Biden's War

Yeah…I mean like…like…like what could possibly go wrong?
If we bow down to Putin, he will believe he is the master, and we are just puppets on a string. Putin has already proclaimed his intention,
Putin's dream of the old reborn

If we bow down to Putin, he will believe he is the master, and we are just puppets on a string. Putin has already proclaimed his intention,
Putin's dream of the old reborn
View attachment 611557
This kind of ignorant thinking has gotten millions of people killed over millennia. Refusing compromise has dreadful consequences, but dumb people don’t see it. Though it’s obvious.
This kind of ignorant thinking has gotten millions of people killed over millennia. Refusing compromise has dreadful consequences, but dumb people don’t see it. Though it’s obvious.
Al I can say is, if you want to stay safe, move back to Russia, ASAP
just friendly advice
The West built this crisis up. It is another stage drama. Putin is/was holding back, and they are promoting the people in Ukraine as this great resistance. Progs throw that word around a lot. Just like Jan. 6 was Hiroshima and the truckers in Canada were racists and nazis. Where endless riots in cities were justified. Where calling Covid a Chinese virus/bioweapon was which it was, is hate. We can go on. Progs reversing every policy by Trump because of their vile hatred for him and freedom. Now we are paying the price at home trying to survive. Trusting what you back by some is tough in this environment. But they are being reduced in numbers. For globalism will win out over nationalism and freedom for us in the end as it looks now.
Go away you hate filled ignoramus.
Funny how some leftists always bring up Trump.
I think that the Democrats are in for a huge Reckoning

reconstruction / rebuilding after this next election
there are going to be a serious single digit numbers...

The reason they want to indoctrinate Children
Is because they don't want children to learn what the Democrat Party has done in the past including slavery, racism, stolen elections.
I think that the Democrats are in for a huge Reckoning

reconstruction / rebuilding after this next election
there are going to be a serious single digit numbers...

The reason they want to indoctrinate Children
Is because they don't want children to learn what the Democrat Party has done in the past including slavery, racism, stolen elections.
Indoctrination of kids at 4,

sex drugs gender religion groupthink and race skills...
paying hommage to the dear leader obama/biden.

is getting younger and younger.

The kids are going to find out.
A sociopathic, hyper-nationalist European dictator launches a war on a neighboring sovereign country, bombing, slaughtering and terrorizing its populace. Committing numerous war crimes and various atrocities. Shutting down the tiny independent press that he had allowed and willingly plunging his own people into economic disaster. While threatening to use nukes on anyone who gets in his way.

And in response, a Trumpster blames the nearest Democrats. As do many other Trumpsters. They don't want to blame the sociopathic, hyper-nationalist European dictator, because they hold a soft spot in their hearts for people like that.

Just, fucking, sick.

You in 2018: Oh noez, Trump's gonna start World War 3!!!
You in 2022: We need to start World War 3!!!
Obama, Clintons he and she.

This is a madcap slow chase to Hell. We'll stand here and watch this ?

So the fuck what if Ukraine isn't in the fabulous club nato.

Is that the political litmus now.

These are amazing people. They are us. And the decent world can take out/can't handle this manchild monster ?

I don't believe it.

Is this the new world order?
Putin says he'll nuke the world.
I'd love to choke that little rat bastard right out.

He's one guy for God's sake.

This is all the democrat's fault.

Project weakness and strengh you will lose.

We got saddam...

This whitehouse is in this state of chaotic surrealness...

Congress is soon to be refreshed..

Pelosi will b gone that my friends is worth all the tea in china? Which will be the next biden crisis.

The "journalists" will eventually catch up.

Are we betting their will be no more monsters behind this one ?
How did the whole world involvement end up being one new presidents fault? Ever look up the history of the area from multiple perspectives? Plenty of blame to go around. Do think at this point that it rests on Putin's shoulders.
You in 2018: Oh noez, Trump's gonna start World War 3!!!
You in 2022: We need to start World War 3!!!
Well said..

Senator jokin filibusterin" agin..

Take your shotgun out the porch and .....

Great. ahh
Foreign policy Solyndra !
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