Biden's Ukraine Scandal Explained...VIDEO

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Making it easy to understand with pictures and timeline....even hardcore commie/DemonRATS should be able to understand if honest...and yes it is Glen Beck so don't lose you minds!

This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden is an international racketeer. His cokehead son isn't much better than him. I'm glad that Trump wants to expose Biden's shakedown of Ukraine. Crooks like Biden give our country a bad reputation.

There’s nothing wrong with a U.S. official asking a foreign leader for help in investigating possible criminal acts by Americans committed in, or relating to, the foreign leader’s country. There’s nothing wrong with a U.S. president asking a foreign leader to speak to and work with a U.S. official conducting such an investigation. This is true regardless of whether the person being investigated is a political opponent of the president.

There’s nothing wrong with a U.S. official asking a foreign leader for help in investigating possible criminal acts by Americans committed in, or relating to, the foreign leader’s country. There’s nothing wrong with a U.S. president asking a foreign leader to speak to and work with a U.S. official conducting such an investigation.

This is true regardless of whether the person being investigated is a political opponent of the president. As long as the investigation is legitimate, there’s no problem. Opposing a president doesn’t shield one from being investigated.

But suppose the person doing the investigating is a lawyer for the campaign committee of the U.S. president. Nothing wrong yet. Campaigns do opposition research all the time.

Joe Biden is a major political figure and the former vice president. He had already admitted — indeed, bragged — that he conditioned U.S. aid to Ukraine on the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating his son.
Put it here because some left of centers would do it if I put it in politics....50 minute video but if you pay attention, it all comes together...a MUST SEE for serious PATRIOTS!

Glen Beck should have his own subsection it the Conspiracy Theory area. He's earned it.
If any of you are truly serious about getting to the facts take the time to watch this amazing expose'.
Terrible presentation. . . at minute 25. . . still not a single "fact."
Facts and truth are as relevant as a piece of ice and warm puppy to the left. Not one need to even bring it up with the left.

They are that pathetic, and I think even their dear leaders in the democrat party are utterly shocked at just how fucking dumb their useful idiotic voting base is.

They literally change, right before your eyes, and all it takes is just a snap of the fingers and their position changes if their dear leaders and the pets in the media tell them to.

We know this. That was of course after months of them calling for his firing. So, that was why the sheep clapped and cheered. Right before your eyes, their dear leader media commie pet, tells them they are supposed to be upset at the firing.

So, right at that moment, they did as they were told and comey has been a great guy for them since. They are not going to respond to facts. They are all fucking mesmerized idiotic commie slaves. We know history is repeating itself as it always does.

The useful idiots always march to the beat of the WAYS OF THE WORLD and will always do that to their own damnation. That, is the way it is.
The Colluder-in-Chief is behaving exactly like a Third World dictator.
The Colluder-in-Chief is behaving exactly like a Third World dictator.
Agreed. That is why I always found Obama so loathsome. Why anyone would fund and support neo-nazis and Islamic radicals to overthrow governments is beyond me. . . .


What a piece of shit.
Facts and truth are as relevant as a piece of ice and warm puppy to the left. Not one need to even bring it up with the left..

I find that funny coming from the Right- who applaud every lie - every 'alternative fact' of President Nervous Nancy.

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