Biden's Giving A "News Conference"

The Leftists aka Communists want to DESTROY the Middle Class, their aim is to have Wealthy and those who will be put onto Universal Basic Income to be used as Slaves and there is to be NO in-between.

I am Independently Wealthy BUT I am not THAT HEARTLESS that I don't consider those who have to struggle in this life. Leftists aka Communists have partly taken OFF their mask during the insane Covid-19 lockdowns, where they have shown ZERO consideration for ALL those Small to Middle Income peoples who have taken a SERIOUS HIT and are literally being thrown onto the Perpetual Unemployment crapheap, their jobs and their lives the Leftists aka Communists have NO INTENTION of being allowed to RECOVER because it's this type of crowd they will FORCE onto Universal Basic Income as Slaves and at first they might think GREAT getting money for doing ZERO BUT there's going to be STRINGS and those STRINGS will come perhaps 6 months or a year later and they will be things like the USUAL Neo-Marxist SHIT:

"You have been found doing Wrong Think and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

"You have been found doing Racism and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

Marxism is dastardly stuff.

It is from Satan Himself, the FIRST things the Bolsheviks did was BAN Christianity and DESTROY Christian Churches, this is why their Modern Kin aka Leftists are ALL Athiest and HATE God and HATE Jesus Christ they are ONLY following their Historical Kin the Bolsheviks, this is why they all literally nearly have a Grand Mal Seizure and go absolutely insane at the sight of ANYONE Praising Our Lord and why they DEMAND Christianity is REMOVED from the public realm ESPECIALLY in SCHOOLS, they PROMOTE the LGBTQ Anal Sex and Transgender Propaganda which is AGAINST the teachings of Our Lord they promote this on YOUNG CHILDREN but DEMAND that the same YOUNG CHILDREN should NOT be taught Our Bible in school or about Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is because Leftists aka Communists are Satan's Children, Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Bible is literally like Kryptonite to this crowd. They are evil, and some deny in PUBLIC they are Luciferarian and some deny in PUBLIC they are the Servants of Satan on this earth but they MIGHT be deceiving SOME but they should be told they are NOT deceiving EVERYONE, we know what they are, we are literally Woke and this is actually Woke and not the stupid fucking Woke about Muh Racism and Muh Slave Trade THEY babble on about.

The Leftists aka Communists want to DESTROY the Middle Class, their aim is to have Wealthy and those who will be put onto Universal Basic Income to be used as Slaves and there is to be NO in-between.

I am Independently Wealthy BUT I am not THAT HEARTLESS that I don't consider those who have to struggle in this life. Leftists aka Communists have partly taken OFF their mask during the insane Covid-19 lockdowns, where they have shown ZERO consideration for ALL those Small to Middle Income peoples who have taken a SERIOUS HIT and are literally being thrown onto the Perpetual Unemployment crapheap, their jobs and their lives the Leftists aka Communists have NO INTENTION of being allowed to RECOVER because it's this type of crowd they will FORCE onto Universal Basic Income as Slaves and at first they might think GREAT getting money for doing ZERO BUT there's going to be STRINGS and those STRINGS will come perhaps 6 months or a year later and they will be things like the USUAL Neo-Marxist SHIT:

"You have been found doing Wrong Think and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

"You have been found doing Racism and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

Marxism is dastardly stuff.

Just look at BLM who call themselves Marxists.

They will shout you into submission, burn down your business, and sow division and hate anywhere they can.

If some fat, black, BLM, Hutu bitch ever tried to drink my beer that I paid for in public; all I'll say is, that she can only try....


The Leftists aka Communists want to DESTROY the Middle Class, their aim is to have Wealthy and those who will be put onto Universal Basic Income to be used as Slaves and there is to be NO in-between.

