Biden's Speech On Israel/Ukraine Needs A Part Two!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Joseph Biden gave a great speech tonight calling for aid for Israel and Ukraine! Widespread public support for aid for Israel shouldn't be in any doubt the American people recognize Israel is a good ally of America and the Israeli people have the right to defend themselves and need America's help to do so! On the Ukraine aid question there is a wide swath of the American people largely those that identify as Republicans that don't see the need to aid Ukraine or outright oppose providing aid to Ukraine. President Biden made a decent case for supporting Ukraine to these Americans but could have made a stronger case!

President of Russia Vladimir Putin prior to his invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and also after the invasion made clear his intentions that he believes that the dissolution of the old Soviet Union was a mistake and that Russia should embody an empire that includes many countries in eastern Europe some of which are Nato countries; Putin's character and track record clearly indicated that he would have tried to invade and conquer these countries meaning America was on a trajectory to fitght a Nato war against Putin's Russia. The Ukrainian military with the help of the United States, NATO countries and many other countries in the Free World has so degraded Putin's military that it would take at least fifteen years really probably longer for Putin to rebuild his conventional military to take on the NATO alliance and in fifteen years Putin will be eighty-six years old likely too old to prosecute a war with an enemy that can readily field a half a million troops with cutting edge weapon systems so the bottom line is that the Ukrainian people in fighting this war have spared the American people from a NATO war against Russia that would have cost a lot of American lives. America is a good people we have good character we don't just use people and throw them away we cannot just turn our back on the Ukrainian people after they have lost tens of thousands of their people fighting this war against Putin that would be just using the Ukrainian people, if America turns it back on further aiding the Ukrainian people, Ukraine won't last because Putin has extremely strong benefactors in China not to mention the valuable help Russia gets from Iran and North Korea the weapons these entities will supply the Russian army would destroy the Ukrainian military!

In the current time period one cannot say well what is America supposed to do continue to fund the Ukraine war indefinitely have this turn into another trillion dollar war! It is way too premature to be having this discussion. Ukraine is in its second year of this Russia invasion war and yes this year's Ukrainian counteroffensive wasn't successful but that is because Russia has air superiority and with its planes and attack helicopters was able to readily destroy Ukraine's tanks and troop carriers spearheading the counteroffensive. Next year will be different because the U.S. and its allies are providing Ukraine with F16 planes which will be able to significantly negate Russia's air resources destroying the front of Ukraine's counterattacking forces resulting in Ukraine's counter attacking forces making significantly better progress. Further it is not like in World War II where the allied forces had to go through multiple countries to make it too the enemy capital and win the war, the Ukraine military only has to take back like one hundred miles of their land where they get to the Sea of Azov then they will have largely cut off the Russian supply lines to the Crimea peninsula then it is just a matter of time before the Ukrainian military can bleed the Russian forces in Crimea where they won't be able to withstand the Ukrainian counteroffensive to take back Crimea and after the Kremlin loses Crimea the Kremlin's purpose of the war will have largely been lost and Ukraine will have such momentum it won't be long before they take back all their territory. As many retired U.S. Generals who give commentary about the war in the media have often said the Ukrainian soldier's higher motivation compared to the Russian soldier's will make a big difference in this war, the ordinary Ukrainian soldier is highly motivated because they are fighting for the existence of their people where the ordinary Russian soldier isn't highly motivated because they don't see how the war was needed to protect Russia, as the former head of the Russian Paramilitary organization the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said during his mutiny Russia should have never fought this war because Ukraine posed no threat to Russia.

Another major reason to stay the course in supporting Ukraine is that the government of China is watching closely America's behavior there and if they see the U.S. bail on Ukraine they will perceive their planned military takeover of Taiwan as a much easier operation concluding America's commitment to aid Taiwan won't hold and increase the likelihood of China conducting such a military operation and America if it stands up for its principles and obligations will provide significant combat assistance to the Taiwanese people in such a war. Since China has an extremely strong military this will mean American pilots and sailors will be killed; better policy is for America to continue to support Ukraine and not send any wrong signals to China!

