Big Bird, Typical Liberal

We should compare how much big bird has received in government funds to how much Romney and Bain have received in government funds and tax incentives.

I love it, the $90 BILLION he wasted in Green Energy is irrelevant, but de-funding PBS or NPR is Romney's undoing, you're in a league of your own, your special...

Did the quote I replied to bring up Obama and green energy? Do you have a quote of me even stating my opinion on the green energy issue?
This thread is on Romney and PBS.

No, it brought up Bain tax incentives, do you need it spelled out again?

Is this thread about Bain or PBS?

I'll slow down if you like, considering it questions Romney's desire to de fund PBS because he sees it as a misuse of our tax dollars, Obama's loss of $90 BILLION in Green Energy is fair game, is that clear enough...
He's not killing it. He's saying find your own way. It's not up to tax payers to subsidize them.
I love it, the $90 BILLION he wasted in Green Energy is irrelevant, but de-funding PBS or NPR is Romney's undoing, you're in a league of your own, your special...

Did the quote I replied to bring up Obama and green energy? Do you have a quote of me even stating my opinion on the green energy issue?
This thread is on Romney and PBS.

No, it brought up Bain tax incentives, do you need it spelled out again?

Is this thread about Bain or PBS?

I'll slow down if you like, considering it questions Romney's desire to de fund PBS because he sees it as a misuse of our tax dollars, Obama's loss of $90 BILLION in Green Energy is fair game, is that clear enough...

Obama's administration also sent a huge piece of the stimulus to foreign countries. Billions.. and you liberals are worried about Big Bird.

The liberal media provided massive cover.. That's the point I made and it's true.

Our kids are dumber than a stuffed animal.. Big Bird has not helped them. If it has we're in deeper shit than I thought we were.
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I love it, the $90 BILLION he wasted in Green Energy is irrelevant, but de-funding PBS or NPR is Romney's undoing, you're in a league of your own, your special...

Did the quote I replied to bring up Obama and green energy? Do you have a quote of me even stating my opinion on the green energy issue?
This thread is on Romney and PBS.

No, it brought up Bain tax incentives, do you need it spelled out again?

Is this thread about Bain or PBS?

I'll slow down if you like, considering it questions Romney's desire to de fund PBS because he sees it as a misuse of our tax dollars, Obama's loss of $90 BILLION in Green Energy is fair game, is that clear enough...

I was proving what a hypocrite he was.

And we can discuss the 90 billion now, did Obama really lose all of that? And did half the companies fail like Romney claimed?
Um nope! Some companies did fail, but no where near half. We didn't lose all 90 billion because not all of it has been spent. Also a good amount went to companies cleaning up areas like Handford in my state.
You would have been better off just listing the companies that did fail, rather then lying and saying he lost 90 billion to clean energy.
The problem is the right and Romney like to go after the small stuff like PBS then trying to come up with real solutions. Defunding Big Bird isn't the answer.
Boy, the Left/Democrats sure are terrified they may lose their Taxpayer-Funded Media. Romney really spooked em on this one. It's like his 47% comment. The Entitlement Moochers are deeply frightened someone may come along and actually limit their stealing from their fellow Citizens. So WTG Romney. Looks like they're on the run.
He's not killing it. He's saying find your own way. It's not up to tax payers to subsidize them.

Actually, MitWit used the word "kill".

He said he wants to kill PBS so he can save all us taxpayers


Yeah, that's REEEEEL brilliant all right.

Wonder how many jobs Bain when Romeny was in office gave and how many Jobs Big Bird merchandise gave. Oh yeah Big bird stuff made in china .. oops
It's like liberals want us to think that PBS is 24 hour Sesame Street. Most of the time, the shows on PBS is empty airspace with no one watching. Sesame Street is an hour long infomercial for Sesame Street toys. It can well afford to support itself and PBS has nothing else that's useful.
It's like liberals want us to think that PBS is 24 hour Sesame Street. Most of the time, the shows on PBS is empty airspace with no one watching. Sesame Street is an hour long infomercial for Sesame Street toys. It can well afford to support itself and PBS has nothing else that's useful.

Empty airspace? Lol
You don't watch that much PBS, do you?
He's not killing it. He's saying find your own way. It's not up to tax payers to subsidize them.

Actually, MitWit used the word "kill".

He said he wants to kill PBS so he can save all us taxpayers


Yeah, that's REEEEEL brilliant all right.

Gee...When we're talking about military cuts, sanctimonious schmucks like you spin around and play "every dollar counts". :lol:
Boy, the Left/Democrats sure are terrified they may lose their Taxpayer-Funded Media. Romney really spooked em on this one. It's like his 47% comment. The Entitlement Moochers are deeply frightened someone may come along and actually limit their stealing from their fellow Citizens. So WTG Romney. Looks like they're on the run.

No, we aren't much terrified... we just think it's funny that Romney thinks it's more important to crack down on Sesame Street than Wall Street...