I am Independently Wealthy BUT I am not THAT HEARTLESS that I don't consider those who have to struggle in this life. Leftists aka Communists have partly taken OFF their mask during the insane Covid-19 lockdowns, where they have shown ZERO consideration for ALL those Small to Middle Income peoples who have taken a SERIOUS HIT and are literally being thrown onto the Perpetual Unemployment crapheap, their jobs and their lives the Leftists aka Communists have NO INTENTION of being allowed to RECOVER because it's this type of crowd they will FORCE onto Universal Basic Income as Slaves and at first they might think GREAT getting money for doing ZERO BUT there's going to be STRINGS and those STRINGS will come perhaps 6 months or a year later and they will be things like the USUAL Neo-Marxist SHIT:

"You have been found doing Wrong Think and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

"You have been found doing Racism and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

Marxism is dastardly stuff.

It is from Satan Himself, the FIRST things the Bolsheviks did was BAN Christianity and DESTROY Christian Churches, this is why their Modern Kin aka Leftists are ALL Athiest and HATE God and HATE Jesus Christ they are ONLY following their Historical Kin the Bolsheviks, this is why they all literally nearly have a Grand Mal Seizure and go absolutely insane at the sight of ANYONE Praising Our Lord and why they DEMAND Christianity is REMOVED from the public realm ESPECIALLY in SCHOOLS, they PROMOTE the LGBTQ Anal Sex and Transgender Propaganda which is AGAINST the teachings of Our Lord they promote this on YOUNG CHILDREN but DEMAND that the same YOUNG CHILDREN should NOT be taught Our Bible in school or about Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is because Leftists aka Communists are Satan's Children, Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Bible is literally like Kryptonite to this crowd. They are evil, and some deny in PUBLIC they are Luciferarian and some deny in PUBLIC they are the Servants of Satan on this earth but they MIGHT be deceiving SOME but they should be told they are NOT deceiving EVERYONE, we know what they are, we are literally Woke and this is actually Woke and not the stupid fucking Woke about Muh Racism and Muh Slave Trade THEY babble on about.

On some level I think they know that morality is needed for men to be free, as the Founding Fathers stated. Once morality is removed from society, government it then needed to keep law and order since men can no longer govern the actions of their own freedom, so the state will then soon have to do it for them.

Notice such things as the teen pregnancy rate and mass shootings as they became a problem only in the 1960's when prayer was taking out of schools, then in the 1980's kids started shooting up schools, etc.

Soon the state will have to take all weapons and sharp objects from us and put us all in padded cells to maintain law and order.

The Leftists aka Communists want to DESTROY the Middle Class, their aim is to have Wealthy and those who will be put onto Universal Basic Income to be used as Slaves and there is to be NO in-between.

I am Independently Wealthy BUT I am not THAT HEARTLESS that I don't consider those who have to struggle in this life. Leftists aka Communists have partly taken OFF their mask during the insane Covid-19 lockdowns, where they have shown ZERO consideration for ALL those Small to Middle Income peoples who have taken a SERIOUS HIT and are literally being thrown onto the Perpetual Unemployment crapheap, their jobs and their lives the Leftists aka Communists have NO INTENTION of being allowed to RECOVER because it's this type of crowd they will FORCE onto Universal Basic Income as Slaves and at first they might think GREAT getting money for doing ZERO BUT there's going to be STRINGS and those STRINGS will come perhaps 6 months or a year later and they will be things like the USUAL Neo-Marxist SHIT:

"You have been found doing Wrong Think and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

"You have been found doing Racism and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

Marxism is dastardly stuff.

It is from Satan Himself, the FIRST things the Bolsheviks did was BAN Christianity and DESTROY Christian Churches, this is why their Modern Kin aka Leftists are ALL Athiest and HATE God and HATE Jesus Christ they are ONLY following their Historical Kin the Bolsheviks, this is why they all literally nearly have a Grand Mal Seizure and go absolutely insane at the sight of ANYONE Praising Our Lord and why they DEMAND Christianity is REMOVED from the public realm ESPECIALLY in SCHOOLS, they PROMOTE the LGBTQ Anal Sex and Transgender Propaganda which is AGAINST the teachings of Our Lord they promote this on YOUNG CHILDREN but DEMAND that the same YOUNG CHILDREN should NOT be taught Our Bible in school or about Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is because Leftists aka Communists are Satan's Children, Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Bible is literally like Kryptonite to this crowd. They are evil, and some deny in PUBLIC they are Luciferarian and some deny in PUBLIC they are the Servants of Satan on this earth but they MIGHT be deceiving SOME but they should be told they are NOT deceiving EVERYONE, we know what they are, we are literally Woke and this is actually Woke and not the stupid fucking Woke about Muh Racism and Muh Slave Trade THEY babble on about.