One major reason to keep supporting Ukraine at this time is that the United States has sunk a lot of political capital in getting countries in the Free World to support Ukraine. A lot of these countries were not too eager to take the side of Ukraine against Russia and China who can be troublesome if you're on their wrong side, these countries did it because they were under the impression that America would see this Ukrainian war to the end. If America quits now on Ukraine after quitting on the Afghanistan people thereby sentencing Afghanistan women to a life of hell in addition to making the sacrifice of our crucial allies treasure and soldiers lives fighting the Afghanistan war a complete waste America's reputation as a leader country as a country to trust and follow will be shot it will have little practical value! It is very, very foolish for America to throw away this leadership reputation like this where the world is what it is where there exists a very strong radical fundamentalist Islamic movement in ISIS and al qaeda and others that want to permanently take down Western Culture, the American government and people will come to regret such an unwise decision when they see the need to lead an international effort to take actions that protect Western culture from this threat!
President Joseph Biden gave a great speech tonight calling for aid for Israel and Ukraine! Widespread public support for aid for Israel shouldn't be in any doubt the American people recognize Israel is a good ally of America and the Israeli people have the right to defend themselves and need America's help to do so! On the Ukraine aid question there is a wide swath of the American people largely those that identify as Republicans that don't see the need to aid Ukraine or outright oppose providing aid to Ukraine. President Biden made a decent case for supporting Ukraine to these Americans but could have made a stronger case!

President of Russia Vladimir Putin prior to his invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and also after the invasion made clear his intentions that he believes that the dissolution of the old Soviet Union was a mistake and that Russia should embody an empire that includes many countries in eastern Europe some of which are Nato countries; Putin's character and track record clearly indicated that he would have tried to invade and conquer these countries meaning America was on a trajectory to fitght a Nato war against Putin's Russia. The Ukrainian military with the help of the United States, NATO countries and many other countries in the Free World has so degraded Putin's military that it would take at least fifteen years really probably longer for Putin to rebuild his conventional military to take on the NATO alliance and in fifteen years Putin will be eighty-six years old likely too old to prosecute a war with an enemy that can readily field a half a million troops with cutting edge weapon systems so the bottom line is that the Ukrainian people in fighting this war have spared the American people from a NATO war against Russia that would have cost a lot of American lives. America is a good people we have good character we don't just use people and throw them away we cannot just turn our back on the Ukrainian people after they have lost tens of thousands of their people fighting this war against Putin that would be just using the Ukrainian people, if America turns it back on further aiding the Ukrainian people, Ukraine won't last because Putin has extremely strong benefactors in China not to mention the valuable help Russia gets from Iran and North Korea the weapons these entities will supply the Russian army would destroy the Ukrainian military!

In the current time period one cannot say well what is America supposed to do continue to fund the Ukraine war indefinitely have this turn into another trillion dollar war! It is way too premature to be having this discussion. Ukraine is in its second year of this Russia invasion war and yes this year's Ukrainian counteroffensive wasn't successful but that is because Russia has air superiority and with its planes and attack helicopters was able to readily destroy Ukraine's tanks and troop carriers spearheading the counteroffensive. Next year will be different because the U.S. and its allies are providing Ukraine with F16 planes which will be able to significantly negate Russia's air resources destroying the front of Ukraine's counterattacking forces resulting in Ukraine's counter attacking forces making significantly better progress. Further it is not like in World War II where the allied forces had to go through multiple countries to make it too the enemy capital and win the war, the Ukraine military only has to take back like one hundred miles of their land where they get to the Sea of Azov then they will have largely cut off the Russian supply lines to the Crimea peninsula then it is just a matter of time before the Ukrainian military can bleed the Russian forces in Crimea where they won't be able to withstand the Ukrainian counteroffensive to take back Crimea and after the Kremlin loses Crimea the Kremlin's purpose of the war will have largely been lost and Ukraine will have such momentum it won't be long before they take back all their territory. As many retired U.S. Generals who give commentary about the war in the media have often said the Ukrainian soldier's higher motivation compared to the Russian soldier's will make a big difference in this war, the ordinary Ukrainian soldier is highly motivated because they are fighting for the existence of their people where the ordinary Russian soldier isn't highly motivated because they don't see how the war was needed to protect Russia, as the former head of the Russian Paramilitary organization the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said during his mutiny Russia should have never fought this war because Ukraine posed no threat to Russia.

