Biden Wrong On Every Foreign Policy Decision Proven Right Again

You never bomb US Aid workers and children either...but Biden did.

The hospital you are talking about had been taken over by terrorists who were using it as an HQ. The US dropped leaflets and passed the word we were going to strike before we did.

No it hadn't. We were lied to. It was simply a hospital and you do your due diligence in situations like that.
Especially silly is the OP this morning.

Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan...he failed. Miserably.

Biden got it done. And suddenly it was the "wrong decision".
Yes, Biden withdrew from Afghanistan.

It was how he withdrew that I see as the problem. It was embarrassing to our nation to say the least.


No it hadn't. We were lied to. It was simply a hospital and you do your due diligence in situations like that.
Negative, snowflake. The Brits had been monitoring terrorists going in and out. You act like this was the 1st case if terrorists using human shield and / or hospitals for HQs. Hamas does it all the time.

At least there was a semi-reasonanle reason for striking it...unlike when Bidenhad US Aid workers and 10 children in a US blown up...
A terrorist attack killed Americans. But you blame your President. Some "American" you are.
That is case by case. FOr instance, 9/11 has little to do with POTUS. But, I believe you cannot say the same for that poor 13 americans.
Trump was pulling troops but it seems no equipment. But as I said, the mistake was sending it there in the first place. I don't blame Trump for that.
That mistake was made three administrations ago, so what does it have to do with this discussion? Pedo Joe made the mistake of pulling out the military before he pulled the civilians out. I know you can't admit that, but there it is.
Continuing the same policies of his predecessors was even worse. I do not care how big of a mess it was, I will always give Biden credit for getting us out.
We give him credit for creating a giant cluster fuck
None of that happened although there are still Americans in Afghanistan.

Biden was man enough to make the tough call that your blob coward from after he cozied up to the Taliban a few years back.
Trump had every intention of pulling our troops out of there. Your post is pure horseshit.

Pedo Joe is real brave with the lives of other Americans.
Biden correct Foreign policy decisions

Getting us out of Afghanistan
Rejoining Paris Climate Accords
Rejoining WHO
Patching relations with China
Patching relations with Iran
Distancing us from the Saudi Royal Family
Rebuilding the NATO Alliance

Biden correct Foreign policy decisions

Getting us out of Afghanistan - fucked it all up
Rejoining Paris Climate Accords - Bad decision
Rejoining WHO - Bad decision
Patching relations with China - Bad decision
Patching relations with Iran - Bad decision
Distancing us from the Saudi Royal Family - Didn't happen, although leftwingers demanded it.
Trump had every intention of pulling our troops out of there. Your post is pure horseshit.

Pedo Joe is real brave with the lives of other Americans.

Trump supposedly had every intention of doing lot's of things but didn't.
Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan...he failed. Miserably.

Biden got it done. And suddenly it was the "wrong decision".
Bwahahaha!!! Nothing says “got it done” like leaving hundreds of millions in weapons, vehicles, technology (like night vision goggles), leaving Americans stranded, and allowing the nation to fall into the hands of the enemy.

Oh CC, you are special sweetie…

Folks, CC wants you to believe that Joe Biden “got it done” 👇
Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan...he failed. Miserably.

Biden got it done. And suddenly it was the "wrong decision".
He left an entire arsenal. Hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition, weapons, vehicles, technology, etc. He has armed Americas enemies for decades.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, he left Americans stranded.

And if all of that wasn’t bad enough, he fucking allowed the nation to fall back into the hands of the enemy.

That is “success” in the minds of a leftist!! :lmao:
Folks, CC wants you to believe that Joe Biden “got it done” 👇

He left an entire arsenal. Hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition, weapons, vehicles, technology, etc. He has armed Americas enemies for decades.

We've been arming our "enemies" for decades.
This why you stay the fuck out of it...
Spoken like a true left-wing, cross-dressing, trans-gender, beta-“male” pussy.

Sorry pussy, but it’s just flat-out wrong to sit by while atrocities are happening. Only cowards do shit like that. And don’t get me wrong, we all get that you’re a pussy (show me a “male” on the left who isn’t), but the rest of us aren’t. We’re not sitting back and watching atrocities.
Folks, there is nothing more annoying than an ignorant leftist. They never learn from history. Never.
This why you stay the fuck out of it...
That ignorant comment right there was used by FDR and the Dumbocrats while millions of Jews were horrifically slaughtered.

And to a man, the entire planet said, “they should have stopped Hitler sooner” after World War II was over and lessons were learned. But flaming Brokeback Mountain “cowboys” like Ted spent all of their time learning homosexuality and queer theory, rather than history. Sickening.
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“Overall, we rate PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks.”

President Biden ending Bush’s failed, illegal war in Afghanistan was appropriate, warranted, and an example of sound, responsible foreign policy.

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