Has anyone told Joe that the latest variant of Covid is highly contagious but not very strong? Or was Joe asleep through that part of his daily briefing?

And that is what most VARIANTS do. The virus is a living organism. It wants to live and spread. Instantly killing the host prevents both. Variants usually spread easier and are less deadly.

Lefties jerk off to fear porn constantly.
LOL wow it sure is interesting to see how your brain "works". You conspiracy nut jobs always seem to be making illogical conclusions.

1. Yes I care about viruses being spread to me.
2. I never said I dont care about people dying from preventable illnesses

Governments are constantly having campaigns to try to get people to lose weight.

You seemingly dont know the difference between someone being fat and dying and someone walking down the street, catching covid from one of you slobs and dying.

Yet you're on here compelling everyone to go get the covid shot, and you've never once mentioned a healthy lifestyle, which would save far more lives. You also said that 'being fat isn't contagious', I never said it was, so what relevance does that comment have? I can tell you the answer, it doesn't affect YOU, therefore you could give two shits.

Look at the conspiracy nut talking about walking down the street, contracting covid, and dying. :cuckoo:
Yet you're on here compelling everyone to go get the covid shot, and you've never once mentioned a healthy lifestyle, which would save far more lives. You also said that 'being fat isn't contagious', I never said it was, so what relevance does that comment have? I can tell you the answer, it doesn't affect YOU, therefore you could give two shits.

Look at the conspiracy nut talking about walking down the street, contracting covid, and dying. :cuckoo:
Is this thread topic about fat people now? Or are we still talking about covid? If YOU were so concerned about fat people, why havent you started a thread about fat people losing weight, you hypocrite.

I've said numerous times I"m never going to convince your kind of anything. Show me where I've told someone to get vaccinated.
American prisoners, having allowed the effeminate nazi-dem media take hold of their automatonism, has them believing that hcq and ivermectin don't work, which is a lie. They get further castrated By Fau Chi's medical cartel when they have no access to India's real, entire SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, Covaxin. Immediate prophylaxis with hcq and ivm will stop the commie virus, the Vaccine Pimp's worst nightmare.
Yep we are going to outsmart you again. Seems like maybe a pattern, doesnt it? Are you actually admitting your're dumb enough to get an election stolen from you not once, but twice? LOL!
I hate to break this to you, John but the GOP has been working hard for the past year to make it harder for the Democrats to flood elections with last minute ballots that miraculously appear in polling places after poll watchers have been sent home!
Do not exercise
Get fat as fuck
take no vitamins
Get the shot
wear a mask hide under your bed until Fauci tells you to come out.

This is the faggot lefty way to beat COVID.


If people got vaccinated, we’d see less misery.

That’s a fact.
If millions of people contracted this latest variant that is highly contagious but rather weak then we'd have herd immunity with natural anti bodies and wouldn't have to force healthy people to take untested "vaccines"! THAT is fact!
I hate to break this to you, John but the GOP has been working hard for the past year to make it harder for the Democrats to flood elections with last minute ballots that miraculously appear in polling places after poll watchers have been sent home!
OK so what's your excuse if a dem wins an election? I guess you'll have to come up with another excuse.

You're the type of guy who says there is cheating in an election where a repub wins a senate seat but loses the presidential vote. If it's so easy to cheat as you claim, why not cheat and win the senate seat as well? Or were the dems too lazy to go that extra mile?
If millions of people contracted this latest variant that is highly contagious but rather weak then we'd have herd immunity with natural anti bodies and wouldn't have to force healthy people to take untested "vaccines"! THAT is fact!
Actually it isnt a fact.

Also, are you suggesting these vaccines werent tested? National Institutes of Health | Clinical Trials

There is no end to your lying, is there? It just keeps going and going and going with no end.
No, it's not. You can't and won't know that until we have truthful data about the harm and death these shots cause.
What do you consider "truthful" data? Is that just data that confirms what you want to believe?

Because we have plenty of data, but I guess that's not "truthful" because you don't like what it says.
If millions of people contracted this latest variant that is highly contagious but rather weak then we'd have herd immunity with natural anti bodies and wouldn't have to force healthy people to take untested "vaccines"! THAT is fact!
Data on Omicron is extremely spotty right now and it won't be more reliable for some time.

Between now and then, I plan on not trying to get COVID.
You stupid fucking moron

I am a qualified life and health underwriter, shit stain, since Reagan

Now shut your pie hole goofball. This is a tool for a 2022 heist only
Then ypu show that you
You stupid fucking moron

I am a qualified life and health underwriter, shit stain, since Reagan

Now shut your pie hole goofball. This is a tool for a 2022 heist only
Then what's with the "Dark Ages" bullshit, Clown.

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