Biden's Fault! Russia and China Creating New Global Reserve Currency – Expected Severe Negative Impact on the USD By Joe Ho

You mean more than I've already provided? No, I don't believe I'll waste my time.
you have only provided some link to a 2019 post where china had tried…nothing that refutes this announcement from 2022

try again.
act is Russia, China and Iran goal has been to bring the U.S. down for nearly sixty to seventy years, so let not fool ourselves to think all this happened under Biden watch…
No shit. Which is why it was nice to have a President that wasn’t belligerent towards Russia. We needed Russia to become allied to the West to stand against China. Instead we have warmongers and China ass kissers in charge. This ensures China’s victory as the world’s dominant power in the next century.
Stolen elections have consequences. This is a prime example of not having a strong president like Trump in office. Instead, that is a result of an installed weak compromised usurper hell bent on doing China's bidding. Read the article's comments section for a better understanding.

This has been in the planning stage since before Trump.

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