Biden's speech. Pretty damn good

If anyone watched Hannity tonight and listened to Mark Levin read off the items on the Socialist Democrats platform you should be scared half to death. Not Biden's platform but the platform drawn up by the Socialist Progressive Sanders, AOC, Mayor Pete, Beto, Heels-up Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary and the President of the One World Government His Royal Highness Barry Sotero. Those evil sonsabitches intend to completely destroy the United States. I will try to get a copy of the 102 page platform document. It is enough to make Americans raise an army of 10 million militia members and take on the government as proscribed in the Constitution. It's time we took our country back.

I will try to get a copy of the 102 page platform document.
Here it is:

If anyone watched Hannity tonight and listened to Mark Levin read off the items on the Socialist Democrats platform you should be scared half to death. Not Biden's platform but the platform drawn up by the Socialist Progressive Sanders, AOC, Mayor Pete, Beto, Heels-up Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary and the President of the One World Government His Royal Highness Barry Sotero. Those evil sonsabitches intend to completely destroy the United States. I will try to get a copy of the 102 page platform document. It is enough to make Americans raise an army of 10 million militia members and take on the government as proscribed in the Constitution. It's time we took our country back.
The Republicans haveve had the country for 40 years and given us the worst inequality upward mobility and garbage propaganda in our history. Stop voting for bulshit propaganda.

So what changed under the 8 years of maobama/biden???? Can you say not a damn thing?

Just the most important social reform since LBJ, brainwashed functional moron. Although sabotaged and obstructed by the GOP. Congratulations on obstructing all the other laws they wanted to pass and screwing yourself, dumbass. So why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, an ID work card to end illegal immigration like other modern countries, and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Thanks GOP and dumbasses like you.....
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Joe has policies? Why doesn't he tell us about the? What's his plan to deal with illegal immigration? Will he continue Obama's support of Iranian wars across the ME and Iranian terrorism around the world in order to keep Obama's bff status with the ayatollahs? What's his plan to secure the best covid vaccines and treatments for Americans or does he plan to allow the UN to decide what we should get? Will he turn a blind eye to China's unfair trade policies and continue to ship US jobs to China as Obama did?
Obama had no power to ship any jobs overseas, the president can't make a company select a manufacturer for its product. Trump can't get corporations to move their operations because he has no power to do it, the only method is the carrot and a stick.
Of course he can. The president can raise tariffs on goods produced in China for sale in the US, forcing the companies that ship their jobs to China to raise their prices and become less price competitive with US made items. Obama made a choice not to try to preserve these jobs for American workers. Would Biden make the same choice if, God forbid, he should become president?
The tariffs didn't bring home Apple or any of the big corporations they simply moved to Vietnam Why? Because they can...All tariffs did was inflate prices and make your dollar worth less.
The tariffs did two things. They discouraged companies from sending jobs abroad because the tariffs erased any cost benefit from doing so, and they punished China for maintaining unfair trade practices.
I a afraid not all the corporations did was move manufacturing to another place with low wages and low costs...Look at yer cell phone if it is a new one like mine it say Made in Vietnam...Not USA, textile products sold in stores: Made in Vietnam China is punished but corporations will not bring jobs back to the USA because of capital cost and operating cost.
Our problem is that we don't have any money to invest in Americans and America, as in cheap college and training and good infrastructure, thanks to GOP give away to the rich tax policy the last 40 years. They have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts on the rich and cuts and services for the rest with 51 votes in the Senate while Democrats need 60 votes for reform. So we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world by far, brainwashed functional moron.and intelligent countries like Germany Scandinavia and the rest of the modern world get the good jobs that these new markets are supplying.... Great job. another 4 years of trump and we will be a banana republic where everyone sells hamburgers and life insurance to each other.....
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

I haven't watched the speech yet, but apparently Joe Biden lied to the public boasting the "fine people" hoax.

(12 minutes).

The "best" speech of Joe Biden contains a divisive far-left lie in it. This is what most expected, the man does not like America.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Joe has policies? Why doesn't he tell us about the? What's his plan to deal with illegal immigration? Will he continue Obama's support of Iranian wars across the ME and Iranian terrorism around the world in order to keep Obama's bff status with the ayatollahs? What's his plan to secure the best covid vaccines and treatments for Americans or does he plan to allow the UN to decide what we should get? Will he turn a blind eye to China's unfair trade policies and continue to ship US jobs to China as Obama did?
Obama had no power to ship any jobs overseas, the president can't make a company select a manufacturer for its product. Trump can't get corporations to move their operations because he has no power to do it, the only method is the carrot and a stick.
Of course he can. The president can raise tariffs on goods produced in China for sale in the US, forcing the companies that ship their jobs to China to raise their prices and become less price competitive with US made items. Obama made a choice not to try to preserve these jobs for American workers. Would Biden make the same choice if, God forbid, he should become president?

Getting OT from the speech ….

