Biden's migrant 'super-highway' revealed: Millions in US taxpayer cash turned the world's deadliest smuggling route into a 'safe' passage...


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden's migrant 'super-highway' revealed: Millions in US taxpayer cash turned the world's deadliest smuggling route into a 'safe' passage...

27 Sep 2024 ~~ By Todd Bensman

For decades, fewer than 10,000 migrants a year passed through towns like Capurgana to cross the Darien Gap.
But after President Joe Biden came into office, demolished his predecessor's security measures and essentially opened the U.S. southern border, that number increased to 133,000 immigrants in 2021.
Then, the seven-day crossing was still notorious for rapes, robberies and murders.
Indigenous inhabitants on the Panamanian side routinely killed migrants for their money and valuables. Women ran the risk of sexual assault from fellow migrants and cartel guides. Flash floods along the river were known to sweep away entire families camping in the middle of the night. The weak and injured were routinely left by the trailside to die.
Now, nearly everything has changed.
No longer a torturous seven-day trek, the current passage through the Darien Gap is a two or three-day walk along trails heavily patrolled by Panamanian border police.
Why? In April 2022, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas signed an agreement with Panama to help ease the humanitarian disaster - that the White Hoyuse helped create by throwing open America's gates.
The administration declared its commitment to 'safe, orderly, and humane migration,' worldwide.
In 2023, U.S. State Department agencies further increased contributions to the United Nations's International Organization for Migration to a staggering $1.4 billion, according to a database that tracks federal spending.
Hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars began flowing into Panama.
On Tuesday, Biden's Treasury Department announced sanctions for a handful of leaders of the Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia – calling the cartel, 'one of the country's largest drug trafficking organizations and a key contributor to human smuggling through the Darién Gap.'
Some may see the move as progress, but others in the region know that sanctions won't change the situation on the ground.
It is difficult for critics to see this as anything less than a feeble response to a humanitarian crisis of the administration's own making.
As long as this Biden-build migrant 'super-highway' remains open, misery and the criminality that feeds on it will continue.

Great investigative reporting by Todd Bensman....
All this brought to you by Democrat Neo-Marxists, Biden and his appointed Border Czar Kamala Harris, who did find the “root causes” and enhanced them.
The Darien Gap was reported on several years ago at least once during this administration. It could and should have not been a secret to this administration. Especially if it wasn't to me. It was stated as a very dangerous area.
Trump was right all along, he warned over and over again. The Democrats want them for votes, they use everyone. Even the convicted murderers, sexual preadtors and common thieves they've allowed into the U.S.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and especially the Democrat Beo-Marxists in America own this lock, stock and barrel....
See More:

"Last week, ICE Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner sent a letter to lawmakers detailing the number of criminal aliens on ICE’s national docket. As of July 21, 2024, nearly 650,000 criminal aliens were on the NDD—meaning they had previously been encountered by CBP, turned over to ICE, had their criminal history documented, and then were released into the United States."
"The specific breakdown of what types of criminals have been released is just as sobering. The following numbers include both convicted criminals and those with pending charges for the specific offense. In all categories, the former exceeded the latter:
  • Homicide: 14,944
  • Sexual Assault: 20,061
  • Assault: 105,146
  • Burglary/Larceny/Robbery: 60,268
  • Traffic Offenses: 126,343
  • Weapon Offenses: 16,820
  • Kidnapping: 3,372
  • Commercialized Sexual Offenses: 3,971

Biden's migrant 'super-highway' revealed: Millions in US taxpayer cash turned the world's deadliest smuggling route into a 'safe' passage...

27 Sep 2024 ~~ By Todd Bensman

For decades, fewer than 10,000 migrants a year passed through towns like Capurgana to cross the Darien Gap.
But after President Joe Biden came into office, demolished his predecessor's security measures and essentially opened the U.S. southern border, that number increased to 133,000 immigrants in 2021.
Then, the seven-day crossing was still notorious for rapes, robberies and murders.
Indigenous inhabitants on the Panamanian side routinely killed migrants for their money and valuables. Women ran the risk of sexual assault from fellow migrants and cartel guides. Flash floods along the river were known to sweep away entire families camping in the middle of the night. The weak and injured were routinely left by the trailside to die.
Now, nearly everything has changed.
No longer a torturous seven-day trek, the current passage through the Darien Gap is a two or three-day walk along trails heavily patrolled by Panamanian border police.
Why? In April 2022, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas signed an agreement with Panama to help ease the humanitarian disaster - that the White Hoyuse helped create by throwing open America's gates.
The administration declared its commitment to 'safe, orderly, and humane migration,' worldwide.
In 2023, U.S. State Department agencies further increased contributions to the United Nations's International Organization for Migration to a staggering $1.4 billion, according to a database that tracks federal spending.
Hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars began flowing into Panama.
On Tuesday, Biden's Treasury Department announced sanctions for a handful of leaders of the Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia – calling the cartel, 'one of the country's largest drug trafficking organizations and a key contributor to human smuggling through the Darién Gap.'
Some may see the move as progress, but others in the region know that sanctions won't change the situation on the ground.
It is difficult for critics to see this as anything less than a feeble response to a humanitarian crisis of the administration's own making.
As long as this Biden-build migrant 'super-highway' remains open, misery and the criminality that feeds on it will continue.