Shows where his priorities are.
Boy, the Left/Democrats sure are terrified they may lose their Taxpayer-Funded Media. Romney really spooked em on this one. It's like his 47% comment. The Entitlement Moochers are deeply frightened someone may come along and actually limit their stealing from their fellow Citizens. So WTG Romney. Looks like they're on the run.

No, we aren't much terrified... we just think it's funny that Romney thinks it's more important to crack down on Sesame Street than Wall Street... Shows where his priorities are.

Of course he would, because he, like all his other Pubtard cohorts, believe education leads to communism.

Sesame Street Generation: Why S Now Stands for Smarter
One of the primary reasons children learn so well by watching TV has to do with its ability to capture their attention. Listening to a classroom teacher talk about letters and numbers is less interesting than watching a favorite TV character count cookies or list items that begin with the letter “J.”

Smarter Kids, Brought to You by the Letters T and V
Actually, high-quality TV shows such as "Sesame Street" and "Blues Clues" improve children's cognitive abilities. Study after study has shown that children 3 to 5 years old who watch "Sesame Street" for an hour a day are better able to recognize numbers, letters and shapes than those who don't.
Boy, the Left/Democrats sure are terrified they may lose their Taxpayer-Funded Media. Romney really spooked em on this one. It's like his 47% comment. The Entitlement Moochers are deeply frightened someone may come along and actually limit their stealing from their fellow Citizens. So WTG Romney. Looks like they're on the run.

No, we aren't much terrified... we just think it's funny that Romney thinks it's more important to crack down on Sesame Street than Wall Street...

Shows where his priorities are.

So the stock market evil today? Yesterday you guys were telling us Obama saved capitalism because the Dow was up
Boy, the Left/Democrats sure are terrified they may lose their Taxpayer-Funded Media. Romney really spooked em on this one. It's like his 47% comment. The Entitlement Moochers are deeply frightened someone may come along and actually limit their stealing from their fellow Citizens. So WTG Romney. Looks like they're on the run.

No, we aren't much terrified... we just think it's funny that Romney thinks it's more important to crack down on Sesame Street than Wall Street...

Shows where his priorities are.

So the stock market evil today? Yesterday you guys were telling us Obama saved capitalism because the Dow was up

I'm not sure who "you guys", is exactly.

Of course, the stock market is evil. Were you like totally asleep in September 2008?

And here we have Romney who broke 100,000 lives with his greed on Wall Street, and he's going to keep an eye on these guys?

Looks like Charlie Rose will have apply for a job with MSNBC, He'll fit in nicely with the rest if the wackco's.

Bye Charlie.. and take that stupid fucking Socialist bird with ya.
Big Bird, 43 years old, has been on public assistance since birth.

A lifetime of exposure to Liberal ideology has convinced him that he is unable to support himself without public assistance. Liberals have robbed him of any ambition to venture forth into the free market.

Big Bird, you're 43 fucking years old, its time you moved out of your Mom's basement. You and your friends are easily worth $1 billion so it's time to grow a pair. Get out there, earn a living and pay your fair share.

Take Elmo, Grover and that creep who is always in the Garbage Can with you too. Oh, and don't send "Veggie Monster" back until he eats Cookies again. Your Liberal friends made a fucking mockery of him.

Perhaps if you had watched Sesame Street, you wouldn't be such a worthless illiterate on the public doll.

You're calling someone else illiterate, and you can't even spell "dole".

Epic fail.
I know this is not going to change anyone's mind but,,,,,

30 TV Shows That Are Actually Educational

30 TV Shows That Are Actually Educational | Edudemic

In 2011, the Federal Budget was $3.4 trillion, PBS received $430 million. That's like .0001% of the Federal Budget.

Yet according to Tom Coburn, the wealthy receive $30 billion dollars in taxpayer giveaways each year.

So let's kill Big Bird/PBS, but let's continue to worship the wealthy and let them continue on getting billions of dollars annually that contribute almost 100 times more dollars to the deficit than the cost of helping finance good education for our kids.

An inappropriate subsidy doesn't become appropriate based on how much it is. When are you spoiled leftist freeloaders going to figure out that the well has run dry, we're borrowing a fortune from China, and our country simply cannot afford to keep catering to your whims and funding your pie-in-the-sky wish lists?

You idiots are like a spoiled sorority girl who can't understand that her daddy has lost his job and can't afford to buy her a sports car every year.

Contrary to your lame-ass Messiah's laughably pitiful hollabacks to Mitt Romney's kicking of his ass, Big Bird/PBS are not 'the only example he can find' of cuts that should be made; they were just an example. And contrary to your drama-queening, discontinuing their subsidy is not 'killing Big Bird'. That feathery fucker and his welfare-queen henchmen make a bloody fortune every year on merchandising. Have you wandered through a toy store lately? I have, and their kissers are plastered on everything in there.

Mitt's right. It's time for the freeloaders on PBS to get off the government tit and sink or swim in the free market. It's time for this country to look at every item in the budget - you know, after we vote in an administration that actually has budgets - and ask ourselves, 'Is this really something we should borrow from China and mortgage our childrens' futures for?'

Are our children really going to thank us for Sesame Street at the cost of a whopping tax debt for them to pay?

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