Biden's new ad buy - His largest to date!

Has he discussed this ad with his VP?

Yep Hollywood finally sent their checks took them a while to realize that the finger is the guy.....that Bernie or a Kennedy or Mike Obama is not going to ride in and save the day.....
This will be airing nationally. BRILLIANT! :D

Wow, it only took him what? Six months....way to stay on top of things Joe.

He vastly outspent Trump on TV ads during the RNC. Pay attention.

Yeah. And good laughs they were.
This will be airing nationally. BRILLIANT! :D

Wow, it only took him what? Six months....way to stay on top of things Joe.

He vastly outspent Trump on TV ads during the RNC. Pay attention.

Hillary 'vastly' outspent in 2016, about 3-1 as I remember.

How did that work out?
This will be airing nationally. BRILLIANT! :D

Too Funny:

Do you really think that after 6 months of enabling and condoning these protesters and rioters that the general public will buy this Bull Shit?

I've said it before and I will say it again, Democrats have no ability to do self introspection.. This is going to backfire badly...
I guess he has to get his ugly mug in front of America somehow...............Americans can't all go walking thru his basement.
This will be airing nationally. BRILLIANT!

Too bad it's a pack of lies. I used to think we had to go to the USSR to hear communist propaganda-- -- -- Joe tries to make it sound like its TRUMP'S supporters that have been out there rioting, looting and burning for months against police, for Blacks, and legal reform!

I didn't know it was Trump's supporters who created CHAZ in Portland and took over a police station!

I didn't know it was Trump supporters marching for BLM, I thought they were all racists!

I didn't know it was Trump supporters who want to defund police!

I didn't know it was Trump supporters who Trump sent in the federal troops to arrest along with the Portand mayor!

I didn't know it was Trump supporters who harassed and accosted Rand Paul and others after his acceptance speech!

I didn't know it was Trump's supporters breaking into Walmarts looting TVs!

What's Joe going to do when all the millions affected by this shit who were going to vote for him see his commercial and realize he's talking out his asshole?

What are the Democrats going to do when all the thousands of BLM and other leftwing people who have been out all night blocking traffic, rioting, protesting police, Trump and the law see that the Democrats have thrown them to the wolves and are now calling them Trump's supporters who have to stop because they are bad?

What are the Democrats going to do when these rioters DON'T stop, get worse, and people say, Hey! These are the people Dems have been supporting and protecting for months?


I can't wait for Joe to go before one of these protests to tell them they are all bad, and wrong and have to stop being Trump supporters!
This will be airing nationally. BRILLIANT! :D

Lol. Biden plagiarizes Trump's message.
Not unexpected as he has a history of plagiarizing other peoples messages.
Sorry, not going to work.

Figures you wouldn't have understood the message.
He called for unity, not hate and division.
He asked Rump to stop encouraging vigilanteism.
You don't understand much.
Take a nap or something - Good Kitty!

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