Great investigative reporting by Todd Bensman....
All this brought to you by Democrat Neo-Marxists, Biden and his appointed Border Czar Kamala Harris, who did find the “root causes” and enhanced them.
The Darien Gap was reported on several years ago at least once during this administration. It could and should have not been a secret to this administration. Especially if it wasn't to me. It was stated as a very dangerous area.
Trump was right all along, he warned over and over again. The Democrats want them for votes, they use everyone. Even the convicted murderers, sexual preadtors and common thieves they've allowed into the U.S.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and especially the Democrat Beo-Marxists in America own this lock, stock and barrel....
See More:

"Last week, ICE Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner sent a letter to lawmakers detailing the number of criminal aliens on ICE’s national docket. As of July 21, 2024, nearly 650,000 criminal aliens were on the NDD—meaning they had previously been encountered by CBP, turned over to ICE, had their criminal history documented, and then were released into the United States."
"The specific breakdown of what types of criminals have been released is just as sobering. The following numbers include both convicted criminals and those with pending charges for the specific offense. In all categories, the former exceeded the latter:
  • Homicide: 14,944
  • Sexual Assault: 20,061
  • Assault: 105,146
  • Burglary/Larceny/Robbery: 60,268
  • Traffic Offenses: 126,343
  • Weapon Offenses: 16,820
  • Kidnapping: 3,372
  • Commercialized Sexual Offenses: 3,971
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And then there is the real story.

The US worked out a deal with Panama to stop those coming through the Darien Gap and detaining them in Panama until they can be sent back to their home countries. The US is paying the expense of sending them home since Panama has no stake in the game.


Chairman Green on New “Shocking” Numbers of Criminal Illegal Aliens Roaming Free in U.S. – “Defies All Common Sense”

27 Sep 2024 ~~

Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) issued a statement following the release of new data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) showing that, as of July 21, 2024, nearly 650,000 criminal illegal aliens were currently on ICE’s Non-Detained Docket (NDD) and roaming free in communities throughout the United States. This figure includes roughly 15,000 individuals convicted of or charged with murder, more than 20,000 of sexual assault, and more than 105,000 of assault:
“It may be shocking to hear that the Biden-Harris administration is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove this to be the case. This defies all common sense. Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ Vice President Harris, DHS law enforcement has been directed to mass-release illegal aliens whom they know have criminal convictions or are facing charges for serious crimes—and these dangerous, destructive individuals are making their way into every city and state in this country. How many more Americans need to die or be victimized before this administration is forced to abide by the laws they swore to uphold? This is madness. It is something no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate.”
In its recent report, “Crisis by Design,” the House Committee on Homeland Security documented how DHS law enforcement often have very little information to use in vetting illegal aliens crossing the border, and the massive flood of illegal border crossers under the Biden-Harris administration has made this task even more difficult. According to former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott, vetting has become a “check-the-box exercise.” The fact that in hundreds of thousands of cases, criminal illegal aliens are being released even after derogatory information about them has been discovered is simply inexcusable, and can be traced back to the Biden-Harris administration’s policy of mass “catch and release.”

Biden and Harris have flooded the country with rapists and murderers.

The numbers are staggering.

27 Aug 2024 ~~ By DrJohn

Today Immigration and Customs Enforcement released some utterly mind-boggling data. Biden and Harris have released killers and rapists into this country and not just a few. We have known about the problem, but enormity of this crime is just now surfacing.
It’s hard to believe. Trump reacted to this news:
“Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ Vice President Harris, DHS law enforcement has been directed to mass-release illegal aliens whom they know have criminal convictions or are facing charges for serious crimes—and these dangerous, destructive individuals are making their way into every city and state in this country. How many more Americans need to die or be victimized before this administration is forced to abide by the laws they swore to uphold? This is madness. It is something no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate,” he added.
A reminder:


Also a reminder from CNN
Harris told ACLU in 2019 she supports cuts to ICE funding and providing gender transition surgery to detained migrants

Approximately 5% of the illegal aliens crossing our border are criminals — murders, rapists, drug dealers, child traffickers, etc.
For easy calculation, if you assume 10 millions illegals have crossed into our country (a number that is much too slow), Biden/Harris have allowed in 500,000 violent criminals!
That doesn't include the 2 million "Gotaways" that we have no records on these felons.
Meanwhile Biden and Harris plan to disarm the U.S. citizen and appease Globalists Soros and his rotten Son and the rest of the UN/CFR Globalists Scum
Thanks to our lying Border Czar Harris Outstanding handling of her responsibilities.

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