Actually it isnt a fact.

Also, are you suggesting these vaccines werent tested? National Institutes of Health | Clinical Trials

There is no end to your lying, is there? It just keeps going and going and going with no end.
I'm not "suggesting" anything, John...I'm pointing out a fact. There hasn't been long term testing on any of the "vaccines" that are now being given to people for the prevention of Covid! Anyone who tries to tell you that there has been is a liar.
Well heck, if a drooling idiot like Joe Biden can make predictions based on "spotty" data then I guess I can too...right? I predict that the new varient...which is highly contagious but not very lethal...provides millions of Americans natural anti bodies that no longer make it necessary for them to need Covid "vaccines"!

Sell your big Pharma stock, Kiddies! Their windfall profits may be in jeopardy! :)
I'm not "suggesting" anything, John...I'm pointing out a fact. There hasn't been long term testing on any of the "vaccines" that are now being given to people for the prevention of Covid! Anyone who tries to tell you that there has been is a liar.
Define long term testing. According to you, what would be an adequate length of time for testing?
Well heck, if a drooling idiot like Joe Biden can make predictions based on "spotty" data then I guess I can too...right? I predict that the new varient...which is highly contagious but not very lethal...provides millions of Americans natural anti bodies that no longer make it necessary for them to need Covid "vaccines"!

Sell your big Pharma stock, Kiddies! Their windfall profits may be in jeopardy! :)
I take it you've never taken any medicine from any pharma company ever in your life. It's all a scam, right?
Who gives a shit what Joe Potatohead has to say? He is an illegitimate President that has a record of never getting anything right in his life.

Even The Worthless Negro said to never underestimate the ability of Biden to screw something up.

I can make my own health care decisions. I don't this draft dodging Moon Bat nitwit telling me how to run my life.
No problem. If you get a severe case of Covid don't forget to stay home & treat yourself. Let hospital staff treat people who aren't as smart as you when you took your medical adivice fron Dr's. Bongino, Hannity, Rogan & Carlson.

Best of luck, Einstein.
That's the fault with freedom. Your president is advising you gave freedom to die how you choose. Isn't that wonderful.

Enjoy your time in a socialist funded public hospital. You hypocrit
If only we had universal healthcare like every other 1st world country.....
Take the average length of time for any of the vaccines that came before these, John! Does that work for you?
As you know medicines have to go through different phases of trials. As far as I know, there isnt a stipulation on how long the phases have to be.

Also, I thought one of the things trump was so proud of was "fast tracking" the approving of the vaccines? Are you suggesting that what trump was promoting was wrong?
The British and Australian health care system is outstanding. I'll never understand why Americans are still blinded by that socialist propaganda crap belched by republicans.
Unfortunately we have to live with those animals and they prevent us from having things every other 1st world countries have. It's basically because of ignorance and anti-intellectualism.

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