Biden-Xi Phone Call Lasts 2 Hours - How Long Does It Take Joe To Assure Xi The US Will Not Act If China Invades Taiwan?

Perhaps Xi had to repeat everything TWICE for Biden ...

...Or Joe Fell Asleep In The Middle Of The Phone Call....


Makes you wonder what they discussed while traveling through the foothills of the Himalayas
Pelosi will visit Taiwan

Come back with the Havanna effect....acting like Joe

No one will notice.
Then it will be Nancy`s turn to humiliate Orange Jesus in 2 debates.
Pelosi's reputation and credibility has been destroyed.

She vowed not to allow Impeachment to go forward unless she had 2 things:
1. Undeniable evidence of crime
- She had none and they ended up being caught treasonously, criminally manufacturing false evidence, committing perjury, photo-shopping tweets, and making up a no-existent 'whistleblower'.

Schiff even authored a fake phone transcript and tried to submit it as real evidence. (This is called sedition, treason, & a coup attempt along with othercrimes like conspiracy, falsifying evidence, etc... Schiff should be in prisonfor life right now.)

Pelosi later argued no crimes, evidence,or witnesses were needed to Impeach a President.

2. Bipartisanship
- She had none.

She argued Trump was such an immenent threat he had to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY. . .then she refused to give the Senate the Articles of Impeachment for WEEKS whe she embarrassed herself by attempting to intomidate the US Senate into running THEIR impeachment process by HER 'Un-Constitutional, illegal, dishonorable, itizens' rights-trampling demands.

6 years later the same FBI, DOJ, Speaker, and Democrats who did all this and engaged in yet another coup to remove him from office set up the 6 Jan event too ce again try to 'Get Trump'...interesting midst of Noe and Democrats melting down the country try.

--If they had used the Nation Guard on 6 Jan as Trump recommended &tbe Capitol Police Chief requested 6 times before and after there woyldhavebeenno 6 Jan event & no need for those e-sided DemNazi cir us.

Pelosi has been caught 3 times now flaaunting her crimial Insider Trading to personally make millions while giving every American the middle finger as she does her version of MC Hammer's 'Can't Touch This' Genie-pants dance.

And no one will ever forget her standing in front ofher seceral thousand dollar freezer sampling 7 - 8 really expensive gourmet ice creams in her mansion when she was supposed to be in DC hoping citizens who were suffering.

This bitch thinks she is the reincarnation of Marie Antoinette and Emelda Marcos.

It would not actually be such a terrible thing if Pelosi tragically martyred herself by attempting to so critically affect foreign policy (no her job, but more probably giving personal thanks for all those tech stocks her husband just bought based on her Congressional insider info).

AOC and others young radicals are already about to cut her off at the knees. Pelosi's rule ... and fuck ups ... have already cost Democrats the House once ... and she somehow made it back. Blood is in the water - if her leadership loses the House a second time she is gone!

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