Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

Yeap. He just lost a significant portion of the black vote with that remark.

Go ahead kiddies, try spinning this any way you can!
No he didn't.

Jessie Jackson Race pimps like you are losing your grip on black people. Many don't see a reason to remain in chains under the CCP democrats.
trump is at 3 percent black support according to the most recent poll from Quinnipiac. Nobody black is moving to the republican party. The only race pimps are republicans, they are white and they are pimping you.
NY Times 2 weeks before Election Day.
The fact is Biden has a long record of building support for minorities
Yes, we have been told this generality REPEATEDLY, but no one can list any real examples.

The Democrat party is controlling the message, and black folks are allowing it.


It's like this:
"If we want your opinions, black people, we will give them to you. Shut up and fall in line!"

IM2???? Where to fuck did you run off to???


Keep in perspective how civil rights have evolved, and in contemporary times Biden was ahead of most Americans, and in that same perspective consider trump's position on civil rights, not always his words, but his deeds.

hahahhahahahha--sure sure----hahahhahahahaha
you people look stupid trying to spin this as it's OK

In two minutes you couldn't read the link in my post and then write a post. You have proved to be not very bright, which is one factor sufficient and it seems necessary to Support Donald Trump. You echo BIG LIEs and don't blink an eye, probably because you are blind to reality.
....your link is useless babble crap any way--Biden is a dumbshit racist--that's all there is to it
Only reason he's getting away with this is because he was with obama

Joe Biden isn't getting away with anything. He's already issued an apology and he's being hit from all sides. He REALLY stepped in it this time.
..what he said was un-American, uncivil, undemocratic ...just like something hitler would say
..the left proves AGAIN, THEY are the racists--NOT Mr Trump, NOT Republicans/etc
This is your nuanced and biased comment. The fact is Biden has a long record of building support for minorities; Donald Trump is an elitist who claimed some White Supremacists are good people too. Twisting Biden's words is not only dishonest, it is an effort to create one more BIG LIE, the grist which Right Wingers thrive on.

NO ONE twisted Joe Biden's words, he did it all by himself! He's done it before and that's how he really feels.

Are Biden's words twisted here too? In case you forgot, this is Joe Biden describing Barack Hussein Obama as a candidate.

Biden famously said in the New York Observer, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
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again and again and again--over and over--the leftists and blacks prove to be hypocrites
again, when the left and blacks call people racists --we laugh
In the full video Biden hits it out of the park at about 2 minutes, forty seconds mentioning how trump's delay in acting on the pandemic cost so many deaths. Had he acted even one week earlier there would be 36 thousand fewer deaths. Lots of us were bringing this up back in March but looks like the maga gang were too woozy and hypnotized by trump's words of ignorance and stupidity that they probably missed that important detail. I've heard what a derelict and dope Biden is but this video proves otherwise. I believe he would kick trump's ass in a serious debate of which trump's incapable of doing. Trump would go for the insults and poo flinging instead.

Pretending that 48 or 72 hours was monumental toward this thing is simply more media and liberal fakery.

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

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Biden is right. If you vote for trump, you ain't black. And I do think that young blacks are a little ignorant in their approach. Because by their standards they can't vote for Bernie sanders and almost all of the CBC. They have been infected by some idiocy created by a guy nicknamed Tine and a UCLA professor named Yvette Carnell. Compare trumps years on race to Bidens and there is no question that Biden is the best choice for black people.

Your entire life, the one thing you wanted more than anything else was to be white.

Now you have your chance...

IM2 is white. He let it slip on a couple of his posts if he is a he. He stated that he has a mixed-race child and that his wife is black. The conclusion is obvious. He plays a race oppressed black troll for fun only.

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