Remember when tony&company kept going on and on about achieving herd-immunity? I remember tony explaining how herd-immunity works. And he was right. But how does he reconcile that explanation with what he also said about it only protecting you from hospitalization and death?

If you can pull the faith you've invested in tony, and put it back where it belongs, you'll have no problem understanding the difference between a treatment requiring indefinite boosters every several months for something you do not have and an actual vaccine.
You seemingly think it's just one person who says to get vaccinated. Interesting.

I'm not going to convince you of anything. On the other hand, I'm not the one starting hysterical posts either. I'm just fine getting vaccinated and getting my booster on Monday. I sleep just fine at night and never think of covid outside replying to the right wing lunatics on here. It's pretty obvious, though, that there those on here that are unvaccinated that DONT sleep fine at night.
You guys really need more shots. Run out and get one now, Biden's GDP depends on it...........

* Omicron five times likelier to cause reinfections

* No sign milder than Delta, but some say too early to know

* Two-dose vaccines offer little or no Omicron protection

You guys really need more shots. Run out and get one now, Biden's GDP depends on it...........

* Omicron five times likelier to cause reinfections

* No sign milder than Delta, but some say too early to know

* Two-dose vaccines offer little or no Omicron protection

Got my booster scheduled for next week!
And if one of those shots gives you serious (or even fatal) side effects, you DESERVE them, according to your logic, right????

You know what,.. I'm pro-vax and even I agree with this statement as I was already fully aware that there were risks involved when I got it, but I decided to take it. So far, nothing has happened to me,.. but I would be a complete dumbass if I wasn't aware of the fact that there were risks involved.
I'll listen to the scientists.

Who said this:

“…If you get [perform the PCR test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…

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