But the question is whether Trump actually saved, or brought back, any of these jobs. I don't seen any evidence he did. And I'm assuming for argument that he ever really intended to do so.

Still, there are non-service jobs that either cannot be shipped overseas (farming, food processing, natl resouces, domestic energy, transportation). And some if not most service jobs can't be shipped out, and there's law or practical reason that we can't mandate wage and benefit levels. Germany, Japan, SK all do, and their capitalist economies seem to be ok. Imo Biden at least touched on that with his ACA defense (I'm not a fan of how that law was actually structured)
Clearly we are talking about manufacturing jobs which have been higher paying jobs than most service jobs that require the same level of education. When Bill Clinton sponsored China for membership in the WTO, he argued that the US would benefit from this because it would give US companies access to the vast Chinese market, but then he betrayed his promise by allowing China to have developing nation status, meaning China could protect its own industries by not allowing US exports in while having full access to US markets. China took full advantage of Clinton's blunder or treachery by launching high tariffs on US exports and only allowing US companies access to Chinese markets if they took Chinese partners and manufactured their goods in China, causing many US jobs go to China. In addition, China pegged its currency at a significantly lower level than markets would have allowed, artificially making Chinese exports cheaper and US exports exorbitantly expensive in China, sending even more US jobs to China.

President Bush forced China to allow its currency to fluctuate with the currency markets but made little progress in persuading China to allow access to its markets for US made goods. Obama either didn't understand why US jobs were going to China or didn't care. President Trump came into office determined to force China to drop these unfair trade practices, and when China refused, he leveled tariffs on some Chinese exports just as China was using tariffs and other measures to deny US goods access to Chinese markets. These measures have significantly slowed the growth of the Chinese economy and with another four years of diminishing growth, it is likely China will drop some of its unfair trade practices.
Well I was interested in the thread, or Biden's speech.

I'm sure there will be time to contrast the views of both candidates on trade
Perhaps, if Biden ever tells us what his views are in concrete terms, but so far he seems to want to avoid taking a specific position. I went to his website to see what his positions were, and there was nothing there. In 2016, I voted for Trump because when I went to his website I found he stated his positions and plans on foreign and domestic issues in very specific terms but when I went to Clinton's website all I found was ideological gibberish. I hope Biden turns out to be more forthright than Clinton was, but I have my doubts.

He won't, because if he states his real positions he'll alienate about half of his voters, he'll keep it as generic as possible and the lsm will never try to pen him down.

Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL
If anyone watched Hannity tonight and listened to Mark Levin read off the items on the Socialist Democrats platform you should be scared half to death. Not Biden's platform but the platform drawn up by the Socialist Progressive Sanders, AOC, Mayor Pete, Beto, Heels-up Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary and the President of the One World Government His Royal Highness Barry Sotero. Those evil sonsabitches intend to completely destroy the United States. I will try to get a copy of the 102 page platform document. It is enough to make Americans raise an army of 10 million militia members and take on the government as proscribed in the Constitution. It's time we took our country back.
The Republicans haveve had the country for 40 years and given us the worst inequality upward mobility and garbage propaganda in our history. Stop voting for bulshit propaganda.

So what changed under the 8 years of maobama/biden???? Can you say not a damn thing?

Just the most important social reform since LBJ, brainwashed functional moron. Although sabotaged and obstructed by the GOP. Congratulations on obstructing all the other laws they wanted to pass and screwing yourself, dumbass. So why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, an ID work card to end illegal immigration like other modern countries, and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Thanks GOP and dumbasses like you.....

Perhaps because we are a FREE people who are supposed to take responsibility for our own lives. A government that can give you everything when you haven't earned it, can also take it away. And we don't have enough rich people and corporations to get the 10s of trillions of dollars you commies want to spend. You can't borrow or tax your way into prosperity, that's an economic fact. Just look at CA, they are now proposing taxing people that leave the State for 10 years. Isn't the whole point of federalism to allow people who don't like the way their State is doing business to go where things are better? Now you commies want to make all States bend over to your commie desires so the whole country will be one big shit hole like the commie run States are now.

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Yes yes all the respected media in the world and law enforcement are wrong, only Rupert Murdoch bought off ex Coke head DJs and Toadies know the truth. And the ignorant un educated GOP base.... And the orange clown who took over the GOP agree with all your baseless phony scandals and conspiracy theories and just plain misinformation. Change the channel.
Doubles down on Leftist Delusions. :rolleyes:

Folks you can make this kinda shit up.
Yes yes all the respected media in the world and law enforcement are wrong, only Rupert Murdoch bought off ex Coke head DJs and Toadies know the truth. And the ignorant un educated GOP base.... And the orange clown who took over the GOP agree with all your baseless phony scandals and conspiracy theories and just plain misinformation. Change the channel.
Doubles down on Leftist Delusions. :rolleyes:

Folks you can make this kinda shit up.
Yes yes the whole world of respected journalism and law enforcement are wrong. Only Rupert Murdoch drones know the truth LOL
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL

Of course you have links, right?

