Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452
Biden anticipating 99% of the black votes;
View attachment 339614
I like Sammy
lol. what a load. if anyone deserves being called a fatso it is this scumbag currently playing president. he opened that door decades ago.
Pelosi knows all she needs do is publicly bitch about Don, rather than offer any substantive policies to help the American people. She does this while approving of Don’s legislative agenda. It apparently works on her base.
well. she tried to ensure some oversight for the socialist spending spree of the so-called president. she was accused of killing people for
She folded as she always does.

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452

This is your nuanced and biased comment. The fact is Biden has a long record of building support for minorities; Donald Trump is an elitist who claimed some White Supremacists are good people too. Twisting Biden's words is not only dishonest, it is an effort to create one more BIG LIE, the grist which Right Wingers thrive on.

Twisting his words? Are you this fcking stupid? It was blantaly racist and anyone with an iota of common sense knows it.

The pedo had to go off script, I imagine his handlers had an oh fck moment

I'm not stupid, I know how to spell blatantly; and your comment is a vile lie. Echoing a vile lie which in this case is defamation, and to repeat it without any probative evidence is morally corrupt.
Yeap. He just lost a significant portion of the black vote with that remark.

Go ahead kiddies, try spinning this any way you can!
No he didn't.

Jessie Jackson Race pimps like you are losing your grip on black people. Many don't see a reason to remain in chains under the CCP democrats.
trump is at 3 percent black support according to the most recent poll from Quinnipiac. Nobody black is moving to the republican party. The only race pimps are republicans, they are white and they are pimping you.

You must be a slow learner or a fuzzy memory.

What did the "polls" say just weeks before the November 2016 election?
The fact is Biden has a long record of building support for minorities
Yes, we have been told this generality REPEATEDLY, but no one can list any real examples.

The Democrat party is controlling the message, and black folks are allowing it.


It's like this:
"If we want your opinions, black people, we will give them to you. Shut up and fall in line!"

IM2???? Where to fuck did you run off to???


Keep in perspective how civil rights have evolved, and in contemporary times Biden was ahead of most Americans, and in that same perspective consider trump's position on civil rights, not always his words, but his deeds.

hahahhahahahha--sure sure----hahahhahahahaha
you people look stupid trying to spin this as it's OK

In two minutes you couldn't read the link in my post and then write a post. You have proved to be not very bright, which is one factor sufficient and it seems necessary to Support Donald Trump. You echo BIG LIEs and don't blink an eye, probably because you are blind to reality.

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452
Biden anticipating 99% of the black votes;
View attachment 339614
I like Sammy
You know he did a lot of coke back in the day. :71:
Check this out
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The fact is Biden has a long record of building support for minorities
Yes, we have been told this generality REPEATEDLY, but no one can list any real examples.

The Democrat party is controlling the message, and black folks are allowing it.


It's like this:
"If we want your opinions, black people, we will give them to you. Shut up and fall in line!"

IM2???? Where to fuck did you run off to???


Keep in perspective how civil rights have evolved, and in contemporary times Biden was ahead of most Americans, and in that same perspective consider trump's position on civil rights, not always his words, but his deeds.

hahahhahahahha--sure sure----hahahhahahahaha
you people look stupid trying to spin this as it's OK

In two minutes you couldn't read the link in my post and then write a post. You have proved to be not very bright, which is one factor sufficient and it seems necessary to Support Donald Trump. You echo BIG LIEs and don't blink an eye, probably because you are blind to reality.
You have proved to be not very bright,
you people look stupid trying to spin this as it's OK
You echo BIG LIEs and don't blink an eye, probably because you are blind to reality.
understand it NOW????!!!!!

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