Biden's Dumpster Fire of a SOTU Speech

They’re brainwashed….and refuse to hear any position that doesn’t agree with their own. A couple of members of my (extended) family are like this: they will make some ridiculous, untrue statement about Trump, and when I attempt to give examples why that’s not true, they both tell me they don’t want to hear from Republicans about it. I have put distance between us.

Distance is, IMHO, the only cure. They've proven that their cult is not fit to live in the world of humans.

Trump was never "America First". Trump was "Rich people first". What Trump said and what he did were polar opposites. And he never kept his promises to the American workers. When he walked into his golf club after signing the tax cuts he said "I just made you guys a whole lot of money".

Trump promised big raises to all workers from his tax cuts. What he delivered was stock buybacks which further concentrated wealth at the top. Trump made a lot of promises, and fulfilled none of them. Biden did the things Trump only talked about doing.

All of Trump's policies exaserbated the wealth and wage gap in the USA. NOTHING Trump did helped the American worker, despite claims to the contrary. Manufacturing DECLINED when Trump was in office, even before the pandemic.

Blackface supporter chimes in with more leftist lies.
Actually, it's quite the opposite. If we could get rid of the Democrats from the red States we would be extremely wealthy. You have no understanding of voting demographics.

Actually, the higher the percentage of Republican voters, the poorer a state tends to be.

Mississippi, - 58% for Trump
Louisiana, - 58.5
New Mexico, 43.5
Arkansas, 62%
West Virginia, - 69
Alabama, -62
Kentucky, 62
South Carolina, 55
. 65

The poorer a state is, the more Red it is. Funny how that works, Cleetus.

But I'm sure your double wide is very nice.
They’re brainwashed….and refuse to hear any position that doesn’t agree with their own. A couple of members of my (extended) family are like this: they will make some ridiculous, untrue statement about Trump, and when I attempt to give examples why that’s not true, they both tell me they don’t want to hear from Republicans about it. I have put distance between us.

Ya need to.
Actually, the higher the percentage of Republican voters, the poorer a state tends to be.

Mississippi, - 58% for Trump
Louisiana, - 58.5
New Mexico, 43.5
Arkansas, 62%
West Virginia, - 69
Alabama, -62
Kentucky, 62
South Carolina, 55
. 65

The poorer a state is, the more Red it is. Funny how that works, Cleetus.

But I'm sure your double wide is very nice.
What kind of debt do the Red states have? Put all their debt together and you might equal CA.s or NYs. Nowhere near both of them.

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