Big Bird, Typical Liberal

Cause it's cheaper than corporate welfare for the green energy companies.$100-billion-in-fy-2012

ExxonMobil paid no federal income tax in 2009. (Updated) | ThinkProgress

How much income tax did General Electric pay in 2010 & 2011..?
Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, just said that the new unemployment numbers were manipulated for political purposes. Do you still want to claim that GE is somehow Liberal?

Jack Welch: Unemployment rate cooked by Obama administration

Jack Welch, writing on his Twitter account, said the Obama administration manipulated U.S. employment data for political gain by showing a drop in the jobless rate.
“Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers,” the former General Electric Co. (GE) chief executive officer said in a message posted immediately after the U.S. Labor Department reported that the unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent last month, the lowest since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009.

ExxonMobil paid no federal income tax in 2009. (Updated) | ThinkProgress

How much income tax did General Electric pay in 2010 & 2011..?
Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, just said that the new unemployment numbers were manipulated for political purposes. Do you still want to claim that GE is somehow Liberal?

Jack Welch: Unemployment rate cooked by Obama administration

Jack Welch, writing on his Twitter account, said the Obama administration manipulated U.S. employment data for political gain by showing a drop in the jobless rate.
&#8220;Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can&#8217;t debate so change numbers,&#8221; the former General Electric Co. (GE) chief executive officer said in a message posted immediately after the U.S. Labor Department reported that the unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent last month, the lowest since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009.
Welch just reneged on the comment about Chicago, when grilled by Chris Matthews. Guess he's as big a liar as Willard is.

&#8220;At 7.9 it would be Chicago and labor Sec in action,&#8221; Welch wrote.
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Mitt had 38 min of talking time and the only clear and concise action that we got out of his mouth was that he was going to fire Big Bird.

Who needs Big Bird Mitt gave us:

Big Bird, 43 years old, has been on public assistance since birth.

A lifetime of exposure to Liberal ideology has convinced him that he is unable to support himself without public assistance. Liberals have robbed him of any ambition to venture forth into the free market.

Big Bird, you're 43 fucking years old, its time you moved out of your Mom's basement. You and your friends are easily worth $1 billion so it's time to grow a pair. Get out there, earn a living and pay your fair share.

Take Elmo, Grover and that creep who is always in the Garbage Can with you too. Oh, and don't send "Veggie Monster" back until he eats Cookies again. Your Liberal friends made a fucking mockery of him.


You are so misinformed...

Romney's Threat to Big Bird Sows Confusion Abroad, and Feeds It at Home -

Just out of curiosity, why are we pretending that removing federal funding from PBS would cause it to close down and kill Big Bird?

Is this a game? And no one told me?

It comes from the bran dead, detached-from-reality lolberal meme which proclaims that if gubmint doesn't do X, nobody will.

Close. It is about nutrition. It comes from the mind set that there needs to be commercial free programming for young kids that corporations don't beat them over the head with corn sugar laden cereals and crap lead painted toys from China.

Why is it so difficult for some of you to see that doing the right thing by our children is good for the country?
Oh, you mean corporations like Children's Television Workshop, which makes serious bank off exploiting licensing of characters like Elmo, Ernie, Bert and Oscar, to the tune of $45 million a year?

Sesame Street is practically a commercial in and of itself.
I still don't get why Soros and the Left can't pay for their propaganda. Why is it forced on American Taxpayers? It's a real injustice.
Enjoy all the Left/Democrat propaganda you want. But don't demand all American Taxpayers pay for it. That day has passed. NPR & PBS can definitely make it on their own. There is plenty of Left/Democrat money out there to support them.
Enjoy all the Left/Democrat propaganda you want. But don't demand all American Taxpayers pay for it. That day has passed. NPR & PBS can definitely make it on their own. There is plenty of Left/Democrat money out there to support them.

How about this.

Instead of saying "Don't spend my money on X", we let people check off on their 1040 what they want their taxes to go to.

I'll bet you PBS gets fully funded before the F-22 Raptor program does.
Enjoy all the Left/Democrat propaganda you want. But don't demand all American Taxpayers pay for it. That day has passed. NPR & PBS can definitely make it on their own. There is plenty of Left/Democrat money out there to support them.

