Biden's CDC Issues Mask Mandate for All Travel in The US, but There is One Problem

Rand Paul says, yeah right. If you already had COVID, or have been vaccinated. Throw your mask away.

Here he is on Jan 26th on the Senate subway...


Does he now.

Perhaps Paul should read USMB where a thread posted the same time as this one shows a story of a vaccinated (two scoops) Congressman testing positive for COVID. That of course means he's carrying it, which in turn means even if the vaccine protects the carrier from getting sick it does nothing to prevent transmission of the same virus to somebody else who may not be vaccinated.

Of course Rand Paul is the same clown who went swimming in the Capitol pool after he'd been exposed and before he had a negative test result, so we already knew his level of personal responsibility.

Rand Paul. Senator representing the state of Cult of Ignorance.
Masks do not prevent spreading of the wuflu

Nobody said they did. Seat belts do not prevent car fatalities either.
I've known many cars that have died before and after seat belts. Never known a car to wear one though. SMH
You do not have the right to breathe anywhere if you are a health risk to others.
The operative point of that sentence is after "if." You do not have the right to require me to wear a mask because you SUSPECT that I MIGHT be infected. Communists always believe "guilty until proven innocent." Comrade.

The law says otherwise, dumbass!
The law cannot overrule the constitution moron. And you want people to believe you were an officer in the US military. You haven't got a clue. The ADA says I don't have to wear it as well, but you choose to disregard that one as well. If you ever were in the military, and I seriously doubt it, I am sure you were forced to resign and stayed on the dole in recruiting. This country is in serious trouble if the likes of you are in control.
So it's as simple as ignorance. That's usually how it works.

The mask doesn't protect Numero Uno. It protects Everybody Else FROM Numero Uno.

And whether you're sick or not is irrelevant. It's whether you're carrying that matters.

Wear a mask on your face to protect others, even if you aren't sick. LOL. You actually bought it!

You should also sell your house, as it is too big. A smaller house would protect others from sea level rise. Also, trade in your SUV and get a bicyle. It will save lives. Everyone needs to do their part. Otherwise, people will die.

They actually do buy this nonsense. They're easily led and manipulated and deceived.

uh HUH.

---------- Who won the Presidential election?

Uh huh, because legitimately elected presidents, prime ministers, etc have to erect massive walls, fencing, soldiers, around their state house...................yeah, sure thing. Enjoy your delusion.

You think Trump put up that wall up around the capitol?

Absolutely not. We know the Insurrecttionistas were thugs, assaulters, bombers, gun nuts, Molotov cocktail mixers, hangmen and floor-shitters but I haven't seen any evidence that they were rapists too.

By the way it's "Capitol". Proper name.
capitol is NOT a proper name, nazi. Definition of CAPITOL You're welcome. You can thank me for the education later. SMH.

Oh, my God! A typo! How will I ever live it down?

Thank you for pointing I missed the "shift key". You cannot even quote correctly.

You do realize that Washington DC is our national capital.
CDC has issued a mask order effective Feb 1 at noon for all travel in the US...

Here is the order...

The order states authority is granted in 42 USC 264 (and others). But 42 USC 264 states (emphasis added):

"(a) Promulgation and enforcement by Surgeon General

The Surgeon General, with the approval of the Secretary, is authorized to make and enforce such regulations as in his judgment are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the States or possessions, or from one State or possession into any other State or possession. For purposes of carrying out and enforcing such regulations, the Surgeon General may provide for such inspection, fumigation, disinfection, sanitation, pest extermination, destruction of animals or articles found to be so infected or contaminated as to be sources of dangerous infection to human beings, and other measures, as in his judgment may be necessary."

My read is that the order does not apply to intra-state travel, such as catching a bus to go across town, or catching a taxi cab to travel locally.

By the way, for people who wear bandanas or scarves instead of a mask, they are expressly prohibited. You aren't allowed to be fashionable, you have to wear a mask, to let everyone know that you are a compliant little peon.

Rand Paul says, yeah right. If you already had COVID, or have been vaccinated. Throw your mask away.

Here he is on Jan 26th on the Senate subway...

