Biden’s new treasury nominee: wants oil, gas, coal industries to go bankrupt

So where are all the wave machine power plants?

Annapolis Royal Generating Station - Wikipedia
The Annapolis Royal Generating Station was a tidal power generating station in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada.When operational, it was the only tidal generating station in North America and was one of the few in the world. Located upstream of Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, it generated about 30 million kilowatt hours per year, enough for 4500 houses.
YOU people hate are like the hitlerjugend
Annapolis Royal Generating Station - Wikipedia
The Annapolis Royal Generating Station was a tidal power generating station in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada.When operational, it was the only tidal generating station in North America and was one of the few in the world. Located upstream of Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, it generated about 30 million kilowatt hours per year, enough for 4500 houses.
4500 houses? So a small town. Like I said, not feasible for an entire continent.
Nope it would take a revolution to oust the capitalist and that is not going to happen in our lifetimes.
No it wouldn’t….It would take a President, and a Congress working toward that end putting people in place who’s aim is to do so….Like we have here.
Meet Biden’s latest nominee to the treasury department, the Kazakhstani Commie.

She wants energy companies to go bankrupt, all in the name of climate change. How noble.

Is it too much to ask the Democrats to not nominate foreign communists to positions in the government? Apparently.

This shit is 100% by design.

Green New Deal extremists told America point blank their goal was to surrender energy independence and completely putting all US fossil fuel industries out of business, outlawing the internal combustion engine, destroying the economy while putting literally millions of Americans out of work before the 2020 elections....

But ignorant, easily-offended Trump-hating sheep did not hear it because they were not listening. They were more concerned about ridding America of mean tweets, low un-employment, the regular flow of goods and services, lower energy prices, etc...

The high energy privmces are not a matter of fucking rocket sciencecience -

Biden surrendered ur energy i dependence, closed the Pipeline, put oil workers out of work, put the fossil fuel industries on notice that he was going to bankrupt them all, closed lands / leases to drilling, slowed oil production to a crawl, shut down/reduced coal / natural gas production, and is now shutting down a pipeline in Michigan that carries heating oil and gas...

The results are severely damaged economy, soaring energy prices (electricity up 6%, natural gas / coal up 30%, heating oil up 50%), higher transportation costs, higher food / 'stuff' costs - if you can find any, pain at the pump, pain at the grocery store, pain in your wallet - welcome to Venezuela-lite!

This is self/government inflicted bullshit on the American people and a very easy problem to solve....BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO SLOVE IT!

John Kerry publicly declared the United States will no longer se or produce any coal - despite our 100-year clean energy surplus - by 2030 and we will reach zero carbon emissions by 2035.

1. The Biden WH walked back BOTH numbers because:
...A. Tge Democrats know they are waging the war on fossil fuels with no known replacement. Solar, wind, & water produces approximately 30% of our current energy needs. The other 70% IS FROM FOSSIL FUEL. AOC declared that would be replaced by TECHNOLOGY THAT HAS NOT BEEN DISCOVERED YET.


...B. Zero % carbon emissions is a fucking PIPE DREAM...says ever credible scientist in the world.

2. The United States can go to MINUS EMISSIONS, where we are literally shitting clean, carbon-desttoying particles and air and unless India and China - the world's largest industrialized carbon polluters - join in on this lunacy, if they keep doing what they are doing, the United States will only be committing national suicide by destroying our economy and nation FOR NOTHING.

The United States can not same the planet by itself, even if we are the lowest carbon-emitting super power / large nation in the world, WHICH WE ALREADY ARE!

Democrats are world-class fear-mongering assholes on the planet, who use fear and chaos to herd dumbass snowflakes like sheep. We are not in the midst of an earth-destroying mega planetary disaster that is going to destroy us in a decade....which Demicrats have been proclaiming for twice that long.

This is about Cloward-Piven. This is about destroying our energy independence. This is about destroying America, driving it to its knees, and turning the country into another Sociakist tyrannt-run shithole.

Anyone remember how Venezuela was an oil-rich prospering South American country dcades ago until Socialists began doing exactly what Democrats are doing here....the economy tanked, supply chain broke down, food and products no where on the shelves...

And snowflakes voted for the dementia-ravaged, criminal, treasonous domestic/foreign puppet allowing Marxist / Socialist extremists begin doing the same thing here...and allowed massive voter fraud to seal the deal.

No President to ever get so many votes legally has ever tanked so hard so fast in the polls. America did not want this known enentia-ravaged criminal/ domestic enemy any more than they wanted Hartus, whoever po numbers mirror tge percent of Democrats who supported her run for the DNC nomination!

This is all by design.....massive spending / debt addition, COVID used to destroy small businesses / the economy,massive numbers of Americans forced out of work, depending sent on govt social programs...expanded by massive deficit-spending border policies sacrificing national security and creating a new class of dependents, sacrificing energy independence destroying the economy, Increased massive inflation / costs, massive dependency on massive tyrannical oppressive state.....CRT indoctrination, destroying foreign policy and alliances...

An ad.inistration that has illegally spied on Americans, is giving the IRS permanent access to you financial dealings, that has violated oaths of office/ Constitution/ US telling businesses to ignore court rulings halting forced vaccinations and to keep doing it, is doing whatever they want, openly mocking Americans abandon breaking their own edicts and mandates.... with zero accountability...

Americans don't know it but the Democrts have already won....we're a Socialist nation...we just don't know it yet.

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