Biden's doing a great job.

Lets see....he is implementing the vaccines that Trump was already implementing

Great job

He killed 11,000 Keystone jobs yet the transport of that product is now being sent via train and truck and not gravity but at a greater cost.

In reality about a thousand job were lost. The project should have been approved by legislation not an EO that can be overwritten by the next president. Like membership in the WHO, or that Paris Accord nonsense, without legislation.

There was no oil flowing through the incomplete pipeline. How on earth is that non-existent oil being sent via train or any other method?

The Empire State Building took years to build. but it dictated rental rates in Manhattan the day they broke ground.
I see you have never been a business owner.
That's OK...many aren't.

The pipeline is meant to increase production. There is nothing that will prevent the other methods of shipping oil from still being used is there? The completion of the first branch didn't stop the trains did it? What makes you think the Oil Patch is going to stop using trains?
Basic logic I guess.
A pipeline uses little to no combustible energy. It uses gravity and inertia. Once flowing, the flow itself creates the inertia. The amount that flows is based on the amount produced. So an incomplete pipeline means there is a need to use combustible energy to transport it.
So what you are saying is since it was not complete yet, it had no value.....actually it does, but that whole idea of "economic forecasting" seemed to have escaped you. It is actually a principle in running a business.
Furthermore, once complete, the "damage" to the environment will be minimized by the amount of fuel being able to be transported by gravity and inertia through the pipeline as opposed to that same amount being transported by train and truck.
Yeah...I can throw in "what about this and what about that".....but that doesn't fly with me

I simply stated basic physics and basic logic......

Thanks for your time

That was part of the justification of the original Keystone pipeline. Yet they are still using trains to move oil. What I've said first is that the permitting process should have gone through Congress not approved with an EO.

Pipelines are safer and I hope Joe is planning on using this and the oil lease sale pause as bargaining chips in a future compromise agreement.
China Joe does not know what is going on. Compromise is not what they want. One party rule is what they want.
Well it certainly is what you want them to want, I'll give you that!
They have made it clear.
Lets see....he is implementing the vaccines that Trump was already implementing

Great job

He killed 11,000 Keystone jobs yet the transport of that product is now being sent via train and truck and not gravity but at a greater cost.

In reality about a thousand job were lost. The project should have been approved by legislation not an EO that can be overwritten by the next president. Like membership in the WHO, or that Paris Accord nonsense, without legislation.

There was no oil flowing through the incomplete pipeline. How on earth is that non-existent oil being sent via train or any other method?

The Empire State Building took years to build. but it dictated rental rates in Manhattan the day they broke ground.
I see you have never been a business owner.
That's OK...many aren't.

The pipeline is meant to increase production. There is nothing that will prevent the other methods of shipping oil from still being used is there? The completion of the first branch didn't stop the trains did it? What makes you think the Oil Patch is going to stop using trains?
Basic logic I guess.
A pipeline uses little to no combustible energy. It uses gravity and inertia. Once flowing, the flow itself creates the inertia. The amount that flows is based on the amount produced. So an incomplete pipeline means there is a need to use combustible energy to transport it.
So what you are saying is since it was not complete yet, it had no value.....actually it does, but that whole idea of "economic forecasting" seemed to have escaped you. It is actually a principle in running a business.
Furthermore, once complete, the "damage" to the environment will be minimized by the amount of fuel being able to be transported by gravity and inertia through the pipeline as opposed to that same amount being transported by train and truck.
Yeah...I can throw in "what about this and what about that".....but that doesn't fly with me

I simply stated basic physics and basic logic......

Thanks for your time

That was part of the justification of the original Keystone pipeline. Yet they are still using trains to move oil. What I've said first is that the permitting process should have gone through Congress not approved with an EO.

Pipelines are safer and I hope Joe is planning on using this and the oil lease sale pause as bargaining chips in a future compromise agreement.
I am talking in circles with you.

They are still trucking and training the oil because the pipeline isn't complete.

So your point makes no sense to me at all.

They will still be using trains to ship oil after it is completed too.
a lot fewer trains compared to if the pipeline is not completed

They are going to ship as much as the gulf coast refineries and handle. Completing any leg of the pipeline does not obligate them in any way to reduce the amount of trains they use to ship it to the US. It is a talking point made of vapor.
I walked to the park last week and children were laughing and playing again. It has been 4 long years since I saw the smile of a child...Trump took away all joy in life.

If you go down to the border there are lots of children that aren't smiling. Other than that over the last four years I have seen lots of smiles because normal people like myself don't let a President define who or what makes us happy. Now, there are those that are mentally unbalanced that do.
I understood now why the old sleepy joe was hidden in his basement and did not do a lot of meeting before the election it is because he already knew that he would steal the election and that after he can destroy your country that the way the lefties goes.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

Trump was C grade because of his spending and his personality and not getting along with Democrats. Biden is a C because of his spending, raising taxes, not getting along with Republicans and handling of the border crisis.

I don't know of a President that has been above or below a C in awhile. Reagan was a B+ and Carter was a D+, Ford was a D+ and Nixon I had trouble grading because he he could have been great but just screwed himself with his paranoia.
DHS falls under Biden. Part of DHS is the Border Patrol. Congress plays a role... but Joe inherited a mess. He didn't inherit it from the Congress. He inherited it from the Blob who intentionally sabotaged him. He's not fully to blame but he's not free from it either.

Such utter BS. The border was doing fantastic until the media predicted Biden would win hands down. When he won, that's when the problems started to grow.

