Biden’s Next DOJ Pick Is Even Worse Than His First


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013

Plenty of conservatives have warned about the kind of people Biden is nominating to high positions in his cabinet. Sure, they’re all liberals as we should expect. But more than a few appear to hold radical views. Important roles in our government might be filled by people who do not share our most important values and convictions—or even want to upend them.
The caliber of Biden’s picks is less than desirable. One, Neera Tanden, has finally withdrawn after receiving intense heat from both Democrats and Republicans. The nominee had a long history of vicious and ugly attacks against politicians online. It was too much, even more Democrat senators.
Perhaps that victory has empowered Republicans to challenge other Biden picks. Or, perhaps, they are deeply troubled by what one particular nominee might do in office. Because they are sounding the alarm over what this one woman might do at the DOJ.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned in a statement on Thursday evening that Vanita Gupta, an attorney who President Joe Biden has nominated for the No. 3 job at the Department of Justice, would make America less safe due to her far-left policy views on policing…
“More than 83k Americans died from drug overdoses last year, but Gupta wants to ‘decriminalize’ possession of ALL drugs, even fentanyl…
“As recently as last summer, Vanita Gupta called to defund the police,” Cotton continued. [Source: Daily Wire]

America 2.0
No matter how you slice it, it’s very bad for the number 3 person in the DOJ to want to defund the police. Her views could have a tremendously detrimental impact on the security of our entire country. But did she really want to defund cops? Pretty much. She claimed it was “critical” for “state and local leaders to” bow to the whims of BLM and “decrease police budgets” as well as the “role” of police “in our lives.”
Do you want someone who says we should “heed” people who destroyed numerous cities over the summer in charge at the DOJ? Do you want someone like this making decisions on law enforcement and major investigations?

She might not have influence over your local police, but as a top member of the DOJ, she could influence investigations and help shape policy that will impact police everywhere.
We’ve already seen nationwide the damage “defunding the police” does. In Minneapolis, ground zero for the movement, they had even vowed to “abolish” their entire police force. What did they get in exchange for the drastic budget cuts to their PD? A massive surge in crime that forced some communities to pay for private security. The radical city council was forced to increase the police budget in the end, to hire and train new cops.

Imagine what would happen if that same radical policy was applied to the entire country? Would we be able to reverse as quickly as Minneapolis did—before serious damage is done?
We can’t say for sure. But what we can say is that if Gupta is appointed to this post, we might end up seeing it in realtime.

Sounds like a great pic. I was for tossing Neera Tanden because of the reasons she was tossed but I see nothing to bothers me here.

Plenty of conservatives have warned about the kind of people Biden is nominating to high positions in his cabinet. Sure, they’re all liberals as we should expect. But more than a few appear to hold radical views. Important roles in our government might be filled by people who do not share our most important values and convictions—or even want to upend them.
The caliber of Biden’s picks is less than desirable. One, Neera Tanden, has finally withdrawn after receiving intense heat from both Democrats and Republicans. The nominee had a long history of vicious and ugly attacks against politicians online. It was too much, even more Democrat senators.
Perhaps that victory has empowered Republicans to challenge other Biden picks. Or, perhaps, they are deeply troubled by what one particular nominee might do in office. Because they are sounding the alarm over what this one woman might do at the DOJ.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned in a statement on Thursday evening that Vanita Gupta, an attorney who President Joe Biden has nominated for the No. 3 job at the Department of Justice, would make America less safe due to her far-left policy views on policing…
“More than 83k Americans died from drug overdoses last year, but Gupta wants to ‘decriminalize’ possession of ALL drugs, even fentanyl…
“As recently as last summer, Vanita Gupta called to defund the police,” Cotton continued. [Source: Daily Wire]

America 2.0
No matter how you slice it, it’s very bad for the number 3 person in the DOJ to want to defund the police. Her views could have a tremendously detrimental impact on the security of our entire country. But did she really want to defund cops? Pretty much. She claimed it was “critical” for “state and local leaders to” bow to the whims of BLM and “decrease police budgets” as well as the “role” of police “in our lives.”
Do you want someone who says we should “heed” people who destroyed numerous cities over the summer in charge at the DOJ? Do you want someone like this making decisions on law enforcement and major investigations?

She might not have influence over your local police, but as a top member of the DOJ, she could influence investigations and help shape policy that will impact police everywhere.
We’ve already seen nationwide the damage “defunding the police” does. In Minneapolis, ground zero for the movement, they had even vowed to “abolish” their entire police force. What did they get in exchange for the drastic budget cuts to their PD? A massive surge in crime that forced some communities to pay for private security. The radical city council was forced to increase the police budget in the end, to hire and train new cops.

Imagine what would happen if that same radical policy was applied to the entire country? Would we be able to reverse as quickly as Minneapolis did—before serious damage is done?
We can’t say for sure. But what we can say is that if Gupta is appointed to this post, we might end up seeing it in realtime.

Cheap legal fentanyl and no police?