They're a unique cross between Bolsheviks and Western Hemisphere Venezuelan Marxists.

The Leftists aka Communists want to DESTROY the Middle Class, their aim is to have Wealthy and those who will be put onto Universal Basic Income to be used as Slaves and there is to be NO in-between.

I am Independently Wealthy BUT I am not THAT HEARTLESS that I don't consider those who have to struggle in this life. Leftists aka Communists have partly taken OFF their mask during the insane Covid-19 lockdowns, where they have shown ZERO consideration for ALL those Small to Middle Income peoples who have taken a SERIOUS HIT and are literally being thrown onto the Perpetual Unemployment crapheap, their jobs and their lives the Leftists aka Communists have NO INTENTION of being allowed to RECOVER because it's this type of crowd they will FORCE onto Universal Basic Income as Slaves and at first they might think GREAT getting money for doing ZERO BUT there's going to be STRINGS and those STRINGS will come perhaps 6 months or a year later and they will be things like the USUAL Neo-Marxist SHIT:

"You have been found doing Wrong Think and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

"You have been found doing Racism and so we are stopping your Universal Basic Income, so you can starve"

Marxism is dastardly stuff.

It is from Satan Himself, the FIRST things the Bolsheviks did was BAN Christianity and DESTROY Christian Churches, this is why their Modern Kin aka Leftists are ALL Athiest and HATE God and HATE Jesus Christ they are ONLY following their Historical Kin the Bolsheviks, this is why they all literally nearly have a Grand Mal Seizure and go absolutely insane at the sight of ANYONE Praising Our Lord and why they DEMAND Christianity is REMOVED from the public realm ESPECIALLY in SCHOOLS, they PROMOTE the LGBTQ Anal Sex and Transgender Propaganda which is AGAINST the teachings of Our Lord they promote this on YOUNG CHILDREN but DEMAND that the same YOUNG CHILDREN should NOT be taught Our Bible in school or about Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is because Leftists aka Communists are Satan's Children, Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Bible is literally like Kryptonite to this crowd. They are evil, and some deny in PUBLIC they are Luciferarian and some deny in PUBLIC they are the Servants of Satan on this earth but they MIGHT be deceiving SOME but they should be told they are NOT deceiving EVERYONE, we know what they are, we are literally Woke and this is actually Woke and not the stupid fucking Woke about Muh Racism and Muh Slave Trade THEY babble on about.

On some level I think they know that morality is needed for men to be free, as the Founding Fathers stated. Once morality is removed from society, government it then needed to keep law and order since men can no longer govern the actions of their own freedom, so the state will then soon have to do it for them.

Notice such things as the teen pregnancy rate and mass shootings as they became a problem only in the 1960's when prayer was taking out of schools, then in the 1980's kids started shooting up schools, etc.

Soon the state will have to take all weapons and sharp objects from us and put us all in padded cells to maintain law and order.

Well, what you just described, IS the endgame of bondage and servitude.
Sooner or later Biden will have to face Trump during a live presidential debate without his crutches and scripted rehearsed answers. It's going to be embarrassing I almost feel sorry for the guy his brain is failing.
Sooner or later Biden will have to face Trump during a live presidential debate without his crutches and scripted rehearsed answers. It's going to be embarrassing I almost feel sorry for the guy his brain is failing.

It still may not happen.
I half expect the DNC to announce that Joe has a fake case of the Wuhanvirus, and bows out of debates.
Dimm's afterall, are super-slimy!
Sooner or later Biden will have to face Trump during a live presidential debate without his crutches and scripted rehearsed answers. It's going to be embarrassing I almost feel sorry for the guy his brain is failing.

It still may not happen.
I half expect the DNC to announce that Joe has a fake case of the Wuhanvirus, and bows out of debates.
Dimm's afterall, are super-slimy!

Joe has only another 2 weeks before he has to face president Trump. Biden announced today he's not been doing any practice debates... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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