Joe Biden Will Not Take US To War With China. How Long Before He Abandons Taiwan, Pelosi Cancells Trip?

Don't put this on Trump. This is all to be laid at the door of past democrat and rino presidents. He had only four years of which the left and the traitorous rino fought him every step of the way and yet he still accomplished many good things in spite of the obstacles put in his way. We were in a hell of a better shape at home and abroad when President Trump was in office.

No we weren't.

Trump inherited a good economy and a country mostly at peace.

He had three years of weak economic growth followed by a plague, a huge recession we are STILL feeling the effects of, and riots in the streets.
It will go off without incident, and then you'll find some other bullshit to whine about.
Yeah, just like last time - the evidence of corruption, sedition,and crime is still engaged exposed.

Biden has the 2nd lowest approval rating in US history, his wife has the lowest approval rating for 1st Ladies ever.

Over 80% of Americabs say he has us going the wrong way.

He has helped our enemies, sold Strategic Oil Reserves to Xi while on rhe brink of war with them.

He is allowing to buy strategic land next to critical military commands and bases, selling extremely critical farm land

He is negotiating the release of a terrorist with an invading, genocidal War criminal and terrorist.

Recession, economy worsening illegal invasion, etc....

Over 60% believe he is a serious national security threat.

34 Senior Staffers have left his administration in a year and a half

The majority of his own party doesn't want him to finish his term, let alone run In 2024.

He participated in Hillary & Obama's exposed coup attempt

He publicly bragged about extorting a foreign PM

Photos, Hunter's laptop data, testimony by State dept Officials and his son's business partners have exposed he is a lying perjurous, influencing peddling head of his entire family's self-enriching Cartel.

The Criminal FBI, DOJ, and fake news media continue to cover for him, withhold evidence, refuse to act on what has been exposed, and are keeping a feeble, dementia-ravaged compromised old man incapable of walking, talking and sitting without cue cards in power to be used S a puppet..

Just look at the spliced together video speech the WH released because he is incapable of giving a coherent one live..

Wake the f up, dude, and try being honest ... at least with yourself....because no one else us buying rhe shit you are shoveling.
Just look at the spliced together video speech the WH released because he is incapable of giving a coherent one live..

Wake the f up, dude, and try being honest ... at least with yourself....because no one else us buying rhe shit you are shoveling.

What the fuck are you talking about, man? I'm having the best year of my life. Unlike the last year of Trump, when I was hunkered down in my home, not making any money, and worried about a riot breaking out.

Seriously, dude, Biden is going to be president for the next two years, but I doubt you'll last THAT long with this level of obsession.
He is allowing to buy strategic land next to critical military commands and bases, selling extremely critical farm land

And now the POTUS is in charge of selling private farm land.

Wow, is there anything you do not think the POTUS does?
And now the POTUS is in charge of selling private farm land.
You really are stupid - it's not an act. Wow.

For National security the US govt could step in and deny the sale, not that compromised Joe would ever do so
You really are stupid - it's not an act. Wow.

For National security the US govt could step in and deny the sale, not that compromised Joe would ever do so

Wow, you truly are a Big Government loving authoritarian.

Did the previous Admin ever do that? Or were they compromised as well?
No we weren't.

Trump inherited a good economy and a country mostly at peace.

He had three years of weak economic growth followed by a plague, a huge recession we are STILL feeling the effects of, and riots in the streets.
You do not accept evil taking control of the world. Because it affects your social views as the politics in on the same side. The social side cannot be improved without economic moving at least at the same speed. With efficiencies it would be much easier.
Did the previous Admin ever do that? Or were they compromised as well?
Trump never negotiated with invading genocidal war criminals and terrorists...

Never flew billions on an unmarked plane in the middle of the night tobuy back Americand from terrorist nations who wanted to destroy this country

Never took millions from China and Russia during his campaign, never purjured himself about not knowing what his Russian Money Laundering crackhead son was doing, Never lied about not ever meeting with his son's business partners while the state dept already testified he had and there was a photo on the internet of him playing golf with them

Never participated in the largest, most seditious criminal political coup scandal in US history...

Never, on the brink of war, sold oil from the US Strategic Oil Reserve to the nation threatening to start this war...

Trump delivered the lowest unemployment record in the US for blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, and young adts
- Biden has delivered inflation, recession, and the 2nd lowest approval rating inUS history - his own Democrats are already demanding he step down ... with a year and a half to go...

34 hand-picked senior advisors have abandoned his horrific administration in only 18 months...

Every time you go on one of your TDS-suffering, mentally unstable, highly emotional, blindly partisan rants you prove yourself to be an idiot whose opinion is worthless.
Trump never negotiated with invading genocidal war criminals and terrorists...

