Not so fast.It's easy to get too much Vitamin D.One can in effect overdose from too
much Vitamin D.Unlike some vitamins like Vitamin C.
I made the mistake of getting vitamin D3 gel caps w/o closely looking at the
bottle.I figured it was the exact same bottle as before I had.The bottle was identical
and the size of the gel caps looked the same.But my original bottle of
Vitamin D3 softgels was { 2000 IU } and the recent bottle is { 5000 IU }
Plus in summer the body makes it's own Vitamin D from sunlight exposure.
Well....if you're cooped up in the house during Winter....Sunlight exposure isn't much of a problem.
Good luck. Lecturing people on diet doesn’t really result in much weight loss but good luck.

It’s much more effective to get vaccinated.

So getting vaccinated against covid is more effective than losing weight, eating healthy, and doing physical exercise? You're a hoot! lol
The experimental injection doesn't give you immunity at all. You could suffer the same complications.

But let's get back to your feigned ignorance of what the PCR-test cycle threshold is, and what it means that tony&company didn't say a word about it being set too high to give meaningful results, even according to them.
I took a few minutes to read about PCR test cycle threshold. That has to do with testing for Covid. What does this have to do with getting vaccinated?
I just want people to remember that getting “natural immunity” has a far higher complication rate than any medication ever would.

This schmuck must work for Pfizer, or some other big pharma company. He earns his living from other people's misery.
Before he was elected he said he would end COVID.
And we're supposed to believe that 81 million voters believed him.

Now he's saying every unvaccinated child is going to get sick and die this Winter.
Beiden didn't say any such thing, liar. He's warning you fucking halfwits who are unvwxxed that you may become deathly sick & die from this virus & you're pissed because he's giving it to you straight.

But, you'd rather have Trump blowing smoke up your ass & lying thru his teeth about this pandemic like he did last year.

Go find another way to be nursed.
No its not.

YOU ARE LYING. What is the purpose of your lie?

That's for adults between 18 and 45. the first numbskull didnt qualify it. he just said fentanyl deaths outnumber covid deaths. YOu're fucking stupid.
Because getting fat isnt contagious.

So you only care about it being spread to you, at least we finally have some honesty. You don't care about people dying from preventable illnesses, just so you're safe. My advice, stay home.
Roosevelt was a liar . If there was nothing to fear, why were Americans busy murdering their Germanic relatives in holocausts of fire bombs on most German cities, all for the purpose of saving Stalin and his communist goons?
I took a few minutes to read about PCR test cycle threshold. That has to do with testing for Covid. What does this have to do with getting vaccinated?
The people telling you to get the experimental injection are the same people who kept quiet about the inappropriate use of the PCR-test. They themselves have said that it doesn't tell them what they need to know.

Now, if you won't believe them, who will you believe?
Woo-Hoo, I just got in my plague mask. :banana:

Beiden didn't say any such thing, liar. He's warning you fucking halfwits who are unvwxxed that you may become deathly sick & die from this virus & you're pissed because he's giving it to you straight.

But, you'd rather have Trump blowing smoke up your ass & lying thru his teeth about this pandemic like he did last year.

Go find another way to be nursed.
Well....I guess you want Poopy-pants reading Gloom&Doom statements like he's half dead....telling us we're all gonna die horrible deaths if we don't shoot his poison into our bodies.
That's for adults between 18 and 45. the first numbskull didnt qualify it. he just said fentanyl deaths outnumber covid deaths. YOu're fucking stupid.

You are wrong...and you call me stupid.

Shut the fuck up.

You called me liar...and then stupid.....AND YOU ARE THE DUMB FUCK WHO IS WRONG.
81 million of you voted for this guy.

I thought the summer spike in Florida was ALL BECAUSE OF DESANTIS.

Why arent the spikes in the NORTH occurring NOW due to their governors?
Despite what ye think this is the truth

"Americans in counties that voted mostly for Trump were more than three times as likely to die from COVID in October than those in counties that voted mostly for Biden."

Thats it and Biden is out there warning and asking to get vaccinated so you can save your own life... All he would get here is ridicule..

That is the difference, Biden will keep on trying for everyone...
So you only care about it being spread to you, at least we finally have some honesty. You don't care about people dying from preventable illnesses, just so you're safe. My advice, stay home.
LOL wow it sure is interesting to see how your brain "works". You conspiracy nut jobs always seem to be making illogical conclusions.

1. Yes I care about viruses being spread to me.
2. I never said I dont care about people dying from preventable illnesses

Governments are constantly having campaigns to try to get people to lose weight.

You seemingly dont know the difference between someone being fat and dying and someone walking down the street, catching covid from one of you slobs and dying.
Regarding President Biden's warning of sickness & death:
He may earnestly believe His words.
The Hidden hands that are running the show will probably do things to make His prediction happen via increasing the toxicity and frequency of chem trails, adding toxins to the food supply and spraying people with disease causing substances as they recently practiced doing.
And, on top of that, they have their bogus Tests they can rig to get people believing that they have Covid and must submit to deadly drugs and treatment in some "hospital".
You are wrong...and you call me stupid.

Shut the fuck up.

You called me liar...and then stupid.....AND YOU ARE THE DUMB FUCK WHO IS WRONG.
You are both a liar and stupid. You are also disingenuous and terrible at trolling.

Dont you have something better to do like catching covid?

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