Biden's Speech On Russian Energy Sanctions A Knife In American Families' Backs!


Biden hampers domestic oil production, Biden buys oil from Russia, Biden decides not to buy oil from Russia.

You'd think at some point he would get tired of fucking Americans in the ass constantly. Ok I get "Russia bad" but for fucks sake, he is the president of the United States. His first concerns should always be of his own people.

But I understand, he doesn't care about america or Americans at all. He is our president and doesn't care about is or represent us or have our best interest at heart.

For fucks sake. 2 years ago I finally got a job where I was making good money and I was content, shit after this year it's like I'm right back where I was before. I'm back to borderline struggling to live a life where I can pay my bills, put some in the bank and buy some toys for fun.

Just when financially I am doing better I am forced backwards.

Sorry Comrade, this move is supported by 80% of Americans and has strong bi-partisan support. It is going to cause some short term pain, but is it small compared to the damage that the murderer Putin is causing.

The pain could be alleviated somewhat by encouraging more domestic exploration and exploitation, but Biden can't do that because he is beholden to the AGW wing of the party.

Biden hampers domestic oil production, Biden buys oil from Russia, Biden decides not to buy oil from Russia.

You'd think at some point he would get tired of fucking Americans in the ass constantly. Ok I get "Russia bad" but for fucks sake, he is the president of the United States. His first concerns should always be of his own people.

But I understand, he doesn't care about america or Americans at all. He is our president and doesn't care about is or represent us or have our best interest at heart.

For fucks sake. 2 years ago I finally got a job where I was making good money and I was content, shit after this year it's like I'm right back where I was before. I'm back to borderline struggling to live a life where I can pay my bills, put some in the bank and buy some toys for fun.

Just when financially I am doing better I am forced backwards.
His idiot Dimmer sheep will praise Poopeypants for this.
The pain could be alleviated somewhat by encouraging more domestic exploration and exploitation, but Biden can't do that because he is beholden to the AGW wing of the party.
Worse....His puppeteers are beholden to the WEF oligarchs.

At least the enviroloons here are marginal Muricans.
No they aren’t.

They wouldn't have to suffer as much if Biden loosened regulations on domestic oil/gas production and exploration, and sent a positive message to the industry about reversing on the whole "We want to put you out of business in 20 years" thing.

Why invest in capital projects with a 20 year payback ratio if you think your industry will be curtailed in the next 10 years?
"Bipartisan"....Fucking rube...

Oh, I suspect that the rich geriatric neocons are fully on board.
President Joseph Biden in his speech today banning the purchase in America of Russian oil, natural gas and coal provided another example how he is a slick talking, half-truths peddler to the American people. His ducking the issue of the administration doing its part to responsibly increase domestic production of these energy sources gets one sick how he is throwing the American consumer under the bus because they are going to pay dramatically more to fill their family's cars with gasoline, heat their homes, provide electricity for their residences and deal with overall inflation. President Biden says that the U.S. oil and gas companies already have nine-thousand outstanding drilling permits approved these companies can drill if they want to there is no need for dramatic action by his administration. Olde Joe forgets to add that the production fields of these companies only have a ten to twenty year life span left in them if they increase production like the country needs them to they will have little oil and natural gas production in five to seven years, how are they to maintain their earnings and maintain their stock price. The President Joseph Biden administration upon coming into office began to launch and continues a campaign to kill the domestic oil and natural gas production industry, why would the U.S. domestic fuel industry use their reserves when the administration is blocking them from getting and using additional reserves are their CEO's suicidal are they stupid? Absolutely Not! President Joseph Biden if you want to be responsible on this issue roll back your seven times increase rating of the environmental and related economic damage of this type of energy production and guarantee this roll back for fifteen years by enacting it into a Congressional law. President Biden unless you do an action like this all your smooth talking is just that smooth talking which will leave a lot of American families under severe economic hardship!
The oil will just be sold through Iran and China. It was Quid Pro Joe who told Putin it was ok to have a minor incursion.

Why is Biden Colluding with Putin and The Ayatollah to give Iran the ability to launch it's NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST in The Middle East as they promised they would?

Why did Biden tell Putin that a "Minor Incursion" in to Ukraine would be fine?

