Biden's failure as Commander in Chief

Trump's withdrawals were based on Taliban meeting certain negotiated conditions prior to our withdrawal. Biden tossed that all out the window, creating one of his biggest foreign policy blunders.
They only met one condition. They continued to attack the Afghan Army and Government. They did not clamp down on ISIS or Al Qaeda. They didn't engage in negotiations for a peaceful settlement with the Government. The only condition they met was not attacking US or our EU allies. During the post Accord time frame the withdrawal continued even though only the one condition was met. The bare minimum number 2500, was achieve just one week before Biden took office.

So my question to you is what did Biden throw out? There was no plan to get the 2500 out by May 1st when the truce expired? Is that what you mean? He extended the one condition the Taliban met, that was keeping our boy and girls safe and you say that was a blunder?
Biden didn't fail to get our soldiers out of Afghanistan. Trumps failure to enforce the conditions of his Surrender Agreement with the Taliban had everything to do with the collapse of the Afghan Army, the Afghan Government as well as the success of the ISIS terrorist cell operating out of Kabul. Democrats are to limp dicked to stand up to the reactionary press coverage the Neo-GOP press team generates.

You simply can't or wont question Trumps actions.

It was Biden who tossed the Trump plan out the window.
They only met one condition. They continued to attack the Afghan Army and Government. They did not clamp down on ISIS or Al Qaeda. They didn't engage in negotiations for a peaceful settlement with the Government. The only condition they met was not attacking US or our EU allies. During the post Accord time frame the withdrawal continued even though only the one condition was met. The bare minimum number 2500, was achieve just one week before Biden took office.

So my question to you is what did Biden throw out? There was no plan to get the 2500 out by May 1st when the truce expired? Is that what you mean? He extended the one condition the Taliban met, that was keeping our boy and girls safe and you say that was a blunder?

As you point out, the conditions weren't met and we weren't pulling out, based upon that.
It was Biden who tossed the Trump plan out the window.
Again the only thing left of the Surrender Accords was the truce, it was not tossed. Trump had carried out all the so called conditional withdrawals as well as many unconditional withdrawals before Biden took office.

He fucked over the next administration on purpose out of spite, seeking revenge on the America who had turned against him.

Benedict Donald.
As you point out, the conditions weren't met and we weren't pulling out, based upon that.
We were pulling out since the signing of the Surrender Agreement. A reduction of troops from 14,000 down to 2500 the week before then next administration took over. 5 military bases abandoned, You think we should have reinvaded to enforce the conditions Trump didn't enforce? Re-occupy those bases? Trump put us in that position on purpose. He was proud of what he did too.

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

Donald Trump: (22:53)
Yeah, what's that? Ended the pandemic and lowered unemployment from 20% under Trump to 5% under Biden?

You're welcome. Loser. lmao
It's amazing just how gullible some liberals can be. Biden did nothing to end the virus, it ran its course. Trump did not create the pandemic that led to so much unemployment and Biden did not create any new jobs. He just sat on his ass while the lost jobs were refilled. By the way who fast-tracked the creation of the vaccine that Biden used? It sure as hell wasn't Biden. Go away.
We were pulling out since the signing of the Surrender Agreement. A reduction of troops from 14,000 down to 2500 the week before then next administration took over. 5 military bases abandoned, You think we should have reinvaded to enforce the conditions Trump didn't enforce? Re-occupy those bases? Trump put us in that position on purpose. He was proud of what he did too.

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

Donald Trump: (22:53)
Biden shit the bed.

March 25 — Gen. Richard Clarke, commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command, tells the Senate Armed Services Committee that “it is clear that the Taliban have not upheld what they said they would do and reduce the violence. While…they have not attacked U.S. forces, it is clear that they took a deliberate approach and increased their violence…since the peace accords were signed.”

April 15 — In response to Biden’s decision to delay full withdrawal until Sept. 11, the Taliban releases a statement that says failure to complete the withdrawal by May 1 “opens the way for [the Taliban] to take every necessary countermeasure, hence the American side will be held responsible for all future consequences.”

Timeline of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan -
Biden shit the bed.

