It IS my choice and you can't do a damned thing about it.
You know I saw this interesting video the other day. It was people on the autobahn getting out of the way of an ambulance. People in the left lane moving to the far left, people in the right lane moving to the far right to make room for the ambulance to go down the middle of the highway. All the while traffic was still flowing as normal. You're the guy that would block the ambulance because it's "your choice", fucking everything up. But you be you, deplorable.

President Biden said Thursday that Americans unvaccinated against the coronavirus are facing a winter of "severe illness and death."

"It’s here now and it’s spreading and it’s going to increase," the president said about the omicron variant while meeting with his coronavirus response team. "For unvaccinated we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death if you’re unvaccinated for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they will soon overwhelm."

A staff member from the National Health Organisation (EODY) prepares a booster Johnson and Johnson vaccine against COVID-19 at Karatepe refugee camp,

We have 10,204,336 active COVID cases right now.

1 in 500 of those people will die

Or 20,408 will die. That's more dead than the Iraq War.

Nope, I'm just more intelligent than you which enables me to think for myself. You will keep taking the forever Jab because Daddy Joe tells you too. Too funny, your side is creating the fear porn. We're all gonna die, daddy Joe said so!!!!!!
Totally off topic, ad hominem and arrogance as well as making an assumption on my intellect and misquoting President Biden. Critical thinkers don't usually lie or use logical fallacies in writing or in speech.
My suggestion is ignore these quacks and make sure you have 5000 IU of vitamin D daily and get some exercise.
Not so fast.It's easy to get too much Vitamin D.One can in effect overdose from too
much Vitamin D.Unlike some vitamins like Vitamin C.
I made the mistake of getting vitamin D3 gel caps w/o closely looking at the
bottle.I figured it was the exact same bottle as before I had.The bottle was identical
and the size of the gel caps looked the same.But my original bottle of
Vitamin D3 softgels was { 2000 IU } and the recent bottle is { 5000 IU }
Plus in summer the body makes it's own Vitamin D from sunlight exposure.
You know I saw this interesting video the other day. It was people on the autobahn getting out of the way of an ambulance. People in the left lane moving to the far left, people in the right lane moving to the far right to make room for the ambulance to go down the middle of the highway. All the while traffic was still flowing as normal. You're the guy that would block the ambulance because it's "your choice", fucking everything up. But you be you, deplorable.
Conservatives don’t give a damn about doing the “right thing.” Never did.
Omicron is being deliberately made senile because the 10 Dec report about Omicron escape is using the same old mutations also linked to previous mutations, to deceive the prisoners. VSV Indiana used as a basis for ebola vaccine is another deception: the virus did not come from Indiana but was shipped in from a cow Out West. Here is the (old) mutation that Fau Chi also got backwards in his video:

Uniprot SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
(Scroll to 'Mutagenesis') 'D614G Increase of pseudotyped VSV particle production ex vivo.'

This vesicular stomatitis virus above links to the adenoviruses used in COVID vaccines, for example, Pre-Protein VI of the human mastadenovirus late-budding domains (L domains), which are short sequence motifs that interact with proteins of the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway.

This Uniprot webpage mentions the PPXY motif. We have tentatively linked it to another new Omicron mutation, the EPE insertion at SARS_CoV-2 spike location 214, though it cannot as yet be linked to vaccine-induced mutations.

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