Because people are getting out of control. A lot of people are starting to riot about the mandates, mandates, mandates --- none of which stop the spread.

Exactly. They're trying to control something that they shouldn't have any control of instead of worrying about something they should,.. the safety of this country and to get off their fucking asses and protect our borders!!
You're talking to someone who has already been vaccinated.
No, I'm talking to someone who has decided that "meaningless results" is too difficult a concept to understand.

Now, who said this:

Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”
I cannot be vaccinated so don't bother asking. I don't worry about it because the vaccine is a bunch of garbage. It's designed to force compliance by fear. According to you, it's working.
If it’s garbage, why are so many unvaccinated dying and so few vaccinated?

Seems like it’s designed to save lives.
I’d gladly mind my own business but when people keep showing up at the hospital dying from preventable COVID, it is then my business.
Nope, still isn't your business. Still their business. You have a big problem with boundaries, don't you? You don't know where you stop and someone else starts. You think we all sort of mush together.

But we don't. "Not your business" means it's about somebody else, and not about you. Maybe you think everything is all about you? Some narcisscism mixed in with the boundary problem?
You can avoid it by getting vaccinated
But if you choose to die...... it is your choice
C'mon RW - you know that is a ridiculous statement.
Your chance of dying below the age of 60 is less than 1%.
For the most part, the benefit of vaccination is you might get a little less sick. Might.
Even the hospitalization rates are very, very rare.
Vaccines are not as protective as natural immunity.We weren't told that a year ago
and the Vaxer crew of Authoritarians still don't want the general public to know.
The very safe and effective drug Hydroxychloroquine was bad mouthed
by these Vax nuts and the left went so far as to make sure doctors and pharmacies
would not dispense the drug.
Right there ... pure case study of Malpractice.A drug that helps prevent
Covid when used with zinc was being mocked.
One problem with “natural immunity” is that to get “natural immunity” you have to get COVID. Getting COVID kills people. A lot of them.
Nope, still isn't your business. Still their business.
If they didn’t come to the hospital, it wouldn’t be my business.

But they do. They always do. At the end of the day, they don’t want to die. Why would they?
One problem with “natural immunity” is that to get “natural immunity” you have to get COVID. Getting COVID kills people. A lot of them.
So, how many people in the country has tested positive. Whatever that number is, it's also the number of people who now have natural immunity. You understand that, don't you?
Maybe you think everything is all about you?

They probably do and it isn't the least bit surprising to me when they follow somebody like Kamala Harris who would probably marry herself if she could.
Yep. Circle back around to them lying to you and keeping the truth from you. That always solves all the arguments, doesnt it? If the stats dont match up to whatever nut job conspiracy you believe in, just say they are lying. You'll always be right! How ingenious!

As far as heart issues, that's why if you have a heart condition or think you might have a heart condition, you should see a doctor before taking the vaccination.

It's a conspiracy theory that the media and the government lie to you? Why hold 'vaccine' results from the public for 75 years? Is that a conspiracy too? lol

And why would you need to worry if you have a heart condition? How many people do you think have heart conditions and don't even know? How many healthy people have dropped dead of a heart attack' since these shots started being dispensed?
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So, how many people in the country has tested positive. Whatever that number is, it's also the number of people who now have natural immunity.
I think like 50 million.

It’s nice they have natural immunity. Doesn’t bring to life the 800,000 who tested positive and died.
You can avoid it by getting vaccinated
But if you choose to die...... it is your choice
The manufacturers and FDA have already said the vaccine won't keep you from getting (or spreading) Covid....

But if you choose to risk dying from the side effects, it's totally on you if it happens....

Since the government made the vaccine makers (and everyone else) immune from liability, they'll just kick your sorry carcass to the side and move on....

Although I have to say, I won't view that outcome as any real loss, in your case.....
No, I'm talking to someone who has decided that "meaningless results" is too difficult a concept to understand.
I dont know what "meaningless results" was in reference to.....something abut cycles. Which, again, I told you I do not understand.

Here is the difference between me and you. I admit I do not understand anything about immunology or viruses. Therefore, I listen to what the majority of scientists and doctors say to do, like I normally would in any other situation ie broken leg, fever, etc etc. If that makes me a sheep, so be it.

You, on the other hand, want to go down the rabbit hole and "do your own research" or cherry pick a sentence as proof getting a vaccine is pointless. That's your choice.
If they didn’t come to the hospital, it wouldn’t be my business.

But they do. They always do. At the end of the day, they don’t want to die. Why would they?
I doubt it's your hospital. I think you are making up reasons to make this somehow all about you. It's not about you, so you should butt out.
I doubt it's your hospital. I think you are making up reasons to make this somehow all about you. It's not about you, so you should butt out.

Even if it's at their hospital what difference does it make?

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