Biden’s outrageous giveaway to federal bureaucrats should enrage you


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Nothing that Traitor has done or intends to do is a benefit to the American people.

President Zero was Øbama, President Zero v2.0 is Biden.

If you were to design a legislative provision outrageous enough to inspire another Tea Party-style political uprising, you would be hard-pressed to do better than Section 5111 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus-relief clunker is full of items with perverse incentives (long-term unemployment top-offs and blue-state pension-fund bailouts) and others that are just obviously injurious (a federal minimum-wage hike which the Congressional Budget Office says would cost 1.4 million jobs). But nothing quite compares to its “Emergency Federal Employee Leave Fund” for the righteous indignation it should arouse in most Americans.

The provision sets aside money for a leave program that would allow any federal employee not working for the military to take up to 15 weeks of paid leave and collect up to $21,000 ($1,400 a week) between whenever the bill is passed and Sept. 30, 2021, if the pandemic has had certain deleterious effects on their lives.

Some of the effects in question aren’t entirely unreasonable. For example, you can access the leave fund while you are bedridden with the disease itself, or if you are caring for a family member who is. Others are worthy of a squint and head shake — employees could conceivably take the day to get vaccinated while pulling in a cool $35 an hour.

And then there is the pièce de résistance of these goodies. The paid leave also applies to any federal worker who “is caring for a son or daughter of such employee if the school or place of care of the son or daughter has been closed, if the school of such son or daughter requires or makes optional a virtual learning instruction model or requires or makes optional a hybrid of in-person and virtual learning instruction models, or the childcare provider of such son or daughter is unavailable, due to COVID-19 precautions.”

For as long as schools remain closed — and remember, the Biden administration’s kind-of-sort-of, wishy-washy contention is that they should until more money is spent, even though there remains over $100 billion in unspent education appropriations from the last relief bill — bureaucrats whose paychecks are provided by John and Jane Q. Taxpayer would be able to collect from the comfort of their own homes, where they supervise their children and catch up on their favorite shows. Again, it would be difficult to devise a targeted giveaway more likely to inspire wrath and resentment.


Nothing that Traitor has done or intends to do is a benefit to the American people.

President Zero was Øbama, President Zero v2.0 is Biden.

If you were to design a legislative provision outrageous enough to inspire another Tea Party-style political uprising, you would be hard-pressed to do better than Section 5111 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.​
President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus-relief clunker is full of items with perverse incentives (long-term unemployment top-offs and blue-state pension-fund bailouts) and others that are just obviously injurious (a federal minimum-wage hike which the Congressional Budget Office says would cost 1.4 million jobs). But nothing quite compares to its “Emergency Federal Employee Leave Fund” for the righteous indignation it should arouse in most Americans.​
The provision sets aside money for a leave program that would allow any federal employee not working for the military to take up to 15 weeks of paid leave and collect up to $21,000 ($1,400 a week) between whenever the bill is passed and Sept. 30, 2021, if the pandemic has had certain deleterious effects on their lives.
Some of the effects in question aren’t entirely unreasonable. For example, you can access the leave fund while you are bedridden with the disease itself, or if you are caring for a family member who is. Others are worthy of a squint and head shake — employees could conceivably take the day to get vaccinated while pulling in a cool $35 an hour.​
And then there is the pièce de résistance of these goodies. The paid leave also applies to any federal worker who “is caring for a son or daughter of such employee if the school or place of care of the son or daughter has been closed, if the school of such son or daughter requires or makes optional a virtual learning instruction model or requires or makes optional a hybrid of in-person and virtual learning instruction models, or the childcare provider of such son or daughter is unavailable, due to COVID-19 precautions.”
For as long as schools remain closed — and remember, the Biden administration’s kind-of-sort-of, wishy-washy contention is that they should until more money is spent, even though there remains over $100 billion in unspent education appropriations from the last relief bill — bureaucrats whose paychecks are provided by John and Jane Q. Taxpayer would be able to collect from the comfort of their own homes, where they supervise their children and catch up on their favorite shows. Again, it would be difficult to devise a targeted giveaway more likely to inspire wrath and resentment.​

Well it enrages me. Why should Fed workers, at our expense, get paid leave. That act is used by companies but it is unpaid. They can take the time they need but don't get paid.

As for blue state pension fund bail outs?? That's a giant pile of shit. Let them bail out their own pension funds.

There sure isn't much Chinese virus relieve it that 1.9 trillion dollar bill. But there is loads of pork in it. Whoever passed that bill sure doesn't have the American tax payers in mind. Unbelievable.
One of the biggest manifestations of PURE POLITICAL CORRUPTION in the United States is the "cozy" relationship between elected government officials and government employees. Whether there are unions or not, Democrats in office constantly feed their underworked, overpaid minions money and benefits that essentially NO ONE in the private sector gets. Do you know anyone else who can retire after 30 years (other than uniformed personnel)? Do the math. That's retiring in your early 50's!

The situation with Federal GS employees is the most perverse of all and the least known to the general public. While the Feds' white-collar union technically does not have collective bargaining rights or the right to strike, their compensation and (to a lesser extent) benefits are outrageous. And remember, these are the people who graduate college with the generic degrees and 'C' averages; they did not graduate at the top of their classes. Senior Executives have a generous bonus program, and if you haven't recently assassinated a President, you get the full performance bonus, which is SUPPOSED to reward SUPERIOR performance. Question: Can everyone be "superior"?

Surprisingly, it's even worse at the State and local level, although in the South, where unions are frowned upon, their compensation is pretty crappy, as are their retirement benefits.

One of the most outrageous statistics that could be published is the percentage of government workers (exclude those in uniform) who consistently vote Democrat. I'm talking about the whole country, Federal, State, and local. The percentage would be mind-numbing, and it is definitional "corruption" - giving people pay and benefits in exchange for their votes.

Glad I don't pay significant money in taxes anymore. It is maddening.

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