very telling that he sees it as an 'us versus them' scenario, not that the government if for the people and by the people. He sees himself as a king. Asshole. I can't wait to celebrate when he's burning in hell where he belongs.
It shows you are fucking nuts and as Biden points out it will take more than that to take on a modern Army
You mean like the Vietcong did with the United States military?

What is your determination that someone is "fucking nuts" because they own many weapons? Sounds like the broad brush of hyperbole.

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