Biden’s new treasury nominee: wants oil, gas, coal industries to go bankrupt


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.

Keep telling America who you are Dems wow, just wow.
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.

The more absurd the idea the faster the communists take over.
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.

If she was a commie she'd want to nationalize the petroleum industry.
We had a topic about this weeks ago. I guess theHawk is behind on opening his propagandists' emails.
If congress passes a bill stopping all exportation of petroleum I bet you rightist will have a fit over that also.
She is a commie wanting to destroy the US's energy and self reliance---making us a better target for communist china and others.
Very little oil in the US is controlled by US only oil corporations they are mostly all internationals corporations. She could never stop the capitalist.
Bankrupting the oil industry will never happen, and there is nothing Biden or Omarova can do to make that happen.

The reason Biden wants to hire Omarova, I suspect, is because she wants to establish a National Investment Authority (NIA).

The principle behind the NIA is that instead of funding infrastructure projects with government money (tax dollars), it would be funded with money from the private sector.

The NIA would be a public-private investment agency. The idea is to create a body that will sell bonds to private investors and use that money to build critical infrastructure. Some infrastructure projects are too big and too expensive for individual municipalities to pull off.

This would be a GSE, like Fannie and Freddie.

You can read Omarova's and her co-author's white paper about the NIA here: White Paper: A National Investment Authority

Now I will explain the kookier parts.

The NIA's primary focus would be investing in green infrastructure projects. The bonds issued by the NIA would be rated by a standalone ratings agency. That ratings agency would rate each bond by how green the infrastructure project is. The more green a project is, the higher the rating it will receive. The more carbonized a project, the lower the rating it will receive.

Never mind the actual risk of default determining the rating a bond receives. All that matters is how green the damned thing is.

See here: Investment and Decarbonization | Anusar Farooqui & Tim Sahay
Biden (his handlers) hires a lot of Europhobic, ugly beasts who can barely speak English. Why would that be?
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.

Don't you love the Russians, esp the soviet union. You want to be like them, with authoritarian in charge of the US as well as China, and NK.
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.

We’ve seen this act before. Obama said much the same, while taking tons of big
oil money.

Don’t be duped a second time.
The more absurd the idea the faster the communists take over.
I know.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.

December 3 2020
Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser who was pardoned by the president last week for lying during the Russia investigation, wants Trump to declare martial law and “temporarily suspend the Constitution” until a new election is held.
Bankrupting the oil industry will never happen, and there is nothing Biden or Omarova can do to make that happen.

The reason Biden wants to hire Omarova, I suspect, is because she wants to establish a National Investment Authority (NIA).

The principle behind the NIA is that instead of funding infrastructure projects with government money (tax dollars), it would be funded with money from the private sector.

The NIA would be a public-private investment agency. The idea is to create a body that will sell bonds to private investors and use that money to build critical infrastructure. Some infrastructure projects are too big and too expensive for individual municipalities to pull off.

This would be a GSE, like Fannie and Freddie.

You can read Omarova's and her co-author's white paper about the NIA here: White Paper: A National Investment Authority

Now I will explain the kookier parts.

The NIA's primary focus would be investing in green infrastructure projects. The bonds issued by the NIA would be rated by a standalone ratings agency. That ratings agency would rate each bond by how green the infrastructure project is. The more green a project is, the higher the rating it will receive. The more carbonized a project, the lower the rating it will receive.

Never mind the actual risk of default determining the rating a bond receives. All that matters is how green the damned thing is.

See here: Investment and Decarbonization | Anusar Farooqui & Tim Sahay
How is a gov agency competing with private sector a free market?

it is a government take over.
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.

I would prefer a national plan to transition to cleaner energy sources.
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.

This is a prime example of what I have been saying.

Yes Biden is a fuck up and bad for America and Americans. But we can't focus on just him. He draws all of our attention while it goes unnoticed who be puts in seats of power. They are the real threat because they will be in all branches of government, they will hire people in line with their agenda and fire those that arent and spread like a disease.

Long after Biden is gone people like this will still be there making decisions and changing things from the inside.

Biden is a threat to America, but his administration is even more of a threat.

This person, the gun owner hating atf guy, the tranny Rachel levine he put in, the governor's he keeps in power in different states, fauci, buttigieg that talks about racist roads, the people pushing his mandates, the social media and news media outlets pushing his agenda, his vice president, and so on. They are the true threat, Biden is just their mouthpiece and they all need to go sooner, not later.
I would prefer a national plan to transition to cleaner energy sources.
There is no magical cleaner energy than what we have. We have already drastically reduced emissions from vehicles, they now put out only a fraction of what they did decades ago. Electric powered vehicles still need to get energy from the grid, which is mainly gas and nuclear. Nuclear is very clean yet the left doesn’t want to build more nuclear plants. Wind and solar just aren’t good enough to power our growing energy needs and cannot sustain large scale grids. Plus those power sources are not nearly as efficient and thus raise the price of electricity significantly.

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