How about this.

Instead of saying "Don't spend my money on X", we let people check off on their 1040 what they want their taxes to go to.

I'll bet you PBS gets fully funded before the F-22 Raptor program does.

Not so sure about that. Most Americans don't like being forced to fund Government/Media Propaganda. It's time for NPR and PBS to go it alone.
Enjoy all the Left/Democrat propaganda you want. But don't demand all American Taxpayers pay for it. That day has passed. NPR & PBS can definitely make it on their own. There is plenty of Left/Democrat money out there to support them.

How about this.

Instead of saying "Don't spend my money on X", we let people check off on their 1040 what they want their taxes to go to.

I'll bet you PBS gets fully funded before the F-22 Raptor program does.

Not so sure about that. Most Americans don't like being forced to fund Government/Media Propaganda. It's time for NPR and PBS to go it alone.

Then how come every time the knuckle draggers suggest defunding PBS, there's usually a public outcry and they back down?

You don't like PBS, because it doesn't validate your Libertarian Batshit crazy world view.

A lot of people like PBS and it's programming, and don't mind being able to watch a thoughful show without be assaulted by insipid commercials.
How about this.

Instead of saying "Don't spend my money on X", we let people check off on their 1040 what they want their taxes to go to.

I'll bet you PBS gets fully funded before the F-22 Raptor program does.

Not so sure about that. Most Americans don't like being forced to fund Government/Media Propaganda. It's time for NPR and PBS to go it alone.

Then how come every time the knuckle draggers suggest defunding PBS, there's usually a public outcry and they back down?

You don't like PBS, because it doesn't validate your Libertarian Batshit crazy world view.

A lot of people like PBS and it's programming, and don't mind being able to watch a thoughful show without be assaulted by insipid commercials.

Let's see fund PBS or protect our borders...........which should we do?? Fund PBS or cut the welfare program. Fund PBS or do away with the IRS<<<<<this one I could handle!! :lol:
Let's see fund PBS or protect our borders...........which should we do?? Fund PBS or cut the welfare program. Fund PBS or do away with the IRS<<<<<this one I could handle!! :lol:

I wasn't aware our borders were under assault.

Oh, yeah, I guess there are brown people coming up to take jobs we don't want to do, that's considered an assault by the likes of you.

Even though the people you worship are the ones hiring them.

"I can't have illegals here... I'm running for office for Pete's Sake!"- Mitt Romney.
OMG the left first praise failure in the 7.8 figure that the same government that wants reelected posted. Now they are making an issue out of a big bird comment. Really, the democrat failure tour sure seems to have come off track. I think all we need is to let Obama use a teleprompter next debate so he can deliver his malaise speech.

Seriously, is there something physically wrong with Obama? Seems he is off his game. Or is he just what we said he was?
How about this.

Instead of saying "Don't spend my money on X", we let people check off on their 1040 what they want their taxes to go to.

I'll bet you PBS gets fully funded before the F-22 Raptor program does.

Not so sure about that. Most Americans don't like being forced to fund Government/Media Propaganda. It's time for NPR and PBS to go it alone.

Then how come every time the knuckle draggers suggest defunding PBS, there's usually a public outcry and they back down?

You don't like PBS, because it doesn't validate your Libertarian Batshit crazy world view.

A lot of people like PBS and it's programming, and don't mind being able to watch a thoughful show without be assaulted by insipid commercials.

Sheeple support all sorts of things. Doesn't mean they're right though. American Taxpayers should not be forced to fund Government/Media Propaganda. Period, end of story.
I still haven't heard a serious valid reason from the Left, on why NPR & PBS should continue receiving Tax Dollars. I've heard a lot of 'I hate Mitt Romney' nonsense, but i haven't heard anything from them on why Taxpayers should be forced to fund them. I'm pretty patient though. I'll give em somemore time.
I still haven't heard a serious valid reason from the Left, on why NPR & PBS should continue receiving Tax Dollars. I've heard a lot of 'I hate Mitt Romney' nonsense, but i haven't heard anything from them on why Taxpayers should be forced to fund them. I'm pretty patient though. I'll give em somemore time.

Becasue more people want it to than not want it to.

That's why we have a democracy.

You got outvoted, son. Learn to deal.

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