What could possibly go wrong?
Sounds like a great pic. I was for tossing Neera Tanden because of the reasons she was tossed but I see nothing to bothers me here.
So you approve of criminals committing crime, with no police to stop them + rampant addicting drugs being pushed on kids, You're an idiot.

Only someone ignorant would believe this is what it's about.
But more than a few appear to hold radical views.

That's because Biden ran as a moderate, but he's not the one calling the shots. Aren't his picks just what you'd expect from Kammy?

Meantime, none of the Biden voters will notice or care. They're Biden voters.

I complained about this all through the Obama AND Trump years. No one cared any of those times.

Plenty of conservatives have warned about the kind of people Biden is nominating to high positions in his cabinet. Sure, they’re all liberals as we should expect. But more than a few appear to hold radical views. Important roles in our government might be filled by people who do not share our most important values and convictions—or even want to upend them.
The caliber of Biden’s picks is less than desirable. One, Neera Tanden, has finally withdrawn after receiving intense heat from both Democrats and Republicans. The nominee had a long history of vicious and ugly attacks against politicians online. It was too much, even more Democrat senators.
Perhaps that victory has empowered Republicans to challenge other Biden picks. Or, perhaps, they are deeply troubled by what one particular nominee might do in office. Because they are sounding the alarm over what this one woman might do at the DOJ.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned in a statement on Thursday evening that Vanita Gupta, an attorney who President Joe Biden has nominated for the No. 3 job at the Department of Justice, would make America less safe due to her far-left policy views on policing…
“More than 83k Americans died from drug overdoses last year, but Gupta wants to ‘decriminalize’ possession of ALL drugs, even fentanyl…
“As recently as last summer, Vanita Gupta called to defund the police,” Cotton continued. [Source: Daily Wire]

America 2.0
No matter how you slice it, it’s very bad for the number 3 person in the DOJ to want to defund the police. Her views could have a tremendously detrimental impact on the security of our entire country. But did she really want to defund cops? Pretty much. She claimed it was “critical” for “state and local leaders to” bow to the whims of BLM and “decrease police budgets” as well as the “role” of police “in our lives.”
Do you want someone who says we should “heed” people who destroyed numerous cities over the summer in charge at the DOJ? Do you want someone like this making decisions on law enforcement and major investigations?

She might not have influence over your local police, but as a top member of the DOJ, she could influence investigations and help shape policy that will impact police everywhere.
We’ve already seen nationwide the damage “defunding the police” does. In Minneapolis, ground zero for the movement, they had even vowed to “abolish” their entire police force. What did they get in exchange for the drastic budget cuts to their PD? A massive surge in crime that forced some communities to pay for private security. The radical city council was forced to increase the police budget in the end, to hire and train new cops.

Imagine what would happen if that same radical policy was applied to the entire country? Would we be able to reverse as quickly as Minneapolis did—before serious damage is done?
We can’t say for sure. But what we can say is that if Gupta is appointed to this post, we might end up seeing it in realtime.

Amazing what trumpkins consider information sources.

Plenty of conservatives have warned about the kind of people Biden is nominating to high positions in his cabinet. Sure, they’re all liberals as we should expect. But more than a few appear to hold radical views. Important roles in our government might be filled by people who do not share our most important values and convictions—or even want to upend them.
The caliber of Biden’s picks is less than desirable. One, Neera Tanden, has finally withdrawn after receiving intense heat from both Democrats and Republicans. The nominee had a long history of vicious and ugly attacks against politicians online. It was too much, even more Democrat senators.
Perhaps that victory has empowered Republicans to challenge other Biden picks. Or, perhaps, they are deeply troubled by what one particular nominee might do in office. Because they are sounding the alarm over what this one woman might do at the DOJ.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned in a statement on Thursday evening that Vanita Gupta, an attorney who President Joe Biden has nominated for the No. 3 job at the Department of Justice, would make America less safe due to her far-left policy views on policing…
“More than 83k Americans died from drug overdoses last year, but Gupta wants to ‘decriminalize’ possession of ALL drugs, even fentanyl…
“As recently as last summer, Vanita Gupta called to defund the police,” Cotton continued. [Source: Daily Wire]

America 2.0
No matter how you slice it, it’s very bad for the number 3 person in the DOJ to want to defund the police. Her views could have a tremendously detrimental impact on the security of our entire country. But did she really want to defund cops? Pretty much. She claimed it was “critical” for “state and local leaders to” bow to the whims of BLM and “decrease police budgets” as well as the “role” of police “in our lives.”
Do you want someone who says we should “heed” people who destroyed numerous cities over the summer in charge at the DOJ? Do you want someone like this making decisions on law enforcement and major investigations?

She might not have influence over your local police, but as a top member of the DOJ, she could influence investigations and help shape policy that will impact police everywhere.
We’ve already seen nationwide the damage “defunding the police” does. In Minneapolis, ground zero for the movement, they had even vowed to “abolish” their entire police force. What did they get in exchange for the drastic budget cuts to their PD? A massive surge in crime that forced some communities to pay for private security. The radical city council was forced to increase the police budget in the end, to hire and train new cops.

