Biden's doing a great job.

DHS falls under Biden. Part of DHS is the Border Patrol. Congress plays a role... but Joe inherited a mess. He didn't inherit it from the Congress. He inherited it from the Blob who intentionally sabotaged him. He's not fully to blame but he's not free from it either.

Such utter BS. The border was doing fantastic until the media predicted Biden would win hands down. When he won, that's when the problems started to grow.

Watch a real news station sometime. They interviewed migrants crossing into our country who said the reason they are coming now IS because of Biden. Real news stations show these filthy diseased people wearing Biden tee shirts, not Trump's. When Dementia rescinded the Stop At Mexico policy, that's the green light they needed to flood our borders like they are now.

I know you belong to the party of irresponsibility, and that's why I predicted long before the election that if Dementia won, you on the left would be doing exactly what you are doing here, and that is trying to blame the best President this country has seen in years for the tragedies your people are going to create, and have created in the past two months.

In 2019 there were about a million apprehensions at the border:

View attachment 474661

Either you didn't seem to be upset at the million or so apprehensions because a million isn't that big a deal to you or you are feigning concern now because Joe Biden is your President.

Which is it?

Now tell the class how many of those 2019 apprehensions were returned to wait in Mexico or were deported back to their home country.


The apprehensions were an indication of how many got through.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
doing a great job at being an absolute total sap.

Your weak retort was hilarious.
given the fact your talking points are even weaker it did not take much.

Your retort was hilarious...and it wasn't much. All you have is your anger. It's all you've ever had.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
And their Butt-Hurt of the day is hilarious!
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

Yeah, well the fact of the matter is Dementia is doing nothing but riding on the coattails of Trump's success with the vaccine. Look at the chart. It's the exact same trajectory as when Trump was President. He didn't do anything but take credit, but we all know Democrats are born liars and thieves.

Americans got the least from the 2 trillion dollar Pork bill. That crummy $1,400 won't do all that much for Americans.

A- from a guy who pissed off an American Indian tribe, a guy who pissed off our friends in Canada, a guy who pissed of the people of New Mexico, a guy who pissed off ICE and our Border Patrol, a guy who pissed off the workers on the Keystone and the wall, a guy who pissed off parents with athletic daughters in school, a guy that pissed off our military men and women, a ;guy who pissed off Americans that need a sizeable amount of gasoline to get to work and back, a guy who pissed off the transportation industry, a guy who is packing Covid kids and adults in detention centers because he reversed all of Trump's successful policies, and is sending these diseased and contagious people all across the country coast to coast to make Americans sick or cause their death.

All this success in just a little over 2 months. Imagine how bad it's going to be here in two years until the Republicans take over Congress to stop his destruction of our country.,
Another tiny minded "conservative" enumerating (roughly means listing by number for the small minded) his imagined butt-hurts.

Thanks for the demonstration.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.
It only accrues to the President's benefit. The Cry Baby Loser's goons' violent attack on Congress to prevent the will of the People being certified, whilst a sordid episode in the nation's history, underscored the Loser's degeneracy and served as a public welcome mat for the popularly elected Biden and Harris. The chronic sniveling serves to keep those stenchy embers smoldering


"Oh, yeah!
"Well, it was the reality-tv performer that built a 'Big, Beautiful Wall'
and made Mexico pay for it! The casino guy repealed 'ObamaCare'
and replaced it with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!"
The Shakespeare of the Pissy Tweet revived manufacturing, resurrected coal mining,
restored the steel industry, and rebuilt the nation's crumbling infrastructure!
... or he woulda done all that stuff if he hadna been caught with his
husky boy pants down around his ankles by a dang pandemic!"

DHS falls under Biden. Part of DHS is the Border Patrol. Congress plays a role... but Joe inherited a mess. He didn't inherit it from the Congress. He inherited it from the Blob who intentionally sabotaged him. He's not fully to blame but he's not free from it either.

Such utter BS. The border was doing fantastic until the media predicted Biden would win hands down. When he won, that's when the problems started to grow.

Watch a real news station sometime. They interviewed migrants crossing into our country who said the reason they are coming now IS because of Biden. Real news stations show these filthy diseased people wearing Biden tee shirts, not Trump's. When Dementia rescinded the Stop At Mexico policy, that's the green light they needed to flood our borders like they are now.

I know you belong to the party of irresponsibility, and that's why I predicted long before the election that if Dementia won, you on the left would be doing exactly what you are doing here, and that is trying to blame the best President this country has seen in years for the tragedies your people are going to create, and have created in the past two months.

In 2019 there were about a million apprehensions at the border:

View attachment 474661

Either you didn't seem to be upset at the million or so apprehensions because a million isn't that big a deal to you or you are feigning concern now because Joe Biden is your President.

Which is it?

Now tell the class how many of those 2019 apprehensions were returned to wait in Mexico or were deported back to their home country.


The apprehensions were an indication of how many got through.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
doing a great job at being an absolute total sap.

Your weak retort was hilarious.
given the fact your talking points are even weaker it did not take much.

Your retort was hilarious...and it wasn't much. All you have is your anger. It's all you've ever had.

Duh, the question was, how many stayed in the US?

All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
Bullshit. Biden is a fool.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
Bullshit. Biden is a fool.
You prove my point yet again with just an angry response...unhinged and un tethered to reality.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

you consider border crisis a misstep. I don’t think Russia and North Korea are losing sleep over someone who cares about appeasing the rest of the world. Further, President Xi has “no more Mr. Nice Guy’s” balls in a jar.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

you consider border crisis a misstep. I don’t think Russia and North Korea are losing sleep over someone who cares about appeasing the rest of the world. Further, President Xi has “no more Mr. Nice Guy’s” balls in a jar.

That's just it...Biden isn't worried about cozying up to the leaders of the second world country of Russia and the third world country of North Korea. They owned your blob and played him like a fiddle.

Remember when your blob said that North Korea was going to denuclearize.

What happened? Did he lie? Did he fuck up the negotiations?
What happened? Did he lie? Did he fuck up the negotiations?

No, he "tried" to get them to give up on their program. While he didn't actually accomplish that, the end result was that NK quit firing off test missiles that gave China and SK great concerns. NK started firing off new test missiles under Biden after he invaded the White House, just as the immigrants started to invade our country once again after Dementia took over.

You can be dishonest all you want, but the fact of the matter is this mental patient has given us more strife in two months than President Trump gave is in four years. Even his own party tried to strip him of exclusive ability to control our nuclear arms. What does that tell you?
What happened? Did he lie? Did he fuck up the negotiations?

No, he "tried" to get them to give up on their program. While he didn't actually accomplish that, the end result was that NK quit firing off test missiles that gave China and SK great concerns. NK started firing off new test missiles under Biden after he invaded the White House, just as the immigrants started to invade our country once again after Dementia took over.

You can be dishonest all you want, but the fact of the matter is this mental patient has given us more strife in two months than President Trump gave is in four years. Even his own party tried to strip him of exclusive ability to control our nuclear arms. What does that tell you?
He announced on Twitter that they agreed to denuclearize. Your blob lied.

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