Biden's Average Approval Rating Sinks Into the Thirties


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Carter smiles
Trump laughs his ass off.



Meanwhile, Obama and his globalist cabal are executing their plan to destroy this nation. Joe most likely knew what his role was and he's being paid LARGE for playing it. He's a paid stooge for those who are using that Office to destroy America.
It is being reported by Axios that Jimmy is clinging to life for a few more years just to see if Biden can surpass him as the worst President in history.

I'm worried though, he is already there, so does that mean Jimmy will die this year?
"Morning Consult noted that Biden’s latest polling numbers are worse than his predecessor, former President Trump, at this time in his presidency four years ago."

I still find it amazing that there are 39% who approve of Biden's job performance. Not sure exactly what they approve of. I also find it amazing that with over 70% of Americans thinking the country is headed in the wrong direction, Biden & Co want to continue going in the same direction. It's also interesting that with at least 70% of Americans thinking the country is headed in the wrong direction, which means that (at the very most) only 30% of Americans feel we are headed in the right direction, Biden has a 39% approval rating. So, apparently about 9% of Americans who think the country is headed in the wrong direction also approve of Biden's job performance. This must be the stupidest most biased Biden supporters.
The stuttering shit clown's approval is in the low teens. These are fake numbers.... just like votes being manufactured in blue shitholes in the middle of the night.

Buuuuut........Yahoo & The Hill finally admitted it. Though the article is a bunch of double speak gobbly goop
I simply cant believe that 39% of America approves of his job performance.
If that is accurate, The typical American voter is dumber than i thought. Which is hard to imagine.
I simply cant believe that 39% of America approves of his job performance.
If that is accurate, The typical American voter is dumber than i thought. Which is hard to imagine.
Actually it is NOT hard to imagine. For the sake of argument, I'll estimate that about 33% of the country are dems, 33% repubs, and the other 33% independent or other. What we're seeing is the 33% dems willing to get on the Titanic and go down with the ship because they truly believe their way is the right way, to hell with the iceberg!
Actually it is NOT hard to imagine. For the sake of argument, I'll estimate that about 33% of the country are dems, 33% repubs, and the other 33% independent or other. What we're seeing is the 33% dems willing to get on the Titanic and go down with the ship because they truly believe their way is the right way, damn the iceberg!
Remember...they are owed nothing. And many have cashed checks they did not pay for. They are owed the same love they have showed Non Prog voters.
Actually it is NOT hard to imagine. For the sake of argument, I'll estimate that about 33% of the country are dems, 33% repubs, and the other 33% independent or other. What we're seeing is the 33% dems willing to get on the Titanic and go down with the ship because they truly believe their way is the right way, to hell with the iceberg!
And many of the Dems are still blaming everything bad on Trump.
And many of the Dems are still blaming everything bad on Trump.
Yes, that is truly amazing. They spent a lot of time attacking Trump for not taking any responsibility for anything and yet here they are, blaming Trump for everything bad even as Trump has been long gone. Not even the voters are that stupid to believe that.
Xiden can't do a real press conference.
The country is going to hell, and the democrats aren't doing anything but having a Kangaroo Court.
November can't come fast enough.
Hell, even San Francisco threw out a leftist DA.
Maybe CA sees its time for a change to Republicans?

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