Biden’s Galveston Wind Farm Leases Receive No Bids at Auction


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham said, “The liberal fantasy around so-called ‘green’ energy is a lie.”
Galveston has never been hit with a major hurricane.
Safe spot to put "vital infrastructure" , right?

I guess it would make for a nice artificial reef.
Texas legislature is working directly against it. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to get in the middle of that.

It will get built somewhere else and texans will miss out.

As well they should.

I'd rather have a SuperMax prison on my property line than a wind farm.
Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham said, “The liberal fantasy around so-called ‘green’ energy is a lie.”
Galveston has never been hit with a major hurricane.
Safe spot to put "vital infrastructure" , right?

I guess it would make for a nice artificial reef.
Some fat cat Democrat donor will get the contract and take the money and then declare bankruptcy just like we have seen before like with Solyndra.

This Environmental Wacko scam is nothing more than a means to channel money to the filthy Democrat special interest groups. Just like subsidizing stupid EV vehicle production is giving money to the UAW. Just think of all the scammers that will get rich on the contracts to build the EV charging stations and just wait to see how that money will go down the drain.

Then you have Potatohead's Chinese buddies that produce most of the Environmental Wacko shit that will make a ton of money.
Oil-rich Texas produces more wind power and, soon, more solar power than anywhere else in the country. Now state lawmakers want to cut renewable power off at the knees.

Oil-rich Texas produces more wind power and, soon, more solar power than anywhere else in the country. Now state lawmakers want to cut renewable power off at the knees.

This is good news to all the lefties like you, g5000, Lesh, rightwinger, and The5thHorseman sucking Big Oil dick over on this thread:

This is good news to all the lefties like you, g5000, Lesh, rightwinger, and The5thHorseman sucking Big Oil dick over on this thread:

Why is countering lies about domestic oil production "sucking big oil dick", taintlicker?
After decades of support for renewable energy made Texas able to produce more wind power than any other state, its political leaders have turned against wind and solar. This year, they’re pushing through legislation to prop up fossil fuel-burning power plants instead.

“Right now, the wind blows strongly against renewables, and that’s where we are,” said Bill Miller, a longtime lobbyist in Austin.

The about-face by Texas elected officials came after renewable energy got so big that it threatened coal- and gas-fueled power in the country’s biggest oil and gas state. Cheap electricity from wind turbines and solar panels provided about 26% of electricity in Texas last year,


Nearly three decades ago, Republican Gov. George W. Bush, a former oilman who grew up in Midland, decided Texas should support the nascent wind power business. Breezy West Texas offered some of the best sites for wind turbines in the country.

In 1996, Bush told the state’s top electricity regulator, Pat Wood, “Oh, Pat, by the way, we like wind,” Kate Galbraith and Asher Price report in their book, “The Great Texas Wind Rush.”
That's Right. King Oil going cleaner and Cheaper... BIG!
CNBC - Feb 18, 2022

Texas led the country in new renewable energy projects last year


  • Texas led the country in new renewable energy projects last year, according to a report released this week by the American Clean Power Association.
  • Texas installed 7,352 megawatts of new wind, solar and energy installation projects last year, significantly outpacing California, which installed 2,697 megawatts of storage projects.
  • Republicans for decades have overseen the the energy sector in Texas, which still ranks 10th in the country for fossil fuel consumption, as nearly 90% of its energy is derived from fossil fuels.

....Texas also surpassed other states in the amount of Storage it has under construction or in advanced development, reaching nearly 20,000 megawatts, followed by California at nearly 14,000 megawatts.

Texas is experiencing a rise in renewable energy deployment Not necessarily due to concerns over human-caused climate change, but rather because of the Low Costs of renewable energy sources like solar and wind development......

Texas led the country in new renewable energy projects last year

Republicans for decades have overseen the energy sector in Texas, which still ranks 10th in the country for fossil fuel consumption.

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