If you are out on a date with your favorite girl and she tells you at the end of the night that a "Minor Incursion" into her territory is perfectly fine and she won't stop you......we all know what you would do.
President Joseph Biden in his speech today banning the purchase in America of Russian oil, natural gas and coal provided another example how he is a slick talking, half-truths peddler to the American people. His ducking the issue of the administration doing its part to responsibly increase domestic production of these energy sources gets one sick how he is throwing the American consumer under the bus because they are going to pay dramatically more to fill their family's cars with gasoline, heat their homes, provide electricity for their residences and deal with overall inflation. President Biden says that the U.S. oil and gas companies already have nine-thousand outstanding drilling permits approved these companies can drill if they want to there is no need for dramatic action by his administration. Olde Joe forgets to add that the production fields of these companies only have a ten to twenty year life span left in them if they increase production like the country needs them to they will have little oil and natural gas production in five to seven years, how are they to maintain their earnings and maintain their stock price. The President Joseph Biden administration upon coming into office began to launch and continues a campaign to kill the domestic oil and natural gas production industry, why would the U.S. domestic fuel industry use their reserves when the administration is blocking them from getting and using additional reserves are their CEO's suicidal are they stupid? Absolutely Not! President Joseph Biden if you want to be responsible on this issue roll back your seven times increase rating of the environmental and related economic damage of this type of energy production and guarantee this roll back for fifteen years by enacting it into a Congressional law. President Biden unless you do an action like this all your smooth talking is just that smooth talking which will leave a lot of American families under severe economic hardship!
There would not be any move to boycott Russian oil were it not for Biden. NO ONE DISPUTES THIS!!!!!!

Biden hampers domestic oil production, Biden buys oil from Russia, Biden decides not to buy oil from Russia.

You'd think at some point he would get tired of fucking Americans in the ass constantly. Ok I get "Russia bad" but for fucks sake, he is the president of the United States. His first concerns should always be of his own people.

But I understand, he doesn't care about america or Americans at all. He is our president and doesn't care about is or represent us or have our best interest at heart.

For fucks sake. 2 years ago I finally got a job where I was making good money and I was content, shit after this year it's like I'm right back where I was before. I'm back to borderline struggling to live a life where I can pay my bills, put some in the bank and buy some toys for fun.

Just when financially I am doing better I am forced backwards.
He is making good on a decision that has strong bi-partisan support. But of course, the minute he announced it, MAGA world jumps up and says we don't like it. Why don't you come on out and say....MAGA SUPPORTS PUTIN!
Basically we need to suck it up and quietly suffer the consequences of his ineptness
This is Covid II- Kept at home again because too expensive to drive anywhere. More imprisonments, more restriction, more loss of prosperity, more shrug shoulders and go along with another beat down,
He is making good on a decision that has strong bi-partisan support. But of course, the minute he announced it, MAGA world jumps up and says we don't like it. Why don't you come on out and say....MAGA SUPPORTS PUTIN!
You can't be as dumb as you look. Poopeypants should never have paid Putin off to begin with, nor screwed we real Americans over at the pump. Right doofus?
He is making good on a decision that has strong bi-partisan support. But of course, the minute he announced it, MAGA world jumps up and says we don't like it. Why don't you come on out and say....MAGA SUPPORTS PUTIN!

How would asking Biden to support increased US oil and gas production support Putin?

Or Iran, or Venezuela, or Saudi Arabia for that matter?
There would not be any move to boycott Russian oil were it not for Biden. NO ONE DISPUTES THIS!!!!!!
Everyone disputes this except for Xi and Putin Puppet Propagandists.

So you deny that Biden told Putin a "Minor Incursion" would be fine?
He is making good on a decision that has strong bi-partisan support. But of course, the minute he announced it, MAGA world jumps up and says we don't like it. Why don't you come on out and say....MAGA SUPPORTS PUTIN!
Russian Asset, or Russian ASS?
Basically we need to suck it up and quietly suffer the consequences of his ineptness
This is Covid II- Kept at home again because too expensive to drive anywhere. More imprisonments, more restriction, more loss of prosperity, more shrug shoulders and go along with another beat down,

Suck it up buttercup...
No President with the USA as primary responsibility imposes hardship on Its Own Citizens because a dictator is invading another country. Getting to Him through Us is impeachable offense

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