Never flew billions on an unmarked plane in the middle of the night tobuy back Americand from terrorist nations who wanted to destroy this country

Never took millions from China and Russia during his campaign, never purjured himself about not knowing what his Russian Money Laundering crackhead son was doing, Never lied about not ever meeting with his son's business partners while the state dept already testified he had and there was a photo on the internet of him playing golf with them

Never participated in the largest, most seditious criminal political coup scandal in US history...

Never, on the brink of war, sold oil from the US Strategic Oil Reserve to the nation threatening to start this war...

Trump delivered the lowest unemployment record in the US for blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, and young adts
- Biden has delivered inflation, recession, and the 2nd lowest approval rating inUS history - his own Democrats are already demanding he step down ... with a year and a half to go...

34 hand-picked senior advisors have abandoned his horrific administration in only 18 months...

Every time you go on one of your TDS-suffering, mentally unstable, highly emotional, blindly partisan rants you prove yourself to be an idiot whose opinion is worthless.

You did not answer the question.

Did the previous Admin suspend the rights of people to sell there land like you say Biden Admin should?
Just pointing out the facts here. Sorry your own words trigger you so
No, you're spewing debunked, mentally unstable, hate & desperation-driven, parroted liberal talking points with a side of your own highly biased and blindly sheepish opinion... .

Again, Xi's cuck, Biden, will abandon Tiawan before taking America to war.

A symphony of 'stupid'.
You do not accept evil taking control of the world. Because it affects your social views as the politics in on the same side. The social side cannot be improved without economic moving at least at the same speed. With efficiencies it would be much easier.

The Chinese are not evil.

No more than we are, anyway.

They have a different culture.
President Trump did NOT inherit anything Good from Obama and on top of that we have found out that Obama and his FIB/CYA/DoH WERE spying on an incoming president and conspiring to destroy his presidency, him and his family. THAT RIGHT THERE, should have Mr. Obama facing some kind of consequences and the American people are waiting for that lie perpetrated on the American people to be made right. The left destroys and then claims that others did it. The American People ARE NOT STUPID. We know what the left has done and is doing. We know our media is a traitorous pile of sewage.
President Trump did NOT inherit anything Good from Obama and on top of that we have found out that Obama and his FIB/CYA/DoH WERE spying on an incoming president and conspiring to destroy his presidency, him and his family. THAT RIGHT THERE, should have Mr. Obama facing some kind of consequences and the American people are waiting for that lie perpetrated on the American people to be made right. The left destroys and then claims that others did it. The American People ARE NOT STUPID. We know what the left has done and is doing. We know our media is a traitorous pile of sewage.

Uh, we had pretty definite evidence that the Russians WERE trying to influence our election. That's something the FBI, CIA, etc SHOULD be looking into.

That Trump was a "Useful Idiot" for the Russians rather than an active player is besides the point.

Also, the American people said "NO" to Trump. Loudly. Several times.
You truly are too stupid to be one person. There were women and homosexuals in the military, including trans people, long before Obama was elected. The only difference was they had to hide their sexuality and this left them open to blackmail.

Nothing changed in the military, but stupid idiots like you think it has. No wonder you voted for Trump, you'll fall for anything.
Solidly on point. What a group.
What the fuck are you talking about, man? I'm having the best year of my life. Unlike the last year of Trump, when I was hunkered down in my home, not making any money, and worried about a riot breaking out.

Seriously, dude, Biden is going to be president for the next two years, but I doubt you'll last THAT long with this level of obsession.
That is you. But most of the Progs who voted for Biden are not so good. Biden is of the swamp, and he does not have to straddle the fence. And since he is demented, he does not remember a lot of it. This is the worst political rulers in American history. And up there in human history.
That is you. But most of the Progs who voted for Biden are not so good. Biden is of the swamp, and he does not have to straddle the fence. And since he is demented, he does not remember a lot of it. This is the worst political rulers in American history. And up there in human history.
I had the best business year in history last year as well. Going fine this year - probably be the second best. Only downside is the stock market is suffering from fainting goats but I have many years of growth in front of me.
The russian thing has been proven TO BE WRONG. You wouldn't know that because your media doesn't want you to know it.

The russian thing has been proven TO BE WRONG. You wouldn't know that because your media doesn't want you to know it.

Trump was impeached for bribing Ukraine to state they were investigating Biden when they weren’t. It was an open and shut case that the republicans ignored which led to Trump trying to launch a coup and insurrection.

He wasn’t impeached for all the Russian shady dealings he had.


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