Yes, we're all going to die.

Now can you post Karl Marx's position on vaccines, or not?
Can you explain why absolutely nobody gives a darn where the virus started?
That's usually the first thing they identify.
Now....anyone who tries to find the source becomes a White Supremacist.
As you know medicines have to go through different phases of trials. As far as I know, there isnt a stipulation on how long the phases have to be.

Also, I thought one of the things trump was so proud of was "fast tracking" the approving of the vaccines? Are you suggesting that what trump was promoting was wrong?
I'm suggesting that the rushing through of vaccines that haven't been tested for long term effects is risky. What I'm saying is dead wrong is putting mandates in place that force people to get vaccinated when there haven't been any long term studies done! That's a risk that people should be able to assess on their own and decide whether or not they're comfortable taking that risk!
My "assumption" is that you can't do long term testing of ANYTHING in a short period of time! Duh?
Does the FDA even require "long term" testing? If it passes the FDA, what's your issue? Are you now suddenly wanting to change the FDA approval methodology on drugs? Does that also go for drugs you're probably taking right now that went through the same process as the covid vaccines? Why do you trust taking those drugs?
Does the FDA even require "long term" testing? If it passes the FDA, what's your issue? Are you now suddenly wanting to change the FDA approval methodology on drugs? Does that also go for drugs you're probably taking right now that went through the same process as the covid vaccines? Why do you trust taking those drugs?

Why do you trust the FDA, they do what they're told, like making us wait 75 years to see the covid trial data.
So you've never taken a FDA approved medication? If you have, why did you take it if you dont trust the FDA?

I don't take any medicine unless absolutely necessary. They push pills on the public like they're candy, 100 commercials every night for this pill or that to fix all that ails you, it's all bullshit. Ironic that the left has no issue with making pharma filthy rich and happy to keep them safe from any lawsuits for any harm their product may do at the same time. We have an opioid pandemic that none of your ilk care about, all brought on by practitioners being paid to promote highly addictive pain meds to their patients. They use their billions to influence everything you're being told, from the government to the media, all to make a buck, billions of them..
I don't take any medicine unless absolutely necessary. They push pills on the public like they're candy, 100 commercials every night for this pill or that to fix all that ails you, it's all bullshit. Ironic that the left has no issue with making pharma filthy rich and happy to keep them safe from any lawsuits for any harm their product may do at the same time. We have an opioid pandemic that none of your ilk care about, all brought on by practitioners being paid to promote highly addictive pain meds to their patients. They use their billions to influence everything you're being told, from the government to the media, all to make a buck, billions of them..
So you have taken FDA approved meds. You've said I'll you've needed to say, hypocrite.

What makes you think I dont care about the opioid pandemic? Are you saying I cant care about two things at once? Or are you saying because I"m not talking about opioid addiction in a thread about covid, that I dont care?
Hey, you dumb motherfucking VAX SHEEP.

You might want to read this:


9 deaths out of 16 million. Lets see let me run the math on that.....yep that's a very small percentage. Thanks for letting us know how safe the vaccine is!
So you have taken FDA approved meds. You've said I'll you've needed to say, hypocrite.

What makes you think I dont care about the opioid pandemic? Are you saying I cant care about two things at once? Or are you saying because I"m not talking about opioid addiction in a thread about covid, that I dont care?

What does my taking or not taking FDA approved meds have to do with anything? You think I took them and thought them safe because they were approved by the FDA? How many meds that the FDA has approved have had to be taken off the market for harming or killing people?

Why did the FDA approve opioids to be given out like candy for pain that didn't warrant them?
Can you explain why absolutely nobody gives a darn where the virus started?
That's usually the first thing they identify.
Now....anyone who tries to find the source becomes a White Supremacist.
It started in a wet animal market in Wuhan, China.

We have.

We did and you want to put racist labels on it, so the label fits.
What does my taking or not taking FDA approved meds have to do with anything? You think I took them and thought them safe because they were approved by the FDA? How many meds that the FDA has approved have had to be taken off the market for harming or killing people?

Why did the FDA approve opioids to be given out like candy for pain that didn't warrant them?
So what made you determine that they were safe? I mean go back 20 years when you took some meds.

Just admit it. You took the other meds without any thought to their safety.

That is a good question regarding the FDA and opioids. Probably something that needs to be looked into if it hasnt already.
Just think of your wife and children after you have died and they say.....

If only he had been vaccinated
What if I think about your boyfriend after you take an experimental vaccine (whose side effects aren't covered, even if fatal), and you STILL catch Covid (which the vaccine doesn't protect against)????

And to think that you will have no recourse....

Should we feel sorry for him for picking such a dumbass for a partner?????
Can you explain why absolutely nobody gives a darn where the virus started?
That's usually the first thing they identify.
Now....anyone who tries to find the source becomes a White Supremacist.
Naaaah, I think they've tried fine to find out where it started. We think it came either from that lab or the wet market a mile or so away. Since essentially all plagues/pandemics come from China (yes) does it really matter? Only if it were biowarfare. Otherwise, hey, could be worse: one of China's last plagues was the Black Death, after all.

Let's see --- cholera came from India; syphillis from North America; Ebola from Africa. Much else came from China. They're good with producing viruses, particularly: lots of influenzas, the 1918 Flu, probably (coolies brought in to haul things on the Western Front and some kind of bad plague in China at the time), SARS lately; smallpox. The diseases that have always come from China are so awful that we're well off Covid is so mild, compared to too many we know of.

I don't think it matters at all where it came from; it just matters how much it disrupts and destroys now.
What if I think about your boyfriend after you take an experimental vaccine (whose side effects aren't covered, even if fatal), and you STILL catch Covid (which the vaccine doesn't protect against)????

And to think that you will have no recourse....

Should we feel sorry for him for picking such a dumbass for a partner?????
People who wear seat belts still die in car accidents
But FAR fewer than those who do not wear a belt

Same applies to vaccines
So you've never taken a FDA approved medication? If you have, why did you take it if you dont trust the FDA?
Have you seen the ads where you can sue the drug manufacturers if you have been harmed by a drug???

Are you even aware that ALL Of those drugs were approved by the FDA (and were only withdrawn when the long-term effects became known)????

Now, would you take a drug like that if the manufacturer were able to tell you "tough shit" if the drug ended up harming

Welcome to the fake vaccine that the Retard is trying to force everyone to take!!!!
Have you seen the ads where you can sue the drug manufacturers if you have been harmed by a drug???

Are you even aware that ALL Of those drugs were approved by the FDA (and were only withdrawn when the long-term effects became known)????

Now, would you take a drug like that if the manufacturer were able to tell you "tough shit" if the drug ended up harming

Welcome to the fake vaccine that the Retard is trying to force everyone to take!!!!

So your answer is just dont take any medicine.

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