As well you shouldn't be! After all, they now have natural immunity. I'm so glad that we can agree on that.
I just want people to remember that getting “natural immunity” has a far higher complication rate than any medication ever would.
It sure is!! If you had anything ressembling "compassion" you would recognize when you are trying to merge with someone and take over control of them. That's not compassion, that's being a control freak.
Nope. Not trying to control everyone. Just trying to give them the information needed to make an informed decision.

It’s a shame there’s so much human scum that are lying to people about the subject and resulting in tragedy.
Young healthy people are dropping dead from heart attacks, but you go on telling yourself that these shots have nothing to do with it, and continue to push people to take them. It's all about your ego after all.
Link to the study you must be referring to? Or is this anecdotal evidence?
Losing weight and being healthy is all over media constantly. What the fuck are you talking about?

Yet you clowns aren't in here waling about all of those unnecessary deaths, why not? Why aren't you asking everyone what they had to eat today so you can tell them how they should be living their lives better by your standards? Or are all of you idiots obese, hence why you're so afraid of covid?
No, the truth is that you don't want to know that the people you put your trust in kept their mouths shut while labs around the world were using a PCR-test cycle threshold of 40+.

Who said this:

"you can find almost anything in anybody…it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you…”
Ok if you say so.
Yet you clowns aren't in here waling about all of those unnecessary deaths, why not? Why aren't you asking everyone what they had to eat today so you can tell them how they should be living their lives better by your standards? Or are all of you idiots obese, hence why you're so afraid of covid?
Because getting fat isnt contagious.
No, the truth is that you don't want to know that the people you put your trust in kept their mouths shut while labs around the world were using a PCR-test cycle threshold of 40+.

Who said this:

"you can find almost anything in anybody…it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you…”

It's quite amazing how much they're ignorant of, all because they only believe CNN.
Lecture people on diet all the time.

Sorry I have compassion and don’t enjoy seeing people die totally preventable deaths. I guess that’s just me being stupid again.

Not in here you don't, you're more concerned about covid, that kills far, far less than diabetes and heart disease, both easily preventable.
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President Biden said Thursday that Americans unvaccinated against the coronavirus are facing a winter of "severe illness and death."

"It’s here now and it’s spreading and it’s going to increase," the president said about the omicron variant while meeting with his coronavirus response team. "For unvaccinated we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death if you’re unvaccinated for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they will soon overwhelm."

A staff member from the National Health Organisation (EODY) prepares a booster Johnson and Johnson vaccine against COVID-19 at Karatepe refugee camp,

Do you have a point?
I just want people to remember that getting “natural immunity” has a far higher complication rate than any medication ever would.
The experimental injection doesn't give you immunity at all. You could suffer the same complications.

But let's get back to your feigned ignorance of what the PCR-test cycle threshold is, and what it means that tony&company didn't say a word about it being set too high to give meaningful results, even according to them.
Seems to me a surprisingly unkind and blaming speech for a president. It's like Hillary's Deplorables. He's got Enemies now to blame this on so we don't blame him, I guess.

We'll blame Biden anyway, however.

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