The President is not the Surgeon General. The Surgeon General cannot issue executive orders. The alleged EO is obviously and blatantly unConstitutional and carries no weight.
Masks don't work. You look like an idiot wearing a mask.
Only specially fitted N95 masks work. We have to save them for the healthcare workers. Don't be a selfish anti-science jerk.
Everyone should wear a mask. Don't be a selfish anti-science jerk.
But the studies show they don't work.
OK maybe they don't work for you but you must wear them to protect others. Don't be a selfish anti-science jerk.
Wear two masks..
Paul is correct in saying people who've had the China virus or vaccine shouldn't need to wear masks. Or are we going to be wearing masks indefinitely? How come this question is never asked or answered, when and how will mask be phased out?
Yep. That was discussed before he took office. Legally, he can't really apply it to intra-state travel. Now, the vast majority of people in my area have local ordinances in place already--as do the majority of other areas. This is primarily a rallying cry to make it seem golly, something is being done.
Something is being done. Masks are required for interstate travel. For one.
Yep. That was discussed before he took office. Legally, he can't really apply it to intra-state travel. Now, the vast majority of people in my area have local ordinances in place already--as do the majority of other areas. This is primarily a rallying cry to make it seem golly, something is being done.
Something is being done. Masks are required for interstate travel. For one.

I traveled by plane in November to California. I had to wear a mask at the airport, on the plane and at the airport in California. So.........yep. It's some feel good shit. How you feeling?
Masks don't work. You look like an idiot wearing a mask.
Only specially fitted N95 masks work. We have to save them for the healthcare workers. Don't be a selfish anti-science jerk.
Everyone should wear a mask. Don't be a selfish anti-science jerk.
But the studies show they don't work.
OK maybe they don't work for you but you must wear them to protect others. Don't be a selfish anti-science jerk.
Wear two masks..
that isnt the case with masks
Yep. That was discussed before he took office. Legally, he can't really apply it to intra-state travel. Now, the vast majority of people in my area have local ordinances in place already--as do the majority of other areas. This is primarily a rallying cry to make it seem golly, something is being done.
Something is being done. Masks are required for interstate travel. For one.

I traveled by plane in November to California. I had to wear a mask at the airport, on the plane and at the airport in California. So.........yep. It's some feel good shit. How you feeling?
Surely you arent implying that your single, personal anecdote from one trip to one State means that we already had to wear masks for all interstate travel.
So it's as simple as ignorance. That's usually how it works.

The mask doesn't protect Numero Uno. It protects Everybody Else FROM Numero Uno.

And whether you're sick or not is irrelevant. It's whether you're carrying that matters.

Wear a mask on your face to protect others, even if you aren't sick. LOL. You actually bought it!

You should also sell your house, as it is too big. A smaller house would protect others from sea level rise. Also, trade in your SUV and get a bicyle. It will save lives. Everyone needs to do their part. Otherwise, people will die.

They actually do buy this nonsense. They're easily led and manipulated and deceived.

uh HUH.

---------- Who won the Presidential election?

Uh huh, because legitimately elected presidents, prime ministers, etc have to erect massive walls, fencing, soldiers, around their state house...................yeah, sure thing. Enjoy your delusion.

You think Trump put up that wall up around the capitol?

Absolutely not. We know the Insurrecttionistas were thugs, assaulters, bombers, gun nuts, Molotov cocktail mixers, hangmen and floor-shitters but I haven't seen any evidence that they were rapists too.

By the way it's "Capitol". Proper name.
capitol is NOT a proper name, nazi. Definition of CAPITOL You're welcome. You can thank me for the education later. SMH.

Oh, my God! A typo! How will I ever live it down?

Thank you for pointing I missed the "shift key". You cannot even quote correctly.

You do realize that Washington DC is our national capital.
Take another drink, moron. It wasn't your post that I was replying to unless your name is Pogo. Secondly, Washington DC is our capitOl not capitAl. So, as I figured, you are a liar. US military officers are college educated and know the difference between the seat of government and money.
Yep. That was discussed before he took office. Legally, he can't really apply it to intra-state travel. Now, the vast majority of people in my area have local ordinances in place already--as do the majority of other areas. This is primarily a rallying cry to make it seem golly, something is being done.
Something is being done. Masks are required for interstate travel. For one.

I traveled by plane in November to California. I had to wear a mask at the airport, on the plane and at the airport in California. So.........yep. It's some feel good shit. How you feeling?
Surely you arent implying that your single, personal anecdote from one trip to one State means that we already had to wear masks for all interstate travel.
I'm assuming that all the other people that were flying to other destinations weren't just wearing masks for my benefit on my trip.

Don't be a little bitch.

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