Biden's speech. Pretty damn good

I haven't watched the speech yet, but apparently Joe Biden lied to the public boasting the "fine people" hoax.

(12 minutes).

The "best" speech of Joe Biden contains a divisive far-left lie in it. This is what most expected, the man does not like America.

The paper tests he's talking about aren't sensitive enough to provide any reliability. The dude needs to do his research.

The tests Mina describes already exist: They are sitting in the office of e25 Bio, a small start-up in Cambridge, Massachusetts; half a dozen other companies are working on similar products. But implementing his vision will require changing how we think about tests. These new tests are much less sensitive than the ones we run today, which means that regulations must be relaxed before they can be sold or used.

I haven't watched the speech yet, but apparently Joe Biden lied to the public boasting the "fine people" hoax.

(12 minutes).

The "best" speech of Joe Biden contains a divisive far-left lie in it. This is what most expected, the man does not like America.

Yes, the dems lie about Charlottesville all the time!

The MSM does what it does best, turning a blind eye toward TRUTH!

"The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reports that Jason Kessler, the organizer of last Saturday’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is rumored to be a former Occupy Wall Street activist and supporter of Barack Obama."

The report goes on to say that Kessler’s right-wing views only became public in November 2016, though he himself says ++HIS CHANGE from LEFT-WING EXTREMIST to RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST++ began in 2013, when a PR executive made a racial joke about Aids on her way to Africa, and found when she landed that she had lost her job in the ensuing backlash.

Yes, Charlottesville was a Saul Alinsky scam from start to finish.

I haven't watched the speech yet, but apparently Joe Biden lied to the public boasting the "fine people" hoax.

(12 minutes).

The "best" speech of Joe Biden contains a divisive far-left lie in it. This is what most expected, the man does not like America.

Yes, the dems lie about Charlottesville all the time!

The MSM does what it does best, turning a blind eye toward TRUTH!

"The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reports that Jason Kessler, the organizer of last Saturday’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is rumored to be a former Occupy Wall Street activist and supporter of Barack Obama."

The report goes on to say that Kessler’s right-wing views only became public in November 2016, though he himself says ++HIS CHANGE from LEFT-WING EXTREMIST to RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST++ began in 2013, when a PR executive made a racial joke about Aids on her way to Africa, and found when she landed that she had lost her job in the ensuing backlash.

Yes, Charlottesville was a Saul Alinsky scam from start to finish.

The event is now irrelevant. Dozens have died in the on-going democrat far-left riots. They do not care one bit, they are worse than the extremists at the event were.

The lie however, remains. And Biden repeated it.
What is a Saul Alinsky SCAM??

Alinsky: Dress Up As Members Of The Ku Klux Klan

College student activists in the 1960s and 1970s sought out Alinsky for advice about tactics and strategy. On one such occasion in the spring of 1972 at Tulane University’s annual week-long series of events featuring leading public figures, students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest for a scheduled speech by George Bush, then U. S. representative to the United Nations, a speech likely to be a defense of the Nixon Administrations’s Vietnam War policies.

The students told Alinsky that they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush’s address. That’s the wrong approach, he rejoined–not very relative and besides, causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school

He told them, instead, to go hear the speech dressed up as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards, reading ‘The K.K.K. supports Bush.’ And that is what the students did with very successful, attention-getting results.
If you ask me, Biden's speech was disjointed. Makes me thing it was pieced together and was more of a production than a live speech.
It's a conspiracy!!!
No, it's just Biden unable to maintain a stream of consciousness for longer than a few seconds. No way could he do that so almost surely they had to piece it together. Even at that, he still flubbed.
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL
LOL are they still giving Hillary a hard time???
If anyone watched Hannity tonight and listened to Mark Levin read off the items on the Socialist Democrats platform you should be scared half to death. Not Biden's platform but the platform drawn up by the Socialist Progressive Sanders, AOC, Mayor Pete, Beto, Heels-up Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary and the President of the One World Government His Royal Highness Barry Sotero. Those evil sonsabitches intend to completely destroy the United States. I will try to get a copy of the 102 page platform document. It is enough to make Americans raise an army of 10 million militia members and take on the government as proscribed in the Constitution. It's time we took our country back.
The Republicans haveve had the country for 40 years and given us the worst inequality upward mobility and garbage propaganda in our history. Stop voting for bulshit propaganda.