Another major reason to stay the course in supporting Ukraine is that the government of China is watching closely America's behavior there and if they see the U.S. bail on Ukraine they will perceive their planned military takeover of Taiwan as a much easier operation concluding America's commitment to aid Taiwan won't hold and increase the likelihood of China conducting such a military operation and America if it stands up for its principles and obligations will provide significant combat assistance to the Taiwanese people in such a war. Since China has an extremely strong military this will mean American pilots and sailors will be killed; better policy is for America to continue to support Ukraine and not send any wrong signals to China!

One major reason to keep supporting Ukraine at this time is that the United States has sunk a lot of political capital in getting countries in the Free World to support Ukraine. A lot of these countries were not too eager to take the side of Ukraine against Russia and China who can be troublesome if you're on their wrong side, these countries did it because they were under the impression that America would see this Ukrainian war to the end. If America quits now on Ukraine after quitting on the Afghanistan people thereby sentencing Afghanistan women to a life of hell in addition to making the sacrifice of our crucial allies treasure and soldiers lives fighting the Afghanistan war a complete waste America's reputation as a leader country as a country to trust and follow will be shot it will have little practical value! It is very, very foolish for America to throw away this leadership reputation like this where the world is what it is where there exists a very strong radical fundamentalist Islamic movement in ISIS and al qaeda and others that want to permanently take down Western Culture, the American government and people will come to regret such an unwise decision when they see the need to lead an international effort to take actions that protect Western culture from this threat!

The problem with Ukraine is that it is a rogue country committed to child trafficking, sex trafficking, money laundering and Nazism. Otherwise it's a fine country.
The problem with Ukraine is that it is a rogue country committed to child trafficking, sex trafficking, money laundering and Nazism. Otherwise it's a fine country.
Funny, sounds a lot like Israel.

I wonder why…


Biden stupidly created these wars with his stupid fossil fuel policy. He allowed Russia and Iran both to get enriched by basically cutting off America's ability to control the market. Now he makes a stupid feckless speech about the wars he helped start. I have no use for the man.
Biden’s speech was incoherent, wandering, meandering and senseless. It was embarrassing. When Biden said that he had a productive meeting with the Palestinian leader, it was a monumental lie that I would not tolerate.

The gist of the speech either was trying to conflate Ukraine and Israel deliberately, or something equally indecipherable. If he says Israelukraine fast enough, no one will notice the 100 million dollars he wants to pay hamas to kill Jews.
Biden’s speech was incoherent, wandering, meandering and senseless. It was embarrassing. When Biden said that he had a productive meeting with the Palestinian leader, it was a monumental lie that I would not tolerate.

The gist of the speech either was trying to conflate Ukraine and Israel deliberately, or something equally indecipherable. If he says Israelukraine fast enough, no one will notice the 100 million dollars he wants to pay hamas to kill Jews.
Yes, wandering, incoherent and senseless, just like his foreign polity and energy policies that LED to these wars. "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" (Barrack Obama)
Perhaps you should change the title of your post to "Biden's Speech on Israel/Ukraine is #2" - you know #2 as in a bowel movement. I already had a feeling your post was a waste of time to read based on the title, but I gave it a chance. I stopped reading at this statement"

"Joseph Biden gave a great speech tonight"

Yes, I purposely omitted the title "President" because this fascist traitor is NOT my president. Thank you for starting your post of with such an idiotic first sentence. It saved me some time.

The problem with Ukraine is that it is a rogue country committed to child trafficking, sex trafficking, money laundering and Nazism. Otherwise it's a fine country.
The problem with Ukraine is it is a known for being corrupt and the Biden administration has been filling its coffers while denying accountability of how the funds are being spent. Biden already has history with Ukraine, including the withdrawal of large amounts of $$ unless the prosecutor investigating his son was ousted .. (not to mention Hunter being on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma).
The problem with Ukraine is it is a known for being corrupt and the Biden administration has been filling its coffers while denying accountability of how the funds are being spent. Biden already has history with Ukraine, including the withdrawal of large amounts of $$ unless the prosecutor investigating his son was ousted .. (not to mention Hunter being on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma).
B-b-b-but Joe didn't know anything about Hunter's business. They never talked about it.
For what it is worth , I squirmed listening to it , feeling bad for decent and enlightened Americans which have been Fact Checked as numbering 186 .

More seriously , it was shallow and badly prepared .
imho .

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