Biden's State Of The Union A Progressive Democrat's In The White House!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Watching President Biden's State of the Union address tonight made me think that it sure is great that the Democrats didn't win the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections because they have so many programs where they just want to spend money they would spend the country into ruin and they would have been able to do so through the legislative passing mechanism called Reconciliation if they won the House and it makes you fear about future elections and them getting control and pursuing their disastrous spending agenda.

President Biden did make some good appeals to Republicans in the speech. Get together and do something on the immigration problem if comprehensive reform is many bridges too far doing something to ameliorate the problems. President Biden was right to call on the Republicans to work together to stop fentanyl which is killing Americans at an alarming rate; I am not an expert but I was disappointed he really did propose ending this alarming problem; media reports say China produces the raw ingredients to this drug how about painful tariffs on China if it does not stop making this poison precursor in quantities where it supports the fentanyl industry & the media says that the cartels in Mexico are big producers of this poison how about passing legislation calling the manufacturing of this an act of terrorism and allow our military to wipe them out yes if it is done prudently and aggressively many of these cartel members wives and children will be killed in the process and the media will rake the federal government through the coals over this but when people provoke war this is what they reap so America should protect our people from this evil and use our military to destroy it. The Republicans from their history probably did not like the President's call for Congress to pass an assault weapon ban but it was the right thing to do our country had a ban before and it wasn't culture shattering and it would reduce these mass murders.

President Biden made a point in his speech which I thought was awesome and is at the core of our country's standard of living problem for our people but he like most Democrats and actually Republicans who have the wisdom and virtue to acknowledge the problem because former President Trump beat the same drum only want to solve half the problem which is to fail at solving the problem! President Biden stated America needs to bring back manufacturing to America our supply chain needs to start in America because the loss of America's manufacturing has devastated America and American communities and families. President Biden referenced the "Chips Act" and how that will bring back micro-chip manufacturing to the United States and as well as infrastructure building will fix this problem. These government actions will help but they won't fix the problem, other countries will always be able to make things more cheaply than America because the cost and the quality of life of our people make it so therefore we will always have executives of corporations looking to off shore manufacturing to maximize profits. The solution will take decades to fix because we do not have the trained workforce or the manufacturing expertise or the ancillary businesses but the solution is that members of Congress and the President have to say and commit that the globalization economic model is wrong you cannot subject your domestic manufactures to world wide competition, domestic Manufactuing jobs are too important to American families Washington needs to renegotiate trade agreements and allow for the protection of domestic manufacturing whether it be through tariffs and/or quotas. One example of a good effect of tariffs is that the Trump administration implemented tariffs to protect the U.S. steel industry and it made a significant difference in helping that industry stay strong!

President Biden is making a mistake with his buy America mandate on infrastructure projects the Federal government provides funding for because this will drive up the costs of those projects and America will end up with less desperately needed infrastructure being built. At minimum Biden should amend his Executive order so that communities doing these projects have an out to minimize the harm of this federal mandate this EO should have a condition that if domestic sourcing of these products or materials will be over twenty percent more costly that foreign sources items the project is released from this mandate similarly if the item is unavailable in a timely manner the project is released from the mandate! Lastly, I don't know if other people hearing President Biden's address tonight picked up on this and maybe it is the way President Joe Biden speaks because I think he has a stuttering problem he has to deal with but it seemed to me President Biden had a slur in his speech that one finds when a person has had a stroke and his or her speech is affected by that medical condition. If President Biden is dealing with effects of a mild stroke it would be irresponsible for him to run for reelection a person at his age with his health history and displays of slight age related cognitive impairment there is really a question whether his health would hold and he would be able to fill out a second term!
Time to trigger JimofPennsylvan:


Watching President Biden's State of the Union address tonight made me think that it sure is great that the Democrats didn't win the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections because they have so many programs where they just want to spend money they would spend the country into ruin and they would have been able to do so through the legislative passing mechanism called Reconciliation if they won the House and it makes you fear about future elections and them getting control and pursuing their disastrous spending agenda.

President Biden did make some good appeals to Republicans in the speech. Get together and do something on the immigration problem if comprehensive reform is many bridges too far doing something to ameliorate the problems. President Biden was right to call on the Republicans to work together to stop fentanyl which is killing Americans at an alarming rate; I am not an expert but I was disappointed he really did propose ending this alarming problem; media reports say China produces the raw ingredients to this drug how about painful tariffs on China if it does not stop making this poison precursor in quantities where it supports the fentanyl industry & the media says that the cartels in Mexico are big producers of this poison how about passing legislation calling the manufacturing of this an act of terrorism and allow our military to wipe them out yes if it is done prudently and aggressively many of these cartel members wives and children will be killed in the process and the media will rake the federal government through the coals over this but when people provoke war this is what they reap so America should protect our people from this evil and use our military to destroy it. The Republicans from their history probably did not like the President's call for Congress to pass an assault weapon ban but it was the right thing to do our country had a ban before and it wasn't culture shattering and it would reduce these mass murders.

President Biden made a point in his speech which I thought was awesome and is at the core of our country's standard of living problem for our people but he like most Democrats and actually Republicans who have the wisdom and virtue to acknowledge the problem because former President Trump beat the same drum only want to solve half the problem which is to fail at solving the problem! President Biden stated America needs to bring back manufacturing to America our supply chain needs to start in America because the loss of America's manufacturing has devastated America and American communities and families. President Biden referenced the "Chips Act" and how that will bring back micro-chip manufacturing to the United States and as well as infrastructure building will fix this problem. These government actions will help but they won't fix the problem, other countries will always be able to make things more cheaply than America because the cost and the quality of life of our people make it so therefore we will always have executives of corporations looking to off shore manufacturing to maximize profits. The solution will take decades to fix because we do not have the trained workforce or the manufacturing expertise or the ancillary businesses but the solution is that members of Congress and the President have to say and commit that the globalization economic model is wrong you cannot subject your domestic manufactures to world wide competition, domestic Manufactuing jobs are too important to American families Washington needs to renegotiate trade agreements and allow for the protection of domestic manufacturing whether it be through tariffs and/or quotas. One example of a good effect of tariffs is that the Trump administration implemented tariffs to protect the U.S. steel industry and it made a significant difference in helping that industry stay strong!

President Biden is making a mistake with his buy America mandate on infrastructure projects the Federal government provides funding for because this will drive up the costs of those projects and America will end up with less desperately needed infrastructure being built. At minimum Biden should amend his Executive order so that communities doing these projects have an out to minimize the harm of this federal mandate this EO should have a condition that if domestic sourcing of these products or materials will be over twenty percent more costly that foreign sources items the project is released from this mandate similarly if the item is unavailable in a timely manner the project is released from the mandate! Lastly, I don't know if other people hearing President Biden's address tonight picked up on this and maybe it is the way President Joe Biden speaks because I think he has a stuttering problem he has to deal with but it seemed to me President Biden had a slur in his speech that one finds when a person has had a stroke and his or her speech is affected by that medical condition. If President Biden is dealing with effects of a mild stroke it would be irresponsible for him to run for reelection a person at his age with his health history and displays of slight age related cognitive impairment there is really a question whether his health would hold and he would be able to fill out a second term!
republicans are the most corrupt and trump was actually treasonous as well as corrupt.

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