So what changed under the 8 years of maobama/biden???? Can you say not a damn thing?

Just the most important social reform since LBJ, brainwashed functional moron. Although sabotaged and obstructed by the GOP. Congratulations on obstructing all the other laws they wanted to pass and screwing yourself, dumbass. So why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, an ID work card to end illegal immigration like other modern countries, and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Thanks GOP and dumbasses like you.....

Perhaps because we are a FREE people who are supposed to take responsibility for our own lives. A government that can give you everything when you haven't earned it, can also take it away. And we don't have enough rich people and corporations to get the 10s of trillions of dollars you commies want to spend. You can't borrow or tax your way into prosperity, that's an economic fact. Just look at CA, they are now proposing taxing people that leave the State for 10 years. Isn't the whole point of federalism to allow people who don't like the way their State is doing business to go where things are better? Now you commies want to make all States bend over to your commie desires so the whole country will be one big shit hole like the commie run States are now.

You mean our most prosperous States who support your supposedly independent minded red States? The ones who are having a giant coronavirus attack at the moment? A flat tax system give away to the rich GOP Mess doesn't work except for greedy idiot Rich GOP swine.....

No I mean CA, WA, OR, MN, IL and NY where crime and murders are going through the roof. Now you also have CA admitting they FAILED TO PLAN for unintended consequences of their energy policy, that is now causing the power company to institute rolling blackouts. They shuttered power plants that could pick up the slack and adjoining States they've relied on don't have the capacity to keep their States going and provide for CAs shortfall. That's the problem with you commies, you never plan for the unintended consequences of your crazy policies.

Does he grab their pussies like your leader does?

I did not vote for Trump, but I do note that you take a crude rhetorical comment he made years before he was ever elected in office to justify fondling children by a man who WAS in office at the time.

When did you first recall yourself supporting this predatory behavior towards children? Was it before or after you were instructed by the other drones in the hive to vote for Joe Biden?
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL

Of course you have links, right?

And why haven't you addressed bidens lies?

Of course. There aren't any Biden lies just the usual Republican garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch... Try real news someday

Damn, I wasn't aware Realclearpolitics was owned by Murdoch, you got a link for that? OH HELL, who am I kidding, you have yet to provide any links for your garbage lies. Typical commie. LMAO

Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL

Of course you have links, right?

And why haven't you addressed bidens lies?

Of course. There aren't any Biden lies just the usual Republican garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch... Try real news someday

Damn, I wasn't aware Realclearpolitics was owned by Murdoch, you got a link for that? OH HELL, who am I kidding, you have yet to provide any links for your garbage lies. Typical commie. LMAO.

Media bias/fact check for RCP

Real Clear Politics - Media Bias/Fact Check
Funded by / Ownership. RealClear Investors and Crest Media is the owner of RealClearPolitics. John McIntyre is the Co-founder & CEO, Tom Bevan is the Co-founder & Publisher and Erin Waters is the President of the RealClear Media Group.
Does he grab their pussies like your leader does?

I did not vote for Trump, but I do note that you take a crude rhetorical comment he made years before he was ever elected in office to justify fondling children by a man who WAS in office at the time.

When did you first recall yourself supporting this predatory behavior towards children? Was it before or after you were instructed by the other drones in the hive to vote for Joe Biden?

That child is obviously uncomfortable.
Does he grab their pussies like your leader does?

I did not vote for Trump, but I do note that you take a crude rhetorical comment he made years before he was ever elected in office to justify fondling children by a man who WAS in office at the time.

When did you first recall yourself supporting this predatory behavior towards children? Was it before or after you were instructed by the other drones in the hive to vote for Joe Biden?
Dog A song for you

Does he grab their pussies like your leader does?

I did not vote for Trump, but I do note that you take a crude rhetorical comment he made years before he was ever elected in office to justify fondling children by a man who WAS in office at the time.

When did you first recall yourself supporting this predatory behavior towards children? Was it before or after you were instructed by the other drones in the hive to vote for Joe Biden?
Dog A song for you

well, that is one strong and clear voice supporting the sexual expiration of children, anyway.

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