And why haven't you addressed bidens lies?

If you ask me, Biden's speech was disjointed. Makes me think it was pieced together and was more of a production than a live speech.
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If anyone watched Hannity tonight and listened to Mark Levin read off the items on the Socialist Democrats platform you should be scared half to death. Not Biden's platform but the platform drawn up by the Socialist Progressive Sanders, AOC, Mayor Pete, Beto, Heels-up Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary and the President of the One World Government His Royal Highness Barry Sotero. Those evil sonsabitches intend to completely destroy the United States. I will try to get a copy of the 102 page platform document. It is enough to make Americans raise an army of 10 million militia members and take on the government as proscribed in the Constitution. It's time we took our country back.
The Republicans haveve had the country for 40 years and given us the worst inequality upward mobility and garbage propaganda in our history. Stop voting for bulshit propaganda.

So what changed under the 8 years of maobama/biden???? Can you say not a damn thing?

Just the most important social reform since LBJ, brainwashed functional moron. Although sabotaged and obstructed by the GOP. Congratulations on obstructing all the other laws they wanted to pass and screwing yourself, dumbass. So why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, an ID work card to end illegal immigration like other modern countries, and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Thanks GOP and dumbasses like you.....

Perhaps because we are a FREE people who are supposed to take responsibility for our own lives. A government that can give you everything when you haven't earned it, can also take it away. And we don't have enough rich people and corporations to get the 10s of trillions of dollars you commies want to spend. You can't borrow or tax your way into prosperity, that's an economic fact. Just look at CA, they are now proposing taxing people that leave the State for 10 years. Isn't the whole point of federalism to allow people who don't like the way their State is doing business to go where things are better? Now you commies want to make all States bend over to your commie desires so the whole country will be one big shit hole like the commie run States are now.

You mean our most prosperous States who support your supposedly independent minded red States? The ones who are having a giant coronavirus attack at the moment? A flat tax system give away to the rich GOP Mess doesn't work except for greedy idiot Rich GOP swine.....
It was actually the first segment of the convention I have watched. But I knew it was tonight and planned to give a listen, though I already planned to vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket. I liked it. A President for the whole country not just the the party faithful but the whole country, including those that do not support. He did a good delivery, smooth, steady and deliberate. He is somebody Democrat can get behind and someone Republican can get behind and he will try to re-unite the country. Did anybody see the statement of support, of 70 Republican National Security officials that put out a joint letter tonight, with officials from trump administration, going all the way back to the Reagan administration. Here is a link.
A President for the whole country? Joe will be cowtowing to Black Lives Matter and the Green New Dealists. That is a militant minority driving their agendas to garner more power for themselves. And forget about ever holding China accountable for their attack on the world with China Joe as President.
DNC aftermath is here.

In 2016 republicans hid that they are willing to vote for Trump.
After DNC, 2020, democrats are now hiding they are voting for president Trump.
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Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....

Yeah, tell that to Clinesmith.

Another phony scandal that will go nowhere. He wasn't trying anything criminal. How many millions did this investigation cost to find out what we already knew....

Wow, more commie lies. Durham isn't the only prosecutor looking into the actions of the maobama regime. There's another looking into the unnecessary unmaskings of US citizens. And don't think your ignoring my proof of his lies went unnoticed, neither did your hypocrisy.

All your stupid investigations have proved only that GOP propaganda is total garbage LOL

Of course you have links, right?

And why haven't you addressed bidens lies?

Of course. There aren't any Biden lies just the usual Republican garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch... Try real news someday
It was actually the first segment of the convention I have watched. But I knew it was tonight and planned to give a listen, though I already planned to vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket. I liked it. A President for the whole country not just the the party faithful but the whole country, including those that do not support. He did a good delivery, smooth, steady and deliberate. He is somebody Democrat can get behind and someone Republican can get behind and he will try to re-unite the country. Did anybody see the statement of support, of 70 Republican National Security officials that put out a joint letter tonight, with officials from trump administration, going all the way back to the Reagan administration. Here is a link.
I absolutely despise that slimy swamp creature. He will never unite conservatives. His policies will create more division just as Obama's did.
It was actually the first segment of the convention I have watched. But I knew it was tonight and planned to give a listen, though I already planned to vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket. I liked it. A President for the whole country not just the the party faithful but the whole country, including those that do not support. He did a good delivery, smooth, steady and deliberate. He is somebody Democrat can get behind and someone Republican can get behind and he will try to re-unite the country. Did anybody see the statement of support, of 70 Republican National Security officials that put out a joint letter tonight, with officials from trump administration, going all the way back to the Reagan administration. Here is a link.
I absolutely despise that slimy swamp creature. He will never unite conservatives. His policies will create more division just as Obama's did.
Glad you don't sound bitter. People would think you were just another bitter trumper.
I take it you have not like or respected any Republican National Security Official all the way back to Ronald Reagan's administrations either, right. They somehow have the same reasons to think trump should not be in office as I do. Go figure.

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