Imagine what would happen if that same radical policy was applied to the entire country? Would we be able to reverse as quickly as Minneapolis did—before serious damage is done?
We can’t say for sure. But what we can say is that if Gupta is appointed to this post, we might end up seeing it in realtime.

Let's be fair to Delaware Man.

He has no idea about who "his" appointees are.

His "advisers" (the cabal of extremists) give him a list of appointees and he simply agrees to their "recommendations."
That's because Biden ran as a moderate, but he's not the one calling the shots. Aren't his picks just what you'd expect from Kammy?

Meantime, none of the Biden voters will notice or care. They're Biden voters.
Mindless ROBOTS .....duped by leftist media (never spent a minute watching Newsmax - & getting educated)
Amazing what trumpkins consider information sources.
Nothing amazing, and the facts support that 100%. What is amazing is what Biden robots consider infomation sources - ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS - utter GARBAGE...all of it.
That's because Biden ran as a moderate, but he's not the one calling the shots. Aren't his picks just what you'd expect from Kammy?

Meantime, none of the Biden voters will notice or care. They're Biden voters.
Mindless ROBOTS .....duped by leftist media (never spent a minute watching Newsmax - & getting educated)

NO. Not quite. I've never believed this theory that people like Rush and Tucker dupe some into believing far right-wing conspiracy theories anymore than I buy the story that folks like Rachael Maddow and the NYT dupe all the rest of society into believing crazy, far left-wing radical ideologies either. They put the crap out there like mouse-cheese to read, but that is just the point: IT IS CRAP most of it, and it is up to the individual who CHOOSES to buy it. Or even listen to it. To the person actually responsibly, credibly knowing the real difference between good, sound reasoning for themself vs. following the crazy group-ideological dreams of others.


Pretty sad really, that most people haven't the wherefore all in their constitution to even know what they think for themselves, believe and WHY, so that when someone else comes along, they can't even say outright immediately whether it even comports with what they feel and know within themselves already, much less having so little to believe within--- inside for themselves that they are like a thirsty sponge now looking for it instead in other people's thoughts-- -- -- people unfortunately driven by some need to will over and dominate others intellectually, just to fill whatever void they have within.
Legalize Floyd’s Chinese fentanyl? This asshole should be crucified butt-naked on the town square.

Plenty of conservatives have warned about the kind of people Biden is nominating to high positions in his cabinet. Sure, they’re all liberals as we should expect. But more than a few appear to hold radical views. Important roles in our government might be filled by people who do not share our most important values and convictions—or even want to upend them.
The caliber of Biden’s picks is less than desirable. One, Neera Tanden, has finally withdrawn after receiving intense heat from both Democrats and Republicans. The nominee had a long history of vicious and ugly attacks against politicians online. It was too much, even more Democrat senators.
Perhaps that victory has empowered Republicans to challenge other Biden picks. Or, perhaps, they are deeply troubled by what one particular nominee might do in office. Because they are sounding the alarm over what this one woman might do at the DOJ.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned in a statement on Thursday evening that Vanita Gupta, an attorney who President Joe Biden has nominated for the No. 3 job at the Department of Justice, would make America less safe due to her far-left policy views on policing…
“More than 83k Americans died from drug overdoses last year, but Gupta wants to ‘decriminalize’ possession of ALL drugs, even fentanyl…
“As recently as last summer, Vanita Gupta called to defund the police,” Cotton continued. [Source: Daily Wire]

America 2.0
No matter how you slice it, it’s very bad for the number 3 person in the DOJ to want to defund the police. Her views could have a tremendously detrimental impact on the security of our entire country. But did she really want to defund cops? Pretty much. She claimed it was “critical” for “state and local leaders to” bow to the whims of BLM and “decrease police budgets” as well as the “role” of police “in our lives.”
Do you want someone who says we should “heed” people who destroyed numerous cities over the summer in charge at the DOJ? Do you want someone like this making decisions on law enforcement and major investigations?

She might not have influence over your local police, but as a top member of the DOJ, she could influence investigations and help shape policy that will impact police everywhere.
We’ve already seen nationwide the damage “defunding the police” does. In Minneapolis, ground zero for the movement, they had even vowed to “abolish” their entire police force. What did they get in exchange for the drastic budget cuts to their PD? A massive surge in crime that forced some communities to pay for private security. The radical city council was forced to increase the police budget in the end, to hire and train new cops.

Imagine what would happen if that same radical policy was applied to the entire country? Would we be able to reverse as quickly as Minneapolis did—before serious damage is done?
We can’t say for sure. But what we can say is that if Gupta is appointed to this post, we might end up seeing it in realtime.

She has a history of pushing the tranny Agenda. Another dumb SJW nutball.
Biden’s Next DOJ Pick Is Even Worse Than His First-protectionist

Good, keep being mad. 4 more years of it.
Nothing good about the overwhelming majority of Americans being swindled out of their constitution liberties. If you weren't an idiot, you'd know that.

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