Gen. Richard Clarke, commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command, tells the Senate Armed Services Committee that “it is clear that the Taliban have not upheld what they said they would do and reduce the violence

Benedict Donald never enforced those conditions on the Taliban in the 135 days as set in the Trumpybear's "Skedaddle" Accords. Those conditions should have been being met before we withdrew a single soldier. He reduced our forces from 14,000 to the minimal number of 2,500 just a week before he left office.

Benedict Donnie compromised Afghanistan on purpose out of spite, seeking revenge. Neo-GOP cheered the humiliations of the US Military.

Donnie screwed the Afghan Pooch and the Neo-GOP blames Biden for not cleaning up his mess well enough.

Benedict Donald never enforced those conditions on the Taliban in the 135 days as set in the Trumpybear's "Skedaddle" Accords. Those conditions should have been being met before we withdrew a single soldier. He reduced our forces from 14,000 to the minimal number of 2,500 just a week before he left office.

Benedict Donnie compromised Afghanistan on purpose out of spite, seeking revenge. Neo-GOP cheered the humiliations of the US Military.

Donnie screwed the Afghan Pooch and the Neo-GOP blames Biden for not cleaning up his mess well enough.


So I guess Biden trashing the May 1st deadline was Trumps fault.

“We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit,” Biden says. “We’ll do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely.” Biden assures Americans that the U.S. has “trained and equipped a standing force of over 300,000 Afghan personnel” and that “they’ll continue to fight valiantly, on behalf of the Afghans, at great cost.”'

In a House hearing on U.S. policy in Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. special representative for Afghanistan reconciliation, downplays the prospect of a swift Taliban takeover when U.S. forces leave. “If they [Taliban] pursue, in my judgment, a military victory, it will result in a long war, because Afghan security forces will fight, other Afghans will fight, neighbors will come to support different forces,” Khalilzad says.

Later Khalilzad added, “I personally believe that the statements that the [Afghan] forces will disintegrate, and the Talibs will take over in short order are mistaken. The real choices that the Afghans will face is between a long war and negotiated settlement.”

How'd that work out?
Yeah, what's that? Ended the pandemic and lowered unemployment from 20% under Trump to 5% under Biden?

You're welcome. Loser. lmao
Democrats didn't end the pandemic. Absurd. People going back to work after being shut down isn't the same as reducing unemployment. Talk about a shell game.... Tell us all about how we're supposed to love that wonderful inflation and $5 gallon gasoline. I'm sure seniors on fixed income retirement are overjoyed, huh.
Benedict Donald never enforced those conditions on the Taliban in the 135 days as set in the Trumpybear's "Skedaddle" Accords. Those conditions should have been being met before we withdrew a single soldier. He reduced our forces from 14,000 to the minimal number of 2,500 just a week before he left office.

Benedict Donnie compromised Afghanistan on purpose out of spite, seeking revenge. Neo-GOP cheered the humiliations of the US Military.

Donnie screwed the Afghan Pooch and the Neo-GOP blames Biden for not cleaning up his mess well enough.

And then who removed the remaining troops before the people got out of Afghanistan?
And then who removed the remaining troops before the people got out of Afghanistan?
Biden and the Generals got a hell of a lot more out in Aug 2021 than would have gotten out if the Generals didn't convince Benedict Donnie to Flip flop on his complete withdrawal order for Jan 15th. 2021. Of course they told him what a shit show that would be and convinced him to let Biden handle it, and take the blame for the bad optics if he wanted too. Biden chose to take the bad optics to get us out of the forever occupation.
Benedict Donald never enforced those conditions on the Taliban in the 135 days as set in the Trumpybear's "Skedaddle" Accords. Those conditions should have been being met before we withdrew a single soldier. He reduced our forces from 14,000 to the minimal number of 2,500 just a week before he left office.

Benedict Donnie compromised Afghanistan on purpose out of spite, seeking revenge. Neo-GOP cheered the humiliations of the US Military.

Donnie screwed the Afghan Pooch and the Neo-GOP blames Biden for not cleaning up his mess well enough.

Trump campaigned on getting our troops home from Afghanistan, until Jan 20th, He had full authority to do so, like it or not.

The drawdowns were consistent to the plan.

That's odd.......June 2020, troop levels were reduced to 8600, a month ahead of the July deadline.

