Biden-Xi Phone Call Lasts 2 Hours - How Long Does It Take Joe To Assure Xi The US Will Not Act If China Invades Taiwan?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Best thing we can do to stop China from invading Taiwan is make Russia pay dearly for invading Ukraine.

Of course, if Biden were America first, he wouldn’t be giving a hoot about Taiwan being invaded.
I'm curious to see the read out of the call, but I don't believe they would release it uncensored if something negative on Biden was said or counter productive to his agendas.

If she does go I'm sure he offered all kinds of concessions to appease china and let it happen.
Best thing we can do to stop China from invading Taiwan is make Russia pay dearly for invading Ukraine.

Of course, if Biden were America first, he wouldn’t be giving a hoot about Taiwan being invaded.
Biden is incapable of giving anyone a hard time ... except American citizens and tax payers.
Perhaps Xi had to repeat everything TWICE for Biden ...

...Or Joe Fell Asleep In The Middle Of The Phone Call....


Look, completely selling us out to the Chinese takes time. Plus, you have to negotiate the kick backs and arrange for all the money to go into the Biden secret bank accounts.

And let's face it, Joe has the brain power of s squirrel... So there's that. :(
Perhaps Xi had to repeat everything TWICE for Biden ...

...Or Joe Fell Asleep In The Middle Of The Phone Call....


It takes 2 hours for Master Xi to give Grasshopper Joe all of his instructions.
Stop portraying Biden as the media lies do, as senile, just fucking stop with that scam, its a scam, he is not fucking senile, he is a "Psychopathic Personality," he has always been exactly as you see him, always! He is the most pathological cretin I have ever observed ascend so high in political office, he is a psycho-sexual child predator that preyed upon its own children, and all of those children who live, are perfect examples of exactly what such a depraved individual produces, they are all of them, human wrecks and totally corrupted right down to their DNA!

He is not fucking senile, he has always been this way, you only see the psychopath more fully than in the past because of its exposure, no psychopath is really human, never ever forget that, Biden is I absolutely assure you, perfectly capable of perpetrating horrifying atrocity, perfectly capable of allowing China to nuke the United States, and just as long as his interests and possessions are safe, doing nothing in return, or as all America is now observing, using the nations vast war apparatus and intelligence machine to wage war upon middle America, which in point of fact it is already doing!

It is not senile, the disease you see has always been there, always! :wink:
Stop portraying Biden as the media lies do, as senile, just fucking stop with that scam, its a scam, he is not fucking senile, he is a "Psychopathic Personality," he has always been exactly as you see him, always! He is the most pathological cretin I have ever observed ascend so high in political office, he is a psycho-sexual child predator that preyed upon its own children, and all of those children who live, are perfect examples of exactly what such a depraved individual produces, they are all of them, human wrecks and totally corrupted right down to their DNA!

He is not fucking senile, he has always been this way, you only see the psychopath more fully than in the past because of its exposure, no psychopath is really human, never ever forget that, Biden is I absolutely assure you, perfectly capable of perpetrating horrifying atrocity, perfectly capable of allowing China to nuke the United States, and just as long as his interests and possessions are safe, doing nothing in return, or as all America is now observing, using the nations vast war apparatus and intelligence machine to wage war upon middle America, which in point of fact it is already doing!

It is not senile, the disease you see has always been there, always! :wink:

He has always been an incompetent, ignorant, criminal, racist, horse's ass, but he's got dementia as well now.
He has always been an incompetent, ignorant, criminal, racist, horse's ass, but he's got dementia as well now.
Precisely, but he is not senile, what you see in him today, has always been who Biden is, I can assure you folk that Biden, who is a psychopath, is a fucking monster, you'd best warm up to that now, because that psychopath is gonna be turning off the power and food supply to your cities come autumn!
Stop portraying Biden as the media lies do, as senile, just fucking stop with that scam, its a scam, he is not fucking senile, he is a "Psychopathic Personality," he has always been exactly as you see him, always! He is the most pathological cretin I have ever observed ascend so high in political office, he is a psycho-sexual child predator that preyed upon its own children, and all of those children who live, are perfect examples of exactly what such a depraved individual produces, they are all of them, human wrecks and totally corrupted right down to their DNA!

He is not fucking senile, he has always been this way, you only see the psychopath more fully than in the past because of its exposure, no psychopath is really human, never ever forget that, Biden is I absolutely assure you, perfectly capable of perpetrating horrifying atrocity, perfectly capable of allowing China to nuke the United States, and just as long as his interests and possessions are safe, doing nothing in return, or as all America is now observing, using the nations vast war apparatus and intelligence machine to wage war upon middle America, which in point of fact it is already doing!

It is not senile, the disease you see has always been there, always! :wink:
I agree with what you say. He has no core beliefs at all that I could discern. He has done complete reversals on nearly every major issue over his 50 year career. He is a pervert and two of his children are not surprisingly perverts as well. He also corrupt as the day is long with no regard for country or duty. Only to Biden Inc. I also don't think he has dementia but his brain is deteriorating probably the long term results of aneurysm surgeries.
Lacking any win from the call the spin is the length of the call was the win, got it. :icon_rolleyes:
Perhaps Xi had to repeat everything TWICE for Biden ...

...Or Joe Fell Asleep In The Middle Of The Phone Call....


He was probably begging Xi not to release the footage of Hunter Biden raping The Chinese Child Sex Slaves Xi sent to Hunter and Joe's room as a thank you for selling America out.
Vindman and the Yavanovich agenda driven beotch leaked president Trump's totally innocent and legal conversation with Ukranian president....Who is going to let the public know how Biden has jeopardized our country, security, economy with his secret correspondence with Xi? You can damn well count on our traitorous media to cover his skanky ass.

oh..but y'all don't wanna talk about that do ya.
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Look, completely selling us out to the Chinese takes time. Plus, you have to negotiate the kick backs and arrange for all the money to go into the Biden secret bank accounts.

And let's face it, Joe has the brain power of s squirrel... So there's that. :(

Xi is well aware of Joey's mental infirmities.
Vindman and the Yavanovich agenda driven beotch leaked president Trump's totally innocent and legal conversation with Ukranian president....Who is going to let the public know how Biden has jeopardized our country, security, economy with his secret correspondence with Xi? You can damn well count on our traitorous media to cover his skanky ass.

oh..but y'all don't wanna talk about that do ya.
Trump was impeached for trying to shake down a foreign leader to help him win an election. End of story. Your other rant is good old fashioned looney toon QAnut stuff. :laugh:
Seek help.

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