Biden was 1st to interrupt in debate, Wallace 2nd

We all know Trump is a counter puncher. Biden started the lack of decorum.


Biden: 6:50, 7:00, 7:13

Wallace 7:17

Biden couldnt control his old senile ass. What a shit candidate.

True. Trump was actually the one to maintain a professional, respectful attitude throughout the debate until near the end sticking to the topic of policies and actions while Biden was interrupting and showing overt disrespect, literally IGNORING Trump, making it very personal, trying to make it between him and Wallace speaking of Trump in the 3rd person, telling Trump to shut up, etc., as Wallace interrupted Trump and ran interference for Biden almost never excoriating Biden for the very things he started yet repeatedly argued with Trump over!

It was a debate of two standards.
Since we're already talking about this:

Biden interrupted Trump ELEVEN TIMES most disgracefully, disrespectfully and unprofessionally, and Wallace interrupted / cut Trump off 5-6 times during the first 17 minutes before Trump finally had enough and said something out of turn in his own defense.

Then it finally, increasingly became a shitfest toward the end because every time Trump started getting in a real dig on Biden, Wallace started to literally talk over him, yelling sometimes trying to stop Trump! Yet never stopped Biden no matter how far off the rails he went.

Wallace actually cut Trump off from talking a few times WHEN IT WAS TRUMP'S TURN TO SPEAK!

A couple times, Biden cut into Trump's time interrupting, then Wallace jumped in defending Biden, actually turning the mic over to Biden so he could go on talking after interrupting on Trump's turn.

Wallace hardly ever said anything to Biden despite his numerous interruptions and rude, lascivious remarks, and the one time he did, he APOLOGIZED for it.

It was clear Wallace and Biden had a long relationship through Biden's years as VP and senator and Wallace treated Donald as if he were a mere outsider, an interloper.
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Liberals, why do you act like these things didnt happen.

You cant stick your heads in the sand. You have 32 days to unfuck the Biden Harris campaign
Since we're already talking about this:

Biden interrupted Trump ELEVEN TIMES most disgracefully, disrespectfully and unprofessionally, and Wallace interrupted / cut Trump off 5-6 times during the first 17 minutes before Trump finally had enough and said something out of turn in his own defense.

The it finally, increasingly became a shitfest toward the end because every time Trump started getting in a real dig on Biden, Wallace started to literally talk over him, yelling sometimes trying to stop Trump! Yet never stopped Biden no matter how far off the rails he went.

Wallace actually cut Trump off from talking a few times WHEN IT WAS TRUMP'S TURN TO SPEAK!

A couple times, Biden cut into Trump's time interrupting, then Wallace jumped in defending Biden, actually turning the mic over to Biden so he could go on talking after interrupting on Trump's turn.

Wallace hardly ever said anything to Biden despite his numerous interruptions and rude, lascivious remarks, and the one time he did, he APOLOGIZED for it.

It was clear Wallace and Biden had a long relationship through Biden's years as VP and senator and Wallace treated Donald as if he were a mere outsider, an interloper.

When dickhead Biden calls a sitting president a liar, racist, and murderer on international tv then dickhead Biden should expect to get mauled.
How funny is the bullshit media narrative, then all you have to do is go back to the video.


Fuck the truth, I know libs....I know,
Since we're already talking about this:

Biden interrupted Trump ELEVEN TIMES most disgracefully, disrespectfully and unprofessionally, and Wallace interrupted / cut Trump off 5-6 times during the first 17 minutes before Trump finally had enough and said something out of turn in his own defense.

The it finally, increasingly became a shitfest toward the end because every time Trump started getting in a real dig on Biden, Wallace started to literally talk over him, yelling sometimes trying to stop Trump! Yet never stopped Biden no matter how far off the rails he went.

Wallace actually cut Trump off from talking a few times WHEN IT WAS TRUMP'S TURN TO SPEAK!

A couple times, Biden cut into Trump's time interrupting, then Wallace jumped in defending Biden, actually turning the mic over to Biden so he could go on talking after interrupting on Trump's turn.

Wallace hardly ever said anything to Biden despite his numerous interruptions and rude, lascivious remarks, and the one time he did, he APOLOGIZED for it.

It was clear Wallace and Biden had a long relationship through Biden's years as VP and senator and Wallace treated Donald as if he were a mere outsider, an interloper.

When dickhead Biden calls a sitting president a liar, racist, and murderer on international tv then dickhead Biden should expect to get mauled.

Biden is what the Left pretends Trump is. Joe Biden belongs in the back room of a pool hall, collecting money and rolling people over with brass knuckles. If you re-watch the debate, rather than replying TO Trump, talking back and forth, give and take, Biden tried to treat Trump in the third person, as not even legitimately there, looking only at Wallace, talking to Wallace ABOUT Trump, literally saying early on that he wasn't even LISTENING to Trump, putting his hand up, like Trump was noise, calling him names, a clown, telling him to SHUT UP, all the while Trump had maintained professional decorum, stuck to the time, stuck to the topics, until finally, Trump got sick of him and Wallace constantly cutting him off and ganging up on him and started saying stuff just to get it said, upon which, Wallace protested that Trump wasn't sticking to the rules, despite the fact that he never said anything to Biden despite doing it first and far worse.

If this POS thug is elected to the White House, whoa onto the nation because a criminal enterprise called the deep state literally tried to stop a duly elected president from getting into office because he was a genuine outsider, not one of their players, then marginalized and obstructed him through the four years he was there, and worse, once out, with Biden and Harris in, will not only BE everything they claimed of Trump, but FAR FAR WORSE.

Trump is fighting a banana republic that only wants one of their people in and the whole idea that you have real choice is only an illusion. I expect that this election is going to be a total fraud and cabal with an unbelievable outcome the likes of which we have never seen.

This election will be twisted and turned and shaken upside down every which way until they get the desired outcome this time they want.
In this classic comedy skit,

The Bridgekeeper is the debate moderator.

Mike Pence is Sir Lancelot.
Kamala Harris is Sir Robin.
Joe Biden is Sir Galahad.
DJT is King Arthur.

If you’d asked me before the presidential debate last week, What if someone brings up the media’s “fine people, on both sides” lie about Trump? I’d have said: Nah, he clearly denounced white supremacists in that very one would be that stupid.

Chris Wallace is!

Journalists are like 2-year-olds who won’t stop asking why the sky is blue or how high is “up.”

A similarly unanswerable question: Why on earth doesn’t Trump keep an MP3 file in his pocket of him saying, “… and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”

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