During this whole process, Afghan officials assured the US that their 300,000 strong army was in top notch shape.

Who made the strategic blunder to close Bagram?
Trump campaigned on getting our troops home from Afghanistan, until Jan 20th, He had full authority to do so, like it or not.

The drawdowns were consistent to the plan.

That's odd.......June 2020, troop levels were reduced to 8600, a month ahead of the July deadline.

During this whole process, Afghan officials assured the US that their 300,000 strong army was in top notch shape.

Who made the strategic blunder to close Bagram?
He also said the withdrawals via the Doha Accords were going to be condition based on the Taliban complying with thei4r agreements.

The Taliban only met one condition. Ever. Trump allowed them to attack the Afghan Army and Government during our withdrawal. That had to have build up some resentment in those Afghans. Trump allowed them to not start negotiations for a peaceful settlement. Trump continued the withdrawal even as ISIS was launching terrorist attacks against civilians in Kabul during the withdrawals.

The Generals testified that they were the ones who planned all aspects of the final withdrawal. The President relied on and approved the experts plan. That included closing down Bagram because the complex was so large they needed and extra 5,000 troops just to secure the perimeter.
What would you expect from a President that said we don"t need assault rifles.`Tell that to the people in the Ukraine now.And then says we should ban assault rifles in the United!! State
Again the only thing left of the Surrender Accords was the truce, it was not tossed. Trump had carried out all the so called conditional withdrawals as well as many unconditional withdrawals before Biden took office.

He fucked over the next administration on purpose out of spite, seeking revenge on the America who had turned against him.

Benedict Donald.
Biden had eight months to come up with a plan of his own. Instead, he screwed the pooch.
Biden had eight months to come up with a plan of his own. Instead, he screwed the pooch.

On May 1st we had agreed to leave the country or go back to war with the Taliban. Trump had already withdrawn most all of our troops without enforcing his conditions on the Taliban, putting them in a commanding position against the Afghan Army. So that Afghan Hound had already been screwed.

If those condition had been met before Trump withdrew most or our soldiers, we could have walked out as heroes. But he was very spiteful and wanted revenge.......
He also said the withdrawals via the Doha Accords were going to be condition based on the Taliban complying with thei4r agreements.

The Taliban only met one condition. Ever. Trump allowed them to attack the Afghan Army and Government during our withdrawal. That had to have build up some resentment in those Afghans. Trump allowed them to not start negotiations for a peaceful settlement. Trump continued the withdrawal even as ISIS was launching terrorist attacks against civilians in Kabul during the withdrawals.

The Generals testified that they were the ones who planned all aspects of the final withdrawal. The President relied on and approved the experts plan. That included closing down Bagram because the complex was so large they needed and extra 5,000 troops just to secure the perimeter.

You must have overlooked the part where we bombed the crap out of the Taliban in October 2020, for all the shenanigans that had been going on, as you pointed out.

Negotiations were ongoing from February 2020.

The 'agreement' was no attacks on US or allies. Taliban wasn't 100% on that.

US left Bagram July 1, 2021.....wonder who made that decision?

The Generals testified....they say who was their CIC? CIC has total control over the armed forces and he is the one who say yea or nea.
On May 1st we had agreed to leave the country or go back to war with the Taliban. Trump had already withdrawn most all of our troops without enforcing his conditions on the Taliban, putting them in a commanding position against the Afghan Army. So that Afghan Hound had already been screwed.

If those condition had been met before Trump withdrew most or our soldiers, we could have walked out as heroes. But he was very spiteful and wanted revenge.......
Biden was good enough with how it was going. That he did his blunder. Lol, do you ever feel bad for your party?
Biden was good enough with how it was going. That he did his blunder. Lol, do you ever feel bad for your party?

Minor mistakes compared to the back stabbing Benedict Donald gave the Afghanis, with his unconditional withdrawals. The greatest tragedy of course was the 13 soldiers KIA in an ISIS terrorist attack. Does Benedict Donnie have any responsibility considering one of the condition was for the Taliban to crack down on Islamic Terrorist operating out of the Country?

I think the Dems are weak. Seriously, Before the collapse of Afghanistan, the Dirty Don even bragged about his part in the withdrawal in his Rally Speech in Ohio? WTF can't they capitalize on that?

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