Biden Wrong On Every Foreign Policy Decision Proven Right Again

Trump didn’t manage the pull out from Afghanistan …Biden did.

Stop tying to blame Trump for Biden’s screw ups.

I didn't.

I pointed out back on page one the following:

The OP said that Biden was wrong on every decision or something like that.

Trump wanted to leave Afghanistan. He said so. He failed at doing it.
Biden did it.

So tell me how in the hell did Biden make the "wrong" decision by doing exactly what Trump wanted to do?
I didn't.

I pointed out back on page one the following:

The OP said that Biden was wrong on every decision or something like that.

Trump wanted to leave Afghanistan. He said so. He failed at doing it.
Biden did it.

So tell me how in the hell did Biden make the "wrong" decision by doing exactly what Trump wanted to do?
Trump and Biden were not wrong abut pulling out of Afghanistan.

Biden’s problem was how he managed the pull out. Trump managed out pull out from Syria and it was not a total fiasco.

Trump would have had the same 2500 soldiers and an Afghan Army that refused to fight to protect us

It was Trump who made the deal with the Taliban
Biden could have backed out of the deal if he wanted to or listened to the advice of his generals. Trump backed out of Obama’s deal with Iran.

Trump and Biden were not wrong abut pulling out of Afghanistan.

Biden’s problem was how he managed the pull out. Trump managed out pull out from Syria and it was not a total fiasco.

And you believe the two are remotely comparable?
And you believe the two are remotely comparable?
Are you trying to tell me that you honestly believe Joe Biden did an outstanding job of withdrawing from Afghanistan?

Here is an article from the New Yorker hardly a conservative news outlet. ….


When President Joe Biden announced in the spring that he planned to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, it appeared to be a politically deft decision from an Administration rapidly replacing the chaos of the Trump years with competence. The nearly twenty-year war had long faded from American headlines and consciousness. Voters on the left and the right were eager to end a largely forgotten conflict that Biden’s predecessors had allowed to become, through a combination of inattention and shoddy strategy, America’s longest war.

Yet the manner in which the withdrawal was conducted and also the Taliban’s triumph have had a political impact on Biden that has surprised me and other journalists who covered the conflict and long ago assumed that the general public had lost interest in it. Polls and pollsters now say that Biden’s handling of Afghanistan is one of two issues—the other is his response to the Delta variant—that have played a role in his approval ratings approaching those of Gerald Ford and Donald Trump at the same stage of their Presidencies. The majority of Americans favored ending the war, but the Taliban’s barring Afghan women and girls from attending school, the abandonment of Afghans who allied themselves with the American effort, and continued violence from isis seem to have taken a toll. On Friday, an apparent isis attack, the second in a week, killed more than forty minority Shiite Muslims as they prayed in a mosque in the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar—the latest of several signs that the Taliban are struggling to govern the country.


The political importance of Afghanistan, of course, may fade if the nation stays out of the headlines. Biden’s handling of the pandemic and the economy, and whether Congress enacts his domestic agenda, will clearly be more important to voters in the midterm elections. But analysts say that the botched withdrawal contributed to doubts about the central premise of Biden’s Presidency: that he can govern effectively. “Many Americans were enjoying the sense of calm that had fallen over the government after four tumultuous years under former President Donald Trump—and approved of Biden because, to them, he represented a more competent leader,” Nathaniel Rakich, a senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight, wrote this week. “But Afghanistan, and also the delta variant, shattered that calm and raised questions about whether Biden really was that competent after all.” …emphasis added
Are you trying to tell me that you honestly believe Joe Biden did an outstanding job of withdrawing from Afghanistan?

Here is an article from the New Yorker hardly a conservative news outlet. ….


When President Joe Biden announced in the spring that he planned to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, it appeared to be a politically deft decision from an Administration rapidly replacing the chaos of the Trump years with competence. The nearly twenty-year war had long faded from American headlines and consciousness. Voters on the left and the right were eager to end a largely forgotten conflict that Biden’s predecessors had allowed to become, through a combination of inattention and shoddy strategy, America’s longest war.

Yet the manner in which the withdrawal was conducted and also the Taliban’s triumph have had a political impact on Biden that has surprised me and other journalists who covered the conflict and long ago assumed that the general public had lost interest in it. Polls and pollsters now say that Biden’s handling of Afghanistan is one of two issues—the other is his response to the Delta variant—that have played a role in his approval ratings approaching those of Gerald Ford and Donald Trump at the same stage of their Presidencies. The majority of Americans favored ending the war, but the Taliban’s barring Afghan women and girls from attending school, the abandonment of Afghans who allied themselves with the American effort, and continued violence from isis seem to have taken a toll. On Friday, an apparent isis attack, the second in a week, killed more than forty minority Shiite Muslims as they prayed in a mosque in the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar—the latest of several signs that the Taliban are struggling to govern the country.


The political importance of Afghanistan, of course, may fade if the nation stays out of the headlines. Biden’s handling of the pandemic and the economy, and whether Congress enacts his domestic agenda, will clearly be more important to voters in the midterm elections. But analysts say that the botched withdrawal contributed to doubts about the central premise of Biden’s Presidency: that he can govern effectively. “Many Americans were enjoying the sense of calm that had fallen over the government after four tumultuous years under former President Donald Trump—and approved of Biden because, to them, he represented a more competent leader,” Nathaniel Rakich, a senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight, wrote this week. “But Afghanistan, and also the delta variant, shattered that calm and raised questions about whether Biden really was that competent after all.” …emphasis added
Like when Joe botched the Afghanistan withdraw; several left leaners wouldn't criticize him. Why? Dunno. It was clearly a clusterfuck.

The withdraw was botched (as I have said like 50 times on this board alone)....

But that is a separate item from the decision to leave...which was the same decision Trump had made.
Biden could have backed out of the deal if he wanted to or listened to the advice of his generals. Trump backed out of Obama’s deal with Iran.

If he fell for the trap and sent in more troops
The same trap previous Presidents fell for

Truth is, Afghanistan was never going to be a stable democracy and Biden got us out of there
If he fell for the trap and sent in more troops
The same trap previous Presidents fell for

Truth is, Afghanistan was never going to be a stable democracy and Biden got us out of there
I agree we made the right decision to leave Afghanistan. My problem is how Biden did it. It was definitely a FUBAR op.

I personally am opposed to nation rebuilding after we engage in a conflict. I favor warning nations not to fuck with us. If they do we send in our military which is excellent at destroying stuff and let them do what they are good at. After they win, we leave while telling the nation that we can always come back if they fuck with us again. Let them rebuild their own damn nation.

Do that once or twice and we will rarely have any problems. Nations will say, “Don’t mess with the U.S.” We of course will be hated but we are anyway so no big deal.

The problem with nation rebuilding is it rarely works especially in Muslim nations. Plus corruption in the nation rebuilding process is inevitable. Contractors from our nation get rich as do officials in the governments we have imposed on the nations we attacked. (Of course that is why nation rebuilding will continue. Much of the profit in wars like Iraq and Afghanistan is made in the rebuilding phase.)

Now let’s be honest. We rebuild nations after a conflict because of profit much of it corrupt.

The problem with nation rebuilding is it rarely works especially in Muslim nations. Plus corruption in the nation rebuilding process is inevitable.

The Brits, Russians and now the US has tried to build a modern nation in Afghanistan

It is not just going to work. Trump was correct to say….Just get the hell out
Biden followed up and just did it

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