Watch a real news station sometime. They interviewed migrants crossing into our country who said the reason they are coming now IS because of Biden. Real news stations show these filthy diseased people wearing Biden tee shirts, not Trump's. When Dementia rescinded the Stop At Mexico policy, that's the green light they needed to flood our borders like they are now.

I know you belong to the party of irresponsibility, and that's why I predicted long before the election that if Dementia won, you on the left would be doing exactly what you are doing here, and that is trying to blame the best President this country has seen in years for the tragedies your people are going to create, and have created in the past two months.

In 2019 there were about a million apprehensions at the border:

View attachment 474661

Either you didn't seem to be upset at the million or so apprehensions because a million isn't that big a deal to you or you are feigning concern now because Joe Biden is your President.

Which is it?

Now tell the class how many of those 2019 apprehensions were returned to wait in Mexico or were deported back to their home country.

It's not something they advertise. The trains will be used when they have more orders than the pipeline can pump across.

Are you guessing at this or do you have a link to it? Trains and trucks are used now because there is no other delivery system in place. The idea of the Keystone was to replace those much more expensive and risky delivery systems, not to augment them.
Lets see....he is implementing the vaccines that Trump was already implementing

Great job

He killed 11,000 Keystone jobs yet the transport of that product is now being sent via train and truck and not gravity but at a greater cost.

In reality about a thousand job were lost. The project should have been approved by legislation not an EO that can be overwritten by the next president. Like membership in the WHO, or that Paris Accord nonsense, without legislation.

There was no oil flowing through the incomplete pipeline. How on earth is that non-existent oil being sent via train or any other method?

The Empire State Building took years to build. but it dictated rental rates in Manhattan the day they broke ground.
I see you have never been a business owner.
That's OK...many aren't.

The pipeline is meant to increase production. There is nothing that will prevent the other methods of shipping oil from still being used is there? The completion of the first branch didn't stop the trains did it? What makes you think the Oil Patch is going to stop using trains?

The fact is pipelines are more economical and more ecologically friendly. Keystone would have had almost a zero carbon footprint.

It's not something they advertise. The trains will be used when they have more orders than the pipeline can pump across.

Are you guessing at this or do you have a link to it? Trains and trucks are used now because there is no other delivery system in place. The idea of the Keystone was to replace those much more expensive and risky delivery systems, not to augment them.

Keystone has been operational for years. That was one of the talking points they used to sell it with. Did they ever really stop? Here we are 7 years later and it's the sos. Fool me once......
Lets see....he is implementing the vaccines that Trump was already implementing

Great job

He killed 11,000 Keystone jobs yet the transport of that product is now being sent via train and truck and not gravity but at a greater cost.

In reality about a thousand job were lost. The project should have been approved by legislation not an EO that can be overwritten by the next president. Like membership in the WHO, or that Paris Accord nonsense, without legislation.

There was no oil flowing through the incomplete pipeline. How on earth is that non-existent oil being sent via train or any other method?

The Empire State Building took years to build. but it dictated rental rates in Manhattan the day they broke ground.
I see you have never been a business owner.
That's OK...many aren't.

The pipeline is meant to increase production. There is nothing that will prevent the other methods of shipping oil from still being used is there? The completion of the first branch didn't stop the trains did it? What makes you think the Oil Patch is going to stop using trains?

The fact is pipelines are more economical and more ecologically friendly. Keystone would have had almost a zero carbon footprint.


I opposed Obama's veto. Trump should have been able to make a deal. Using an EO made it a political football like the Paris Accords, or the Iran deal. Many Americans work in Canada and I'd rather import from them than anywhere else in the world.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
doing a great job at being an absolute total sap.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
Why the minus?
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
By that logic President Trump was the greatest president ever.
Lets see....he is implementing the vaccines that Trump was already implementing

Great job

He killed 11,000 Keystone jobs yet the transport of that product is now being sent via train and truck and not gravity but at a greater cost.

In reality about a thousand job were lost. The project should have been approved by legislation not an EO that can be overwritten by the next president. Like membership in the WHO, or that Paris Accord nonsense, without legislation.

There was no oil flowing through the incomplete pipeline. How on earth is that non-existent oil being sent via train or any other method?

The Empire State Building took years to build. but it dictated rental rates in Manhattan the day they broke ground.
I see you have never been a business owner.
That's OK...many aren't.

The pipeline is meant to increase production. There is nothing that will prevent the other methods of shipping oil from still being used is there? The completion of the first branch didn't stop the trains did it? What makes you think the Oil Patch is going to stop using trains?

The fact is pipelines are more economical and more ecologically friendly. Keystone would have had almost a zero carbon footprint.


I opposed Obama's veto. Trump should have been able to make a deal. Using an EO made it a political football like the Paris Accords, or the Iran deal. Many Americans work in Canada and I'd rather import from them than anywhere else in the world.

He didn't use an EO, they issued a permit based on multiple economic and environmental studies done by the maobama regime and after several court battles. It was the maobama regime that made it political. It was also the maobama regime that chose to sidestep congress with the executive agreements in Paris and Iran, he knew neither would be ratified as treaties.

Last edited:
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
doing a great job at being an absolute total sap.

Your weak retort was hilarious.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
By that logic President Trump was the greatest president ever.

Nah, your blob short-armed the stimulus checks, cozied up to foreign dictators, downplayed the virus at every turn. He was a wholesale failure. Deep know that.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
doing a great job at being an absolute total sap.

Your weak retort was hilarious.
given the fact your talking points are even weaker it did not take much.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

So the Trump supporters are treating your guy like you treated theirs for four years, huh